ICT Tip 176 – Socrates – Do not extend prescription beyond 6 months

Michael Joyce
Wed, Mar 6, 2024 11:23 AM

I’ve had several enquiries since the new prescription measures allowing Pharmacies extend 6-month prescriptions to 12 months was introduced.  A discussion on the merits or otherwise of this is beyond my remit here, what I can do is make two suggestions about how you might ensure an instruction is given to the Pharmacy not to extend a 6-month prescription when you don’t want it to be.  No doubt there are other good ideas out there as well.

1: Create a Drug called “DO NOT EXTEND BEYOND SIX MONTHS”
This will apply to the entire prescription.
To do this, go to My Control Panel==>Admin Console==>Drugs
In here:
[A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated]

1: Click Add User Drug
2: Enter the text here.  Note there is a limit of 40 characters that will display here.
3: There are lots of other available fields but the only one you have to fill in is te Trade name
4: Click Next
5: On the next Screen click Finish
A Drug called “DO NOT EXTEND BEYOND SIX MONTHS” is available to prescribe.

[A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated]

And a prescription preview
[A white background with black text  Description automatically generated]

2: Enter an additional drug instruction “Do not extend beyond six months”

You can do this simply by typing it into the additional instructions area of the prescription.
[A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated]

You could of course also add a new short cut to this effect.  To do this again go to My Control Panel==>Admin Console==>Drugs

[A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated]

1: Click on Drug Instructions
2: Enter a short cut e.g. D6 – it must be a short cut that is not already used.
3: Enter the desired text
4: Click Save

Now when prescribing you can add this extra instruction, type D6 into the small box (it is not case sensitive).
[A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated]
And what the prescription looks like

[A white background with black text  Description automatically generated]

Click here for the Socrates Guidehttps://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/sites/CentricConnect/SitePages/Socrates.aspx in Centric World

I’ve had several enquiries since the new prescription measures allowing Pharmacies extend 6-month prescriptions to 12 months was introduced. A discussion on the merits or otherwise of this is beyond my remit here, what I can do is make two suggestions about how you might ensure an instruction is given to the Pharmacy not to extend a 6-month prescription when you don’t want it to be. No doubt there are other good ideas out there as well. 1: Create a Drug called “DO NOT EXTEND BEYOND SIX MONTHS” This will apply to the entire prescription. To do this, go to My Control Panel==>Admin Console==>Drugs In here: [A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated] 1: Click Add User Drug 2: Enter the text here. Note there is a limit of 40 characters that will display here. 3: There are lots of other available fields but the only one you have to fill in is te Trade name 4: Click Next 5: On the next Screen click Finish A Drug called “DO NOT EXTEND BEYOND SIX MONTHS” is available to prescribe. Example: [A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated] And a prescription preview [A white background with black text Description automatically generated] 2: Enter an additional drug instruction “Do not extend beyond six months” You can do this simply by typing it into the additional instructions area of the prescription. [A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated] You could of course also add a new short cut to this effect. To do this again go to My Control Panel==>Admin Console==>Drugs [A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated] 1: Click on Drug Instructions 2: Enter a short cut e.g. D6 – it must be a short cut that is not already used. 3: Enter the desired text 4: Click Save Now when prescribing you can add this extra instruction, type D6 into the small box (it is not case sensitive). [A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated] And what the prescription looks like [A white background with black text Description automatically generated] Michael Click here for the Socrates Guide<https://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/sites/CentricConnect/SitePages/Socrates.aspx> in Centric World