ICT Tip 37 – Socrates – A neater printing of a patient’s investigation results

Michael Joyce
Wed, Aug 25, 2021 8:10 AM

You can print a patients investigation results relatively easily by highlighting the investigations and clicking on print investigations on the left-hand side column.  However, it is a little bit untidy in the sense that for each individual investigation the whole patient’s name etc. is repeated making the whole document quiet long.
There is an alternative way to print out the patient investigations that eliminates this problem.  It’s in reports and is called All results for patient.  If you double click this you have the option to choose a patient and choose the dates between which to print.  In this document the name etc. only appears at the top of each page rather than at the top of every individual investigation.


You can print a patients investigation results relatively easily by highlighting the investigations and clicking on print investigations on the left-hand side column. However, it is a little bit untidy in the sense that for each individual investigation the whole patient’s name etc. is repeated making the whole document quiet long. There is an alternative way to print out the patient investigations that eliminates this problem. It’s in reports and is called All results for patient. If you double click this you have the option to choose a patient and choose the dates between which to print. In this document the name etc. only appears at the top of each page rather than at the top of every individual investigation. Michael