GPTV is on tomorrow at 1.30pm...!!

Paul Carroll
Thu, Apr 8, 2021 5:33 PM

Hi everyone

We seem to be having some teething problems with some people not getting emails on the new Centric Health GP Forum. It seems they are being put into "Junk Mail" instead of your InBox.  So if you didn't get this email, please check your Junk Mail!

For the benefit of the newbies, (welcome newbies!) tomorrow and every Friday at 1.30pm is our very own Centric Health GP interactive web show called GPTV!  And yes,  you are all invited.  We kick off at 1.30pm for a quick half hour of fun, information and entertainment with a little bit of education thrown in when we absolutely have to.

Some of the topics on the tips of our tongues tomorrow will include:

  • The vaccines of course!  The IMO webinar this week spelt out what they think we should be doing next.....but what do you think?  We'd love to hear from you about how the vaccine has gone in your practice!

  • How the heck are we supposed to find Group 4a and Group 7?  And what ever happened to 5 and 6?  Can you be bothered?  We ask one of Dublin's finest GPs to explain it all....

  • Protecting our admin jingo there's a lotta angry folks out there!  Some have legitimate grievances and some are just complete do we protect the "real" front-line workers (our admin teams) from this increasing grief?

  • We have another heart-rending instalment of one practice's video diary of their vaccine rollout.....

  • We have a sneak peak at the interim offices of the Centric Health management team who are currently homeless?  We are asking you to dig deep and see if you can help them?

And soooooooo much more about these and all the other Hot Topics of the day tomorrow at 1.30pm.  And if you want to contribute to the discussion then why not flick us an email to to get the ball rolling!

GPTV tomorrow at cannot afford to miss it!  Please make sure that at least one person from your practice tunes in so that you don't miss out on all the latest news and advice.....

Click on this link: to join us for GPTV this and every Friday at 1.30pm.
Stick us in your diary so you don't forget!
And don't forget that if you missed an episode, you can always catch up by going to (if you have a Centric Health email address).

Many thanks and stay safe and see you tomorrow!


General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications (I made up the last 2)

Churchtown Medical
96/98 Churchtown Road Upper
Dublin 14

Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549
Mobile 087 7813357
Web: www.churchtownmedical.ie

[Churchtown Medical]

From: On Behalf Of Paul Carroll
Sent: Thursday 25 March 2021 19:07
Subject: GPTV is on tomorrow at the special time of 1.15pm...!!

Hi everyone

So amidst the madness that is the Covid 19 vaccine rollout, it's time for a small bit of edu-mecation again as we continue our series of You Just Might Learn Something Useful Here as we welcome the always-entertaining Dr Thesiko Thesiko (so good they named him twice!), Consultant Psychiatrist in Navan who is going to give us a very timely talk on "DEPRESSION - When, How and Why?  A Synopsis of Treatment" which will kick off tomorrow at the earlier time of 1.15pm.

That will be followed by our usual madcap round-up of the week's main events, including:

  • "A Vaccine, A Vaccine, My Kingdom for a Vaccine!" to paraphrase Shakespeare.....where are they all?  Hopefully you have had better luck than me with your vaccine deliveries this week....we will find out!

  • The Pitfalls of Social Media - or perhaps, How to Drunk-Text When You Are Sober: one GP gives us an insight into how one well-intentioned tweet can go badly wrong! (Ed- It's OK Paul, we know it was you....)

  • The End of an Era - as we say a fond farewell this week to an architectural institution that has served us well for the last 16 years......what is it?  You will have to tune in to find out!

  • We have the results of the Wellness Team Kids Colouring there a budding Picasso or Dali in your family?

  • And much much more....!

More about these and all the other Hot Topics of the day tomorrow at 1.15pm.  And if you want to contribute to the discussion then why not flick us an email to to get the ball rolling!

GPTV tomorrow at the special time of cannot afford to miss it!  Please make sure that at least one person from your practice tunes in so that you don't miss out on all the latest news and advice.....

Click on this link: to join us for GPTV this Friday at 1.15pm.
Stick us in your diary so you don't forget!
And don't forget that if you missed an episode, you can always catch up by going to (if you have a Centric Health email address).

Many thanks and stay safe


General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications

Churchtown Medical
96/98 Churchtown Road Upper
Dublin 14

Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549
Mobile 087 7813357
Web: www.churchtownmedical.ie

[Churchtown Medical]

From: <> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll
Sent: Thursday 18 March 2021 18:23
Subject: GPTV is on tomorrow 1.30pm...!!

Hi everyone

I think it's just best that we dispatch this interrupted week back to where it came from with a blast of GPTV and then off you go home for the weekend that you thoroughly deserve....

Firstly, a Happy St Patricks Week to you all, and I apologise for any butchering I may have done of the beautiful Irish language during last week's Seachtain na Gailge edition of GPTV....

But what of tomorrow's show, I hear you ask?  Well.....we will try and get through chatting about:

  • Those damn ghastly Covid 19 vaccines and quite possibly the horriblest job in Ireland this week, the vaccine "relationship managers"!  We will update the Scores on the Doors to see how well we are all doing!

  • Plus we have a video diary from one of our finer practices (Ed - there's a ranking system?), showing how they get through their Vaccine Clinic with a smile.....this will lift your hearts!

  • The return of the Astra-Zeneca vaccine, which will probably have been withdrawn again by the time tomorrow comes round....was it all just a smokescreen?

  • There's lots of great news on the Communications front....just wait til you hear what's coming down the line!

  • Just in case you didn't know enough about our exclusive Centric Health On-Call Cardiologist advice service, we have a real-life Consultant Cardiologist on tomorrow to tell us more about it.  So bring any questions you might have about this amazing new initiative!

  • And alongside that we are introducing the newest member of the in-house HeartCare@Home team, Project Manager Aoife Coughlan

  • And much much more....!

More about these and all the other Hot Topics of the day tomorrow at 1.30pm.  And if you want to contribute to the discussion then why not flick us an email to to get the ball rolling!

GPTV tomorrow at cannot afford to miss it!  Please make sure that at least one person from your practice tunes in so that you don't miss out on all the latest news and advice.....

Click on this link: to join us for GPTV this and every Friday at 1.30pm.
Stick us in your diary so you don't forget!
And don't forget that if you missed an episode, you can always catch up by going to (if you have a Centric Health email address).

