Centric Logo

Gabrielle Quirke
Sun, Apr 11, 2021 3:01 PM

Happy Sunday everyone!
Can anyone offer up any information regarding the Centric Logo? Those of us doing the Leadership Diploma have been asked to look into the origin and meaning of our organization's logo.
Some of the symbols within the circle have a clear meaning. There are others such as the ? drops which I am unsure of.


Happy Sunday everyone! Can anyone offer up any information regarding the Centric Logo? Those of us doing the Leadership Diploma have been asked to look into the origin and meaning of our organization's logo. Some of the symbols within the circle have a clear meaning. There are others such as the ? drops which I am unsure of. Thanks, Gabrielle
Paul Carroll
Sun, Apr 11, 2021 3:34 PM

Hi Gabrielle

What an interesting question! It’s a long time since anyone asked that....

Before 2007, the collection of a handful of GP practices along with The Well (health screening clinic in the Beacon) and the head office functions were all loosely called “The Well Partnership” or sometimes Aras Slainte, neither of which were appropriate or catchy enough for the developing business of GP practices, Swiftcare clinics and Global Diagnostics radiology company.

So in 2007 a branding company was employed to come up with ideas for re-branding the business.  Then ensued a really interesting process where they interviewed anyone and everyone (including patients and other stakeholders). Loads of names were bandied around, and we actually came very close to choosing a different name before a bit of a rethink and the preference went back to Centric Health.

The logo actually developed independently of the name, and the symbols in the logo came from suggestions we had made. There was a few iterations of the logo, and I will try and dig out some of the old emails which explain a bit about how the whole process evolved.

The interesting thing, I think, is that 14 years later both the name and the logo have stood the test of time and have aged well (that’s my opinion anyway...!!)

Good luck with your project!


From: Gabrielle Quirke gabrielle.quirke@centrichealth.ie
Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2021 4:01:15 PM
To: gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com
Subject: Centric GP Forum Centric Logo

Happy Sunday everyone!
Can anyone offer up any information regarding the Centric Logo? Those of us doing the Leadership Diploma have been asked to look into the origin and meaning of our organization's logo.
Some of the symbols within the circle have a clear meaning. There are others such as the ? drops which I am unsure of.


Hi Gabrielle What an interesting question! It’s a long time since anyone asked that.... Before 2007, the collection of a handful of GP practices along with The Well (health screening clinic in the Beacon) and the head office functions were all loosely called “The Well Partnership” or sometimes Aras Slainte, neither of which were appropriate or catchy enough for the developing business of GP practices, Swiftcare clinics and Global Diagnostics radiology company. So in 2007 a branding company was employed to come up with ideas for re-branding the business. Then ensued a really interesting process where they interviewed anyone and everyone (including patients and other stakeholders). Loads of names were bandied around, and we actually came very close to choosing a different name before a bit of a rethink and the preference went back to Centric Health. The logo actually developed independently of the name, and the symbols in the logo came from suggestions we had made. There was a few iterations of the logo, and I will try and dig out some of the old emails which explain a bit about how the whole process evolved. The interesting thing, I think, is that 14 years later both the name and the logo have stood the test of time and have aged well (that’s my opinion anyway...!!) Good luck with your project! Paul ________________________________ From: Gabrielle Quirke <gabrielle.quirke@centrichealth.ie> Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2021 4:01:15 PM To: gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com <gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com> Subject: Centric GP Forum Centric Logo Happy Sunday everyone! Can anyone offer up any information regarding the Centric Logo? Those of us doing the Leadership Diploma have been asked to look into the origin and meaning of our organization's logo. Some of the symbols within the circle have a clear meaning. There are others such as the ? drops which I am unsure of. Thanks, Gabrielle