ICT Tip 50 – Socrates – Find over 70’s who don’t have a medical card

Michael Joyce
Wed, Jan 5, 2022 12:24 PM

I had a tip on a new information source lined up for the milestone Tip 50 but unfortunately it is not quite ready to tell you about yet, so rather than delay further tips in the interim, I thought I would continue with a more usual one.
You probably realise that some of our patients when they turn 70 are entitled to a non means tested doctor visit card but for various reasons not all of them actually apply.  It is well worth while trying to identify these patients and to actively help them get their card.
You can get a list of these patients by running a report called “Full patient listing” and filling it in as follows.  This of course relies on you having your patient demographics in terms of recording correct patient types up to date which most sites do as to fill in a GMS number you must apply an appropriate patient type.
In the age field, search between 70 and 100 or whatever.
In the patient type field untick All and then choose all the types other than the medical card types.  This will vary from site to site but will generally be types like PP or Private etc.  Scroll down to see all available types.  If your site doesn’t classify private patients at all there is one of the boxes which appears to be empty, this finds patients with no patient type.
You can leave all the other fields as is.  This should produce a list of your patient over 70 who have not got a medical card.  You can now decide which of them you might approach to help them get their entitlement.

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I had a tip on a new information source lined up for the milestone Tip 50 but unfortunately it is not quite ready to tell you about yet, so rather than delay further tips in the interim, I thought I would continue with a more usual one. You probably realise that some of our patients when they turn 70 are entitled to a non means tested doctor visit card but for various reasons not all of them actually apply. It is well worth while trying to identify these patients and to actively help them get their card. You can get a list of these patients by running a report called “Full patient listing” and filling it in as follows. This of course relies on you having your patient demographics in terms of recording correct patient types up to date which most sites do as to fill in a GMS number you must apply an appropriate patient type. In the age field, search between 70 and 100 or whatever. In the patient type field untick All and then choose all the types other than the medical card types. This will vary from site to site but will generally be types like PP or Private etc. Scroll down to see all available types. If your site doesn’t classify private patients at all there is one of the boxes which appears to be empty, this finds patients with no patient type. You can leave all the other fields as is. This should produce a list of your patient over 70 who have not got a medical card. You can now decide which of them you might approach to help them get their entitlement. [Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated] [Graphical user interface, application, Word Description automatically generated] Michael