Many thanks and stay safe


General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications

Churchtown Medical
96/98 Churchtown Road Upper
Dublin 14

Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549
Mobile 087 7813357
Web: www.churchtownmedical.ie

[Churchtown Medical]

From: <> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll
Sent: Thursday 11 March 2021 18:02
Subject: GPTV is on tomorrow 1.30pm...!!

Hi everyone

Tomorrow is the annual Seachtain na Gaeilge edition of GPTV!  I was going to do the whole show as Gaeilge until I realised that I barely have a cupla focail to string instead I will have lots of guests on reading their favourite excerpts from Peig Sayers' autobiography....hooray! (Ed - don't even joke about this)

I hope your Covid 19 vaccination programme is starting to gain some traction.....we'd love to hear your stories, both good and bad!

Also tomorrow, we will be talking about......

  • Covid 19 vaccines (of course!)....could the Johnson & Johnson one be the answer we have been looking for?

  • Over 300 of our Centric Health staff have been doing a training programme with Excellence Ireland.  What does it mean for your practice?  Ryan Gosling will be here to tell us all (Ed- it's not Ryan Gosling, it's Ryan O'Donnell, although they do look alike.....)

  • We have a recap of the great news that Ray gave us last week about Hot Topics....ICYMI!

  • Dr Ernan Gallagher makes a welcome return visit to GPTV to tell us about Acne treatment and the new Roaccutane Clinic in particular....

  • Lots of great news on the Communications front....just wait til you hear what's coming down the line!

  • The first in our series of There But For The Grace of God Go I (or TBFTGOGGI for short),,,,wait til you hear what happened when a patient collapsed, you'll have to tune in tomorrow to find out the rest!

More about these and all the other Hot Topics of the day tomorrow at 1.15pm.  And if you want to contribute to the discussion then why not flick us an email to to get the ball rolling!

GPTV tomorrow at cannot afford to miss it!  Please make sure that at least one person from your practice tunes in so that you don't miss out on all the latest news and advice.....

Click on this link: to join us for GPTV this and every Friday at 1.30pm.
Stick us in your diary so you don't forget!
And don't forget that if you missed an episode, you can always catch up by going to (if you have a Centric Health email address).

Many thanks and stay safe


General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications

Churchtown Medical
96/98 Churchtown Road Upper
Dublin 14

Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549
Mobile 087 7813357
Web: www.churchtownmedical.ie

[Churchtown Medical]

From: <> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll
Sent: Thursday 4 March 2021 18:56
Subject: GPTV is on tomorrow at the usual time of 1.30pm...!!

Hi everyone

It's a return to normal programming tomorrow as GPTV divests itself of any semblance of academic rigour....for this week at least.  Last week was a fascinating insight into the Future of COPD, this week we are just going to look at the Future of Covid 19 Vaccinations!  Hooray!

There's sooooooo much going on at the moment.....!!

  • How are your Covid 19 vaccinations going?  Send us a photo of The Biggest Good News Story Of The Year as it is happening in your and we would love everyone to see what great work we are all doing!

  • Hot Off The Press: a completely impenetrable system for referring housebound patients, PLUS it sounds like we are off the hook for the high risk Under 70s.....fine by me!

  • But the real Squeaky Bum Time comes with the next tranche of vaccines where we start to double up on age groups.  If your practice can't physically make the number of phone calls required to book in all your 70-75s and 75-80s, perhaps you need the services of MyCentric App (Daaah nah nah nah, nah nah naaaah!).  Our man on the inside, Michael Joyce, is back again to show us how this can all work.....

  • PLUS Ray has quite possibly the BIGGEST announcement since the ill-fated JustEat vouchers at the last me, you don't want to miss this one.  All GPs and Practice Nurses need to tune in at 1.30 tomorrow....I'll say no more!!

  • We have more of the fabulous new Roaccutane Clinic from the people that brought you the Centric Specialist Care Dermatology Clinic

  • AND OF COURSE, we have the Final Results of the STEP CHALLENGE!  The results are in and they have been counted and verified by PwC and the winners (as well as 4 other Spot Prizes) will be announced tomorrow....I can feel a drum roll coming on!

More about these and all the other Hot Topics of the day tomorrow at 1.15pm.  And if you want to contribute to the discussion then why not flick us an email to to get the ball rolling!

GPTV tomorrow at cannot afford to miss it!  Please make sure that at least one person from your practice tunes in so that you don't miss out on all the latest news and advice.....

Click on this link: to join us for GPTV this and every Friday at 1.30pm.
Stick us in your diary so you don't forget!
And don't forget that if you missed an episode, you can always catch up by going to (if you have a Centric Health email address).

Many thanks and stay safe


General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications

Churchtown Medical
96/98 Churchtown Road Upper
Dublin 14

Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549
Mobile 087 7813357
Web: www.churchtownmedical.ie

[Churchtown Medical]

From: <> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll
Sent: Thursday 25 February 2021 16:54
Subject: GPTV is on tomorrow at the slightly earlier time of 1.15pm...!!

Hi everyone

Tomorrow we have the next in our series of You Just Might Learn Something Useful Here, where we are delighted to welcome Dr Seamus Linnane (Respiratory Physician) to give us the other side of the coin from our last talk (which was all about asthma) as tomorrow we will be hitting the high points of "Future Trends in COPD".  So to find out about all those recommended changes as we are supposed to be moving people away from steroid inhalers, as well as new treatments coming down the line, and how Covid affects COPD, and loads of other cool stuff.....then tune in to GPTV tomorrow at the slightly earlier time of 1.15pm.

As well as that, we will try and cover.....

  • Of course we will also be talking about the Covid 19 Vaccine Rollout for Over has it gone in your place?  Or are you doing them next week?

  • Google reviews of your you read them?  Is it best to ignore them, or dilute them, or confront them?  We share one GP's struggle to deal with this new-aged menace....

  • PLUS we have the Week Three Leaderboard of the Centric Health Steps Challenge!  How are you doin....?  It's starting to get very competitive......!!  As well as the top runners and riders, there's also some Spot Prizes on the way!

More about these and all the other Hot Topics of the day tomorrow at 1.15pm.  And if you want to contribute to the discussion then why not flick us an email to to get the ball rolling!

