AZ vaccine

Jean Gallagher
Mon, Apr 12, 2021 6:58 AM

Hi all
For anyone who missed GPTV on Friday Paul and I were talking a little about the AZ vaccine programme for cohort 4 and 7.
I’ve attached an article above from the NEJM which explains a bit behind the suspected cause of these rare clotting events with it for anyone who’s interested.
Also see here -
-a post on the nbmedical blog about symptoms to watch out for- again remembering it’s rare!

There  was this email from the IMO on Friday afternoon-
-Which states if you are due to receive a delivery of AZ this week you should hold off on planning a clinic until we hear more from NIAC.

Lastly you may have heard me stumble over the name of the new electronic booking system- it’s called and the feedback from our first week using it in Ranelagh has been great. Don’t worry if you haven’t heard of it because your practice manager has-so ask them about it and put your hand up to be the next guinea pig!

Kind regards

Hi all For anyone who missed GPTV on Friday Paul and I were talking a little about the AZ vaccine programme for cohort 4 and 7. I’ve attached an article above from the NEJM which explains a bit behind the suspected cause of these rare clotting events with it for anyone who’s interested. Also see here - -a post on the nbmedical blog about symptoms to watch out for- again remembering it’s rare! There was this email from the IMO on Friday afternoon- -Which states if you are due to receive a delivery of AZ this week you should hold off on planning a clinic until we hear more from NIAC. Lastly you may have heard me stumble over the name of the new electronic booking system- it’s called and the feedback from our first week using it in Ranelagh has been great. Don’t worry if you haven’t heard of it because your practice manager has-so ask them about it and put your hand up to be the next guinea pig! Kind regards Jean