ICT – Tips for all 5 – When did a patient register

Michael Joyce
Wed, Dec 21, 2022 12:39 PM

A nice short easy one for the week that is in it.  If you want to know when a patient registered you can see this information in the patient details, “extra patient details” section.
It records the day the file was created and the person who created it.

[Graphical user interface, text, application, email  Description automatically generated]

Note:  If you migrated to Socrates the date will not be correct, it will say something like 01/01/0001 with no name for any files that existed before you migrated to Socrates.

Happy Christmas to all, the tips will resume in the New Year.


Click here for Socrates in Centric Worldhttps://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/sites/CentricConnect/SitePages/Socrates.aspx

A nice short easy one for the week that is in it. If you want to know when a patient registered you can see this information in the patient details, “extra patient details” section. It records the day the file was created and the person who created it. [Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated] Note: If you migrated to Socrates the date will not be correct, it will say something like 01/01/0001 with no name for any files that existed before you migrated to Socrates. Happy Christmas to all, the tips will resume in the New Year. Michael Click here for Socrates in Centric World<https://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/sites/CentricConnect/SitePages/Socrates.aspx>