GPTV tomorrow at cannot afford to miss it!  Please make sure that at least one person from your practice tunes in so that you don't miss out on all the latest news and advice.....

Click on this link: to join us for GPTV this Friday at 1.15pm
And don't forget that if you missed an episode, you can always catch up by going to (if you have a Centric Health email address).

Many thanks and stay safe


General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications

Churchtown Medical
96/98 Churchtown Road Upper
Dublin 14

Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549
Mobile 087 7813357
Web: www.churchtownmedical.ie

[Churchtown Medical]

From: <> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll
Sent: Thursday 18 February 2021 17:06
Subject: GPTV is on tomorrow at 1.30pm...!!

Hi everyone

Well as Sir Alex might have said, for a lot of our practices this week it was "squeaky bum" time as the long-awaited Covid 19 vaccines finally hit their maybe wasn't the one we were expecting but at least it's a vaccine!

And tomorrow on GPTV we speak exclusively live to a Centric GP who has been vaccinating their Over 85s this week......what was it like?  How did it go?  Well, tune in tomorrow to find out.  And those of you who haven't started jabbing yet can put your questions to him so that  the rest of us can learn from our colleague's experiences....

So whilst there will be a fair bit of Vaccine stuff, there's still lots of other interesting things going on to share with you....

  • We will have a live demo of on online appointment booking system which you may decide will be helpful for the rollout of vaccination to younger cohorts in the coming weeks/months

  • Google reviews of your you read them?  Is it best to ignore them, or dilute them, or confront them?  We share one GP's struggle to deal with this new-aged menace....

  • Do you understand the new rules regarding the HSE's Community Diagnostics programme and what your patients can get for free?  I certainly don't, so we have asked an expert to come on and explain it to us!

  • PLUS we have the Week Two Leaderboard of the Centric Health Steps Challenge!  How are you doin....?  It's starting to get very competitive......!!

More about these and all the other Hot Topics of the day tomorrow at 1.30pm.  And if you want to contribute to the discussion then why not flick us an email to to get the ball rolling!

GPTV tomorrow at cannot afford to miss it!  Please make sure that at least one person from your practice tunes in so that you don't miss out on all the latest news and advice.....

Click on this link: to join us for GPTV every Friday at 1.30pm
And don't forget that if you missed an episode, you can always catch up by going to (if you have a Centric Health email address).

Many thanks and stay safe


General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications

Churchtown Medical
96/98 Churchtown Road Upper
Dublin 14

Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549
Mobile 087 7813357
Web: www.churchtownmedical.ie

[Churchtown Medical]

From: <> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll
Sent: Thursday 11 February 2021 18:20
Subject: GPTV is on tomorrow at 1.30pm...!!

Hi everyone

After smashing our previous records and having our biggest ever audience last week, GPTV is back tomorrow and I really don't know how we are going to fit all this into one teeny tiny half hour slot, but we will give it a go....!

So much going on, and we will try and touch on it all.....

  • Finally we get to start vaccinating people!  At least 4 of our practices are getting their vaccine deliveries next week and will be starting to vaccinate their Over 85s with most of us following a week or two later....

  • Are you getting Webinar Fatigue?  Nearly 5 hours of vaccine related webinars this week between the IMO and ICGP....a real test of endurance!  And yet we keep coming back for more....!!

  • Are you all set?  We outline the important steps you need to keep you and your patients safe, and what's going on behind the scenes....

  • We have the latest updates on the UCD BLS/Anaphylaxis courses that have broken all sorts of box office records

  • PLUS we have the Week One Leaderboard of the Centric Health Steps Challenge!  How are you doin....?

  • BUT our main focus this week in the brand spankin' new GP Mentorship Programme which has been launched this week.  We have two of the finest minds in GP education on the show to tell us more.....

  •'s all going on.  In the week that's in it, you need look no further for a pretty awesome and humble leader than the amazing Tom Brady who won his 7th Superbowl title on Sunday, which is more than any TEAM has ever achieved!

  • The RCSI Clinical Leadership programme is in full it any good?  Do we have any  budding Tom Bradys in our midst?  We find out exclusively on GPTV tomorrow....

More about these and all the other Hot Topics of the day tomorrow at 1.30pm.  And if you want to contribute to the discussion then why not flick us an email to to get the ball rolling!

GPTV tomorrow at cannot afford to miss it!  Please make sure that at least one person from your practice tunes in so that you don't miss out on all the latest news and advice.....

Click on this link: to join us for GPTV every Friday at 1.30pm
And don't forget that if you missed an episode, you can always catch up by going to (if you have a Centric Health email address).

Many thanks and stay safe


General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications

Churchtown Medical
96/98 Churchtown Road Upper
Dublin 14

Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549
Mobile 087 7813357
Web: www.churchtownmedical.ie

[Churchtown Medical]

From: <> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll
Sent: Thursday 4 February 2021 18:58
Subject: GPTV is on tomorrow at the usual time of 1.30pm...!!

Hi everyone

Holy smoke!  This Covid 19 vaccine thing is getting out of control!  My head is spinning with the speed at which the plans are changing.......!

Apparently there will be more news from the IMO tomorrow and on GPTV we will be bringing you exclusive live updates as they happen, as well as keeping you up to date with preparations being made behind the scenes to make sure your practice is as prepared as it can be for Whatever May Come....

We understand that those of you who haven't yet had a first dose will be vaccinated on Saturday 13th February and those of you who are due a second dose will get it on Sunday 14th February, at a series of top secret locations yet to be revealed (but we have the scoop on one of the Dublin locations....tune in tomorrow to find out where!).

In the meantime, how about some Good News!

  • Tomorrow on GPTV we will be meeting the team from the brand new Centric Specialist Care Fertility service!

  • You know those patients who have questions about their fertility but don't quite want to go down the road of the big name IVF Clinics just yet?  Well, this is the service for them.  Tune in tomorrow to hear all about this latest string in the Centric Specialist Care bow, and hear from some of your colleagues who are already referring patients into the clinic....

  • PLUS! Have you heard about the Freebie Radiology service that the HSE are paying for everyone to use until the end of February?  Well, you have now....!

  • PLUS! Have you signed up for one of our exclusive Centric Health UCD BLS/Anaphylaxis Courses?  It's not like you have anything better to be doing on a Saturday morning!

