ICT Tip 62 – Socrates – Change present patient to expected

Michael Joyce
Thu, Mar 31, 2022 11:42 AM

After last week’s missive, a short one this week.  This one was pointed out to me by Gavin Maguire, sometimes if you discover a helpful item that you were not aware of before there is a good chance other people don’t know either and if you find any, I’m happy to share them, so thank you Gavin.
If you inadvertently put a patient in the waiting room from expected to present in error, you can put them back into the expected tab by highlighting them in the present and clicking on “expected” on the left hand side.

[Graphical user interface, application, Word  Description automatically generated]


After last week’s missive, a short one this week. This one was pointed out to me by Gavin Maguire, sometimes if you discover a helpful item that you were not aware of before there is a good chance other people don’t know either and if you find any, I’m happy to share them, so thank you Gavin. If you inadvertently put a patient in the waiting room from expected to present in error, you can put them back into the expected tab by highlighting them in the present and clicking on “expected” on the left hand side. [Graphical user interface, application, Word Description automatically generated] Michael