ICT PMs Tip 139 – Socrates – A tidy up of Electronic Messages

Michael Joyce
Thu, Mar 30, 2023 3:08 PM

We have just had a new Socrates release  To know what version you are on look at the top left of your screen


When you get a new release there is usually a “news update” notification in your notification area that informs you of what is included in the new update.

[Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generated]

You can also find your way to the document, and all the other Clanwilliam resources, by pressing the Home button.

Not a huge amount in this update, but one new feature looks very sensible and goes a long way towards tidying up electronic messages.
Here is the description from the Clanwilliam update.

[Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated]
[Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated]

So, what does all that mean?  No change in the way the messages have to be reviewed in Result Viewer but within the chart all these electronic messages are now organised into one place under E-Messages.
In addition, you can remove them from displaying in the notes, so your notes become much less cluttered.  This setting has to be done on each individual computer if you want the electronic messages not to display in the notes.  That’s definitely a good thing.


Click here for Socrates Tips Guides and Videoshttps://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/CentricConnect/EsaogyaLmbdEhAMVfwYEFs4BfdK9C30zHEZcLbA_0vQjYQ?e=EFyJsA in Centric World.

We have just had a new Socrates release To know what version you are on look at the top left of your screen [cid:image001.png@01D96321.60E82F00] When you get a new release there is usually a “news update” notification in your notification area that informs you of what is included in the new update. [Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated] You can also find your way to the document, and all the other Clanwilliam resources, by pressing the Home button. Not a huge amount in this update, but one new feature looks very sensible and goes a long way towards tidying up electronic messages. Here is the description from the Clanwilliam update. [Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated] [Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated] So, what does all that mean? No change in the way the messages have to be reviewed in Result Viewer but within the chart all these electronic messages are now organised into one place under E-Messages. In addition, you can remove them from displaying in the notes, so your notes become much less cluttered. This setting has to be done on each individual computer if you want the electronic messages not to display in the notes. That’s definitely a good thing. Michael Click here for Socrates Tips Guides and Videos<https://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/CentricConnect/EsaogyaLmbdEhAMVfwYEFs4BfdK9C30zHEZcLbA_0vQjYQ?e=EFyJsA> in Centric World.