More about these and all the other Hot Topics of the day tomorrow at 1.30pm.  And if you want to contribute to the discussion then why not flick us an email to to get the ball rolling!

GPTV tomorrow at cannot afford to miss it!

Click on this link: to join us for GPTV every Friday at 1.30pm
And don't forget that if you missed an episode, you can always catch up by going to (if you have a Centric Health email address).

Many thanks and stay safe


General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications

Churchtown Medical
96/98 Churchtown Road Upper
Dublin 14

Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549
Mobile 087 7813357
Web: www.churchtownmedical.ie

[Churchtown Medical]

From: <> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll
Sent: Thursday 28 January 2021 17:46
Subject: GPTV is on tomorrow at the special time of 1.15pm...!!

Hi everyone

Some great discussions going on here this week.....and some of our big hitters have been floored by that goddamn virus (hope you are feeling better soon lads!).  And all of this in the same week as it looks like we have recorded the death of the first GP in Ireland from Covid.....we all have to be so careful out there.

Hopefully there will be some news in the next 24 hours about Covid 19 vaccines for those of us and our teams who have missed out so far.....we wait in hope!

In the meantime, we have a treat for you tomorrow on GPTV....

Instead of our usual banter, we are kicking off with a slot called You Might Actually Learn Something!

Tomorrow we have our first invited guest, Prof Stephen Lane, Respiratory Physician from Tallaght who is talking to us about "The Future of Asthma", so if you don't know your LABAs from your LAMAs or your GINAs then you really should tune in tomorrow from 1.15pm.  Yes, we are starting a bit early just tomorrow, to enable Prof Lane to squeeze in his talk and still leave some time for Q&A.

Plus we will have all the latest on the Covid 19 vaccine rollout for our patients, and what we can all do to be as ready as we can be for whenever the vaccines arrive....

And so much more.....

GPTV tomorrow at cannot afford to miss it!

Click on this link: to join us for GPTV at the special time of Friday at 1.15pm
And don't forget that if you missed an episode, you can always catch up by going to (if you have a Centric Health email address).

Many thanks and stay safe


General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications

Churchtown Medical
96/98 Churchtown Road Upper
Dublin 14

Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549
Mobile 087 7813357
Web: www.churchtownmedical.ie

[Churchtown Medical]

From: <> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll
Sent: Thursday 21 January 2021 20:56
Subject: GPTV is on tomorrow at1.30pm....!!

Hi everyone

A week is a long time in general practice......after the gremlins infected my laptop last week, we will back tomorrow and we WON'T BE SILENCED!  You don't keep GPTV down that easily.....

We are BACK TOMORROW with a packed programme...

  • Have you had your Covid 19 vaccine yet?  Does your arm still hurt?

  • The Centric Health GP Practices Cardiology Support Programme has gone LIVE this week!  We tell you more.....

  • Between the IMO and the ICGP webinars this week, there is a lot of anxiety out there about how we are going to deliver our Covid 19 Vaccine programme to our patients.  We have the latest on the IMO deal and on how Centric is preparing to do its bit to implement this massive task....

  • Just when you thought it had gone away, the MyCentric app is back and will be rebooted to allow easy booking for your patients for their Covid 19 vaccine.  How?  Well you will have to tune in to find out.....!

  • We congratulate Joe Biden on not dying before his inauguration was over......and we continue our search to find a county in Ireland that ISN'T connected to the new US President......

  • The Centric Medical Advisory Committee has been rebranded and revamped with a whole new look and is ready to leap into 2021 and hit the ground running!  We welcome the new Centric Leadership Team (CLT) as it has its first meeting this week....

And so much more.....

GPTV tomorrow and every Friday at cannot afford to miss it!

Click on this link: to join us for GPTV on Fridays at 1.30pm
And don't forget that if you missed an episode, you can always catch up by going to (if you have a Centric Health email address).

Many thanks and stay safe


General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications

Churchtown Medical
96/98 Churchtown Road Upper
Dublin 14

Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549
Mobile 087 7813357
Web: www.churchtownmedical.ie

[Churchtown Medical]

From: <> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll
Sent: Thursday 14 January 2021 20:11
Subject: GPTV is on tomorrow at1.30pm....!!

Hi everyone

As we bumble through the unmitigated shambles that is the Covid 19 vaccine for healthcare workers, tomorrow on GPTV we have all the latest on what to do if you got suckered in by the bogus link that circulated last weekend.....

  • Also, we speak to one of our own who has had the vaccine!  What was it like?

  • Plus, we preview an incredibly useful service for you and your patients which will help you enormously (especially if you sometimes struggle to interpret the little squiggly lines) .....can't tell you any more, you will have to tune in!

  • We will update how Centric GP practices are coping with Covid and what help is around if you need it

  • It's never to early to start thinking about how WE will roll out our own Covid vaccination programme to our own patients......we've some Hot Tips on how to Be Prepared!

  • Are your phones being melted by people wanting to get Uncle Johnny on the Covid Vaccination List because he is 83 and has COPD?  We've some advice on how to cope!

And much much more.....

GPTV tomorrow and every Friday at cannot afford to miss it!

Click on this link: to join us for GPTV on Fridays at 1.30pm
And don't forget that if you missed an episode, you can always catch up by going to (if you have a Centric Health email address).

Many thanks and stay safe


General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications

Churchtown Medical
96/98 Churchtown Road Upper
Dublin 14

Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549
Mobile 087 7813357
Web: www.churchtownmedical.ie

[Churchtown Medical]

From: <> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll
Sent: Thursday 7 January 2021 18:39
Subject: GPTV is back for 2021! - tomorrow at1.30pm....!!

Hi everyone

Welcome back to another crazy year of life in the Centric Health GP Practice network and to another season of your very own TV show.....GPTV!  The only webinar exclusively for GPs, Practice Nurses and Admin staff in the Centric Health GP network.

We kick off the New Year on GPTV tomorrow at 1.30pm when we give you all the latest updates on:

  • Covid 19 Vaccine rollout for GPs and Practice Staff

  • What do you need to do to get your practice staff vaccinated and to get your practice ready to vaccinate all your Over 70s?

  • How has your practice and those around you coped with Covid over Christmas and New Year?  We will be hearing from an expert who can give us the lie of the land....

  • How have you managed the switch back to Phone/Video consults only (or have you done this at all?)

  • Are you ready for the kids to start Zoom Schooling on Monday?......Hooray!

And so much more.....

GPTV tomorrow and every Friday at cannot afford to miss it!

Click on this link: to join us for GPTV on Fridays at 1.30pm
And don't forget that if you missed an episode, you can always catch up by going to (if you have a Centric Health email address).

Many thanks and stay safe


General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications

Churchtown Medical
96/98 Churchtown Road Upper
Dublin 14

Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549
Mobile 087 7813357
Web: www.churchtownmedical.ie

[Churchtown Medical]

From: <> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll
Sent: Thursday 17 December 2020 16:20
To: '' <>
Subject: GPTV Christmas Special - tomorrow at1.30pm....!!

[Merry Christmas GIFs & Animated Images - Download on]

Well deck the halls and jingle those's only the GPTV Christmas Special!

What a line-up we have for you tomorrow on GPTV:

  • Moss will be announcing the winners of the prestigious Paul van der Merwe Awards: this is the highest honour Centric Health can bestow on one of its own - awards tomorrow will include Clinical Person of the Year, Non-Clinical Person of the Year and the overall winner of the Patient Centric Award will also be announced.  There have been over 40 nominations and I don't envy the judges on this one!

  • We will also be announcing the shortlist and the winner of our very own GPTV Best Waiting Room Christmas Tree's not too late to get your entry in to win a fabulous Cadbury hamper for your practice!  Send a pic of your practice's foliage to

  • Plus all the usual news, reviews, fun and frivolity for our very last GPTV of 2020!

  • So put on your finest Christmas jumper/hat/tinsel/baubles and get ready to join us at 1.30pm tomorrow....

All this and much much more on GPTV tomorrow at 1.30pm.

GPTV tomorrow and every Friday at cannot afford to miss it!

Click on this link: to join us for GPTV on Fridays at 1.30pm
And don't forget that if you missed an episode, you can always catch up by going to (if you have a Centric Health email address).

Many thanks and stay safe


General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications

Churchtown Medical
96/98 Churchtown Road Upper
Dublin 14

Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549
Mobile 087 7813357
Web: www.churchtownmedical.ie

[Churchtown Medical]

From: <> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll
Sent: Friday 11 December 2020 02:17
Subject: GPTV today at1.30pm.....

Hi everyone

Today on your GPTV we continue profiling some of the new movers and shakers within Centric Health.....this week it is the turn of former Irish international cricketer and now Head of Corporate Sales Conor Hoey to take the hot seat and tell us all about the potential he sees for our practices to benefit from closer ties to the corporate world in the future.......starting off with the very successful Covid swab test programme which is going down an absolute storm.

PLUS we have news hot off the press regarding all those nasal flu vaccines slowly expiring in your fridges....

PLUS we launch our "Best Waiting Room Christmas Tree Competition".....what's yours like?  Does it look sad and unloved or resplendent in fancy tinselry?  Either way, send us in a photo of your practice's Christmas tree and see if yours is a winner!  Youi know the address, as always it is

PLUS with only one more episode to go in 2020 after this one we preview the Paul van der Merwe Awards which will be presented LIVE on GPTV next week....

All this and much much more on GPTV today at 1.30pm.

GPTV today and every Friday at cannot afford to miss it!

Click on this link: to join us for GPTV on Fridays at 1.30pm
Many thanks and stay safe


General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications

Churchtown Medical
96/98 Churchtown Road Upper
Dublin 14

Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549
Mobile 087 7813357
Web: www.churchtownmedical.ie

[Churchtown Medical]

From: <> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll
Sent: Friday 4 December 2020 00:58
Subject: GPTV today at1.30pm.....

Hi everyone

We've a real treat for you this week on GPTV today at1.30pm.....

We will be having an in-depth no-holds-barred interview with the new Head of IT for Centric Health.....Luke Tyrrell.

He's a great addition to the central commentary team and he's going to tell us a bit about his vision for the technology side of our business, and also a bit about himself and how he came to take on this huge role.

So join us at 1.30pm where you can put any questions you might have about either how to fix your printer, or what the strategic IT vision of the company is.....or anything in between.

If you have anything you would like us to discuss, then please flick an email to

GPTV today and every Friday at cannot afford to miss it!

Click on this link: to join us for GPTV on Fridays at 1.30pm
Many thanks and stay safe


General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications

Churchtown Medical
96/98 Churchtown Road Upper
Dublin 14

Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549
Mobile 087 7813357
Web: www.churchtownmedical.ie

[Churchtown Medical]

From: <> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll
Sent: Friday 27 November 2020 03:04
Subject: GPTV today at1.30pm.....

Hi everyone

Just a quick reminder to let you know that your GPTV is back today at 1.30. We've loads to cover today but also plenty of time for you to raise any issues that are bugging you as well. Our previously-arranged star guest has had to pull out this week, so we are going to get someone even better to take their place!

Who will it be???? You will have to tune in to find out!

If you have anything you would like us to discuss, then please flick an email to

GPTV today and every Friday at cannot afford to miss it!

Click on this link: to join us for GPTV on Fridays at 1.30pm
Many thanks and stay safe


General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications

Churchtown Medical
96/98 Churchtown Road Upper
Dublin 14

Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549
Mobile 087 7813357
Web: www.churchtownmedical.ie

[Churchtown Medical]

From: <> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll
Sent: Thursday 19 November 2020 18:17
Subject: GPTV tomorrow at1.30pm.....

Hi everyone

Phew! I think many of us are still recovering from the record-breaking sensation that was the Centric Health 6th Annual GP and Practice Nurses Conference last weekend....tomorrow on your GPTV we've got coverage of all the highlights from a packed conference programme to guide your viewing if you haven't had a chance to see it yet....

Plus we have news about the RCSI Clinical Leadership's not (quite) too late to get your name on the list....

And our special guests will be the outgoing and incoming Clinical Nurse Leads....find out all the ways that they support your Practice Nurse and PCA and what plans are coming down the line...

And so much more! If you have anything you would like us to discuss, then please flick an email to

GPTV tomorrow and every Friday at cannot afford to miss it!

Click on this link: to join us for GPTV on Fridays at 1.30pm
Many thanks and stay safe


General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications

Churchtown Medical
96/98 Churchtown Road Upper
Dublin 14

Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549
Mobile 087 7813357
Web: www.churchtownmedical.ie

[Churchtown Medical]

From: <> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll
Sent: Thursday 12 November 2020 18:08
Subject: GPTV tomorrow at1.30pm.....

Hi everyone

In advance of our Centric Health GP Conference on Saturday, on GPTV tomorrow we will be previewing this ground-breaking multi-national event with its convenor Dr Ray Power.

Ray will take us through the highlights of what will be a packed programme including several world-firsts!

Thanks to all of you who have signed up to attend on Saturday, and although we won't get to celebrate with each other afterwards as we usually do, it should still be a great day for Centric Health GP. And if you play your cards right, you could be getting a nice little takeaway dinner on us!

I'm sure Ray will be saying that one of the major highlights of the day (aren't you a bit biased here? - Ed) will be our very own feature-length surround-sound edition of GPTV which closes out the event at 4.25pm on Saturday. We will have some special guests and some giveaways and a few surprises for those of you who make it that far through the day!

As for tomorrow, we have an update on flu vaccines, and news of a challenge being thrown down in one of our practices....can you match it? And one of our practices celebrates an important birthday this week.....we join them live for pizza!

Plus loads more fun please drop in!

GPTV tomorrow and every Friday at cannot afford to miss it!

Click on this link: to join us for GPTV on Fridays at 1.30pm
Many thanks and stay safe


General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications

Churchtown Medical
96/98 Churchtown Road Upper
Dublin 14

Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549
Mobile 087 7813357
Web: www.churchtownmedical.ie

[Churchtown Medical]

From: <> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll
Sent: Thursday 5 November 2020 18:42
Subject: GPTV tomorrow at1.30pm.....

Hi everyone

I know many of you will be up all night watching counting in Nevada, Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania tonight, so you may need to bring along some matchsticks tomorrow to make sure your eyes are still wide open for tomorrow's GPTV!

Tomorrow on GPTV we are once and for all going to lay out the Idiot's Guide to the two really big things going on at the moment:

  • Heart Care at Home
  • Chronic Disease Management

Time is running out to get the most out of both of them so I strongly encourage you (or someone clever in your practice) to have a listen tomorrow to save you all a tonne of time trying to figure it out yourself, and how to make it provide a good income source for the practice in these straightened times....

Plus we look at some practice Google reviews and we preview next week's showpiece, the Centric Health 6th GP Conference (see here for more info and to sign up if you haven't already..... www.centrichealthconference.com )

GPTV tomorrow at cannot afford to miss it!

Click on this link: to join us for GPTV on Fridays at 1.30pm
Many thanks and stay safe


General Practitioner

Churchtown Medical
96/98 Churchtown Road Upper
Dublin 14

Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549
Mobile 087 7813357
Web: www.churchtownmedical.ie

[Churchtown Medical]

From: <> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll
Sent: Thursday 29 October 2020 19:04
Subject: GPTV tomorrow at1.30pm.....

Hi everyone

After having our schedule hijacked by Moss last week, tomorrow we are back to our normal schedule!

And we are introducing yet another talented member of our GP community.....this time it is Dr Ernan Gallagher, GP in Bray, and Clinical Lead for the re-launched and revamped Centric Specialist Clinic Dermatology Service!

"What's his story?" and "What do they do?" I hear you ask....and "How can I refer a patient to them?".....well Ernan will be here to answer all these questions and can even put him on the spot and send in a patient photo for him to do his Dermatology On-The-Spot Wizardry....!!

Plus, we've updates as to how Covid 19 is decimating our practices.....we will be auctioning off 10 flu vaccines to the highest bidder........and we find out how Level 5 is working out in your area.....

Please fire in any questions/queries/comments to or you can ask them using the Chat function in the call tomorrow.

We look forward to a quick mid-term catch up with you tomorrow at 1.30.....

Click on this link: to join us for GPTV on Fridays at 1.30pm
Many thanks and stay safe


From: <> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll
Sent: Thursday 24 September 2020 18:01
Subject: GPTV tomorrow at1.30pm!

Hi everyone

Just a reminder that the next edition of GPTV goes out tomorrow at 1.30. Why not stick us on the computer while you are having a sambo or checking a few blood results.....?

So many things to talk about this week.....starting with a Special Guest Appearance from our very own Dr Matt O'Tuathail (Ranelagh Medical), whom you may have possibly seen on every TV show ever broadcast....and now he adds a GPTV appearance to round off his CV nicely....

He is one of the doctors doing the Covid swab and antibody testing in Barrow, and he also does about 8000 other things at the same time. You can ask him anything you like...!!

We would also love to hear what's on your mind....this is your show! It's gotta be more fun than making that 46000th Covid phone call......

Love to see you there tomorrow at 1.30.....!

Oh yes and don't forget......SPOILER ALERT.... Next week we will be featuring a no-holds barred interview with the Big Kahuna, our CEO Dr Moss Cox, who will be talking about anything we want him to! So get your thinking caps on and start emailing us questions which we will put to him (anonymously of course) on the show next week. You can reply to me or email

But back to tomorrow, just click on the link below.....

Please join GPTV from your computer, tablet or smartphone. We would encourage you to join via the below link if possible. If you do not have speakers or microphone on your computer please dial in via the telephone no provided below.

Click on this link: to join us for GPTV Fridays at 1.30pm
You can also dial in using your phone.
Ireland: +353 16 572 651tel:+35316572651,,486841845 and then enter
Access Code: 486-841-845

And don't forget that if you missed an episode, you can always catch up by going to (if you have a Centric Health email address).

Reply to me or fling us an email to of you want to know more or if you have a story we should be covering!

Kind regards


General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications

Churchtown Medical
96/98 Churchtown Road Upper
Dublin 14

Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549
Mobile 087 7813357
Web: www.churchtownmedical.ie

[Churchtown Medical]

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This e-mail and any attachments including voice attachments may contain confidential, personal, sensitive, proprietary or legally privileged information. Anyone who is not the intended recipient should not use or open the document. Any information or voice recording used within this document or e-mail should not be forwarded to any other legal person or organisation or posted on any social media platform as to do so would be in breach of privacy and data protection legislation. If you have erroneously received this email or document, please delete immediately and notify the sender. If you have received this e-mail or documentation where there is a precise reason to forward to a third party, all rules regarding privacy and data protection should be followed. You will be liable for a third party breach.The recipients acknowledge that Centric Health or associated companies are unable to exercise control to ensure or guarantee the integrity of/over the contents of the information contained in e-mail transmission and further acknowledge that any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and no binding nature of the message shall be implied or assumed unless the sender does so expressly with due authority of Centric Health.
This e-mail and any attachments including voice attachments may contain confidential, personal, sensitive, proprietary or legally privileged information. Anyone who is not the intended recipient should not use or open the document. Any information or voice recording used within this document or e-mail should not be forwarded to any other legal person or organisation or posted on any social media platform as to do so would be in breach of privacy and data protection legislation. If you have erroneously received this email or document, please delete immediately and notify the sender. If you have received this e-mail or documentation where there is a precise reason to forward to a third party, all rules regarding privacy and data protection should be followed. You will be liable for a third party breach.The recipients acknowledge that Centric Health or associated companies are unable to exercise control to ensure or guarantee the integrity of/over the contents of the information contained in e-mail transmission and further acknowledge that any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and no binding nature of the message shall be implied or assumed unless the sender does so expressly with due authority of Centric Health.
This e-mail and any attachments including voice attachments may contain confidential, personal, sensitive, proprietary or legally privileged information. Anyone who is not the intended recipient should not use or open the document. Any information or voice recording used within this document or e-mail should not be forwarded to any other legal person or organisation or posted on any social media platform as to do so would be in breach of privacy and data protection legislation. If you have erroneously received this email or document, please delete immediately and notify the sender. If you have received this e-mail or documentation where there is a precise reason to forward to a third party, all rules regarding privacy and data protection should be followed. You will be liable for a third party breach.The recipients acknowledge that Centric Health or associated companies are unable to exercise control to ensure or guarantee the integrity of/over the contents of the information contained in e-mail transmission and further acknowledge that any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and no binding nature of the message shall be implied or assumed unless the sender does so expressly with due authority of Centric Health.
This e-mail and any attachments including voice attachments may contain confidential, personal, sensitive, proprietary or legally privileged information. Anyone who is not the intended recipient should not use or open the document. Any information or voice recording used within this document or e-mail should not be forwarded to any other legal person or organisation or posted on any social media platform as to do so would be in breach of privacy and data protection legislation. If you have erroneously received this email or document, please delete immediately and notify the sender. If you have received this e-mail or documentation where there is a precise reason to forward to a third party, all rules regarding privacy and data protection should be followed. You will be liable for a third party breach.The recipients acknowledge that Centric Health or associated companies are unable to exercise control to ensure or guarantee the integrity of/over the contents of the information contained in e-mail transmission and further acknowledge that any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and no binding nature of the message shall be implied or assumed unless the sender does so expressly with due authority of Centric Health.
This e-mail and any attachments including voice attachments may contain confidential, personal, sensitive, proprietary or legally privileged information. Anyone who is not the intended recipient should not use or open the document. Any information or voice recording used within this document or e-mail should not be forwarded to any other legal person or organisation or posted on any social media platform as to do so would be in breach of privacy and data protection legislation. If you have erroneously received this email or document, please delete immediately and notify the sender. If you have received this e-mail or documentation where there is a precise reason to forward to a third party, all rules regarding privacy and data protection should be followed. You will be liable for a third party breach.The recipients acknowledge that Centric Health or associated companies are unable to exercise control to ensure or guarantee the integrity of/over the contents of the information contained in e-mail transmission and further acknowledge that any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and no binding nature of the message shall be implied or assumed unless the sender does so expressly with due authority of Centric Health.
This e-mail and any attachments including voice attachments may contain confidential, personal, sensitive, proprietary or legally privileged information. Anyone who is not the intended recipient should not use or open the document. Any information or voice recording used within this document or e-mail should not be forwarded to any other legal person or organisation or posted on any social media platform as to do so would be in breach of privacy and data protection legislation. If you have erroneously received this email or document, please delete immediately and notify the sender. If you have received this e-mail or documentation where there is a precise reason to forward to a third party, all rules regarding privacy and data protection should be followed. You will be liable for a third party breach.The recipients acknowledge that Centric Health or associated companies are unable to exercise control to ensure or guarantee the integrity of/over the contents of the information contained in e-mail transmission and further acknowledge that any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and no binding nature of the message shall be implied or assumed unless the sender does so expressly with due authority of Centric Health.
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Hi everyone We seem to be having some teething problems with some people not getting emails on the new Centric Health GP Forum. It seems they are being put into "Junk Mail" instead of your InBox. So if you didn't get this email, please check your Junk Mail! For the benefit of the newbies, (welcome newbies!) tomorrow and every Friday at 1.30pm is our very own Centric Health GP interactive web show called GPTV! And yes, you are all invited. We kick off at 1.30pm for a quick half hour of fun, information and entertainment with a little bit of education thrown in when we absolutely have to. Some of the topics on the tips of our tongues tomorrow will include: * The vaccines of course! The IMO webinar this week spelt out what they think we should be doing next.....but what do you think? We'd love to hear from you about how the vaccine has gone in your practice! * How the heck are we supposed to find Group 4a and Group 7? And what ever happened to 5 and 6? Can you be bothered? We ask one of Dublin's finest GPs to explain it all.... * Protecting our admin jingo there's a lotta angry folks out there! Some have legitimate grievances and some are just complete do we protect the "real" front-line workers (our admin teams) from this increasing grief? * We have another heart-rending instalment of one practice's video diary of their vaccine rollout..... * We have a sneak peak at the interim offices of the Centric Health management team who are currently homeless? We are asking you to dig deep and see if you can help them? And soooooooo much more about these and all the other Hot Topics of the day tomorrow at 1.30pm. And if you want to contribute to the discussion then why not flick us an email to<> to get the ball rolling! GPTV tomorrow at cannot afford to miss it! Please make sure that at least one person from your practice tunes in so that you don't miss out on all the latest news and advice..... Click on this link: to join us for GPTV this and every Friday at 1.30pm. Stick us in your diary so you don't forget! And don't forget that if you missed an episode, you can always catch up by going to (if you have a Centric Health email address). Many thanks and stay safe and see you tomorrow! Paul Dr Paul Carroll MBBS FRACGP MICGP General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications (I made up the last 2) Churchtown Medical 96/98 Churchtown Road Upper Churchtown Dublin 14 Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549 Mobile 087 7813357 Email:<> Web:<> [Churchtown Medical] From: <> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll Sent: Thursday 25 March 2021 19:07 To: Subject: GPTV is on tomorrow at the special time of 1.15pm...!! Hi everyone So amidst the madness that is the Covid 19 vaccine rollout, it's time for a small bit of edu-mecation again as we continue our series of You Just Might Learn Something Useful Here as we welcome the always-entertaining Dr Thesiko Thesiko (so good they named him twice!), Consultant Psychiatrist in Navan who is going to give us a very timely talk on "DEPRESSION - When, How and Why? A Synopsis of Treatment" which will kick off tomorrow at the earlier time of 1.15pm. That will be followed by our usual madcap round-up of the week's main events, including: * "A Vaccine, A Vaccine, My Kingdom for a Vaccine!" to paraphrase Shakespeare.....where are they all? Hopefully you have had better luck than me with your vaccine deliveries this week....we will find out! * The Pitfalls of Social Media - or perhaps, How to Drunk-Text When You Are Sober: one GP gives us an insight into how one well-intentioned tweet can go badly wrong! (Ed- It's OK Paul, we know it was you....) * The End of an Era - as we say a fond farewell this week to an architectural institution that has served us well for the last 16 years......what is it? You will have to tune in to find out! * We have the results of the Wellness Team Kids Colouring there a budding Picasso or Dali in your family? * And much much more....! More about these and all the other Hot Topics of the day tomorrow at 1.15pm. And if you want to contribute to the discussion then why not flick us an email to<> to get the ball rolling! GPTV tomorrow at the special time of cannot afford to miss it! Please make sure that at least one person from your practice tunes in so that you don't miss out on all the latest news and advice..... Click on this link: to join us for GPTV this Friday at 1.15pm. Stick us in your diary so you don't forget! And don't forget that if you missed an episode, you can always catch up by going to (if you have a Centric Health email address). Many thanks and stay safe Paul Dr Paul Carroll MBBS FRACGP MICGP General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications Churchtown Medical 96/98 Churchtown Road Upper Churchtown Dublin 14 Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549 Mobile 087 7813357 Email:<> Web:<> [Churchtown Medical] * From:<> <<>> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll Sent: Thursday 18 March 2021 18:23 To:<> Subject: GPTV is on tomorrow 1.30pm...!! Hi everyone I think it's just best that we dispatch this interrupted week back to where it came from with a blast of GPTV and then off you go home for the weekend that you thoroughly deserve.... Firstly, a Happy St Patricks Week to you all, and I apologise for any butchering I may have done of the beautiful Irish language during last week's Seachtain na Gailge edition of GPTV.... But what of tomorrow's show, I hear you ask? Well.....we will try and get through chatting about: * Those damn ghastly Covid 19 vaccines and quite possibly the horriblest job in Ireland this week, the vaccine "relationship managers"! We will update the Scores on the Doors to see how well we are all doing! * Plus we have a video diary from one of our finer practices (Ed - there's a ranking system?), showing how they get through their Vaccine Clinic with a smile.....this will lift your hearts! * The return of the Astra-Zeneca vaccine, which will probably have been withdrawn again by the time tomorrow comes round....was it all just a smokescreen? * There's lots of great news on the Communications front....just wait til you hear what's coming down the line! * Just in case you didn't know enough about our exclusive Centric Health On-Call Cardiologist advice service, we have a real-life Consultant Cardiologist on tomorrow to tell us more about it. So bring any questions you might have about this amazing new initiative! * And alongside that we are introducing the newest member of the in-house HeartCare@Home team, Project Manager Aoife Coughlan * And much much more....! More about these and all the other Hot Topics of the day tomorrow at 1.30pm. And if you want to contribute to the discussion then why not flick us an email to<> to get the ball rolling! GPTV tomorrow at cannot afford to miss it! Please make sure that at least one person from your practice tunes in so that you don't miss out on all the latest news and advice..... Click on this link: to join us for GPTV this and every Friday at 1.30pm. Stick us in your diary so you don't forget! And don't forget that if you missed an episode, you can always catch up by going to (if you have a Centric Health email address). Many thanks and stay safe Paul Dr Paul Carroll MBBS FRACGP MICGP General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications Churchtown Medical 96/98 Churchtown Road Upper Churchtown Dublin 14 Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549 Mobile 087 7813357 Email:<> Web:<> [Churchtown Medical] From:<> <<>> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll Sent: Thursday 11 March 2021 18:02 To:<> Subject: GPTV is on tomorrow 1.30pm...!! Hi everyone Tomorrow is the annual Seachtain na Gaeilge edition of GPTV! I was going to do the whole show as Gaeilge until I realised that I barely have a cupla focail to string instead I will have lots of guests on reading their favourite excerpts from Peig Sayers' autobiography....hooray! (Ed - don't even joke about this) I hope your Covid 19 vaccination programme is starting to gain some traction.....we'd love to hear your stories, both good and bad! Also tomorrow, we will be talking about...... * Covid 19 vaccines (of course!)....could the Johnson & Johnson one be the answer we have been looking for? * Over 300 of our Centric Health staff have been doing a training programme with Excellence Ireland. What does it mean for your practice? Ryan Gosling will be here to tell us all (Ed- it's not Ryan Gosling, it's Ryan O'Donnell, although they do look alike.....) * We have a recap of the great news that Ray gave us last week about Hot Topics....ICYMI! * Dr Ernan Gallagher makes a welcome return visit to GPTV to tell us about Acne treatment and the new Roaccutane Clinic in particular.... * Lots of great news on the Communications front....just wait til you hear what's coming down the line! * The first in our series of There But For The Grace of God Go I (or TBFTGOGGI for short),,,,wait til you hear what happened when a patient collapsed, you'll have to tune in tomorrow to find out the rest! More about these and all the other Hot Topics of the day tomorrow at 1.15pm. And if you want to contribute to the discussion then why not flick us an email to<> to get the ball rolling! GPTV tomorrow at cannot afford to miss it! Please make sure that at least one person from your practice tunes in so that you don't miss out on all the latest news and advice..... Click on this link: to join us for GPTV this and every Friday at 1.30pm. Stick us in your diary so you don't forget! And don't forget that if you missed an episode, you can always catch up by going to (if you have a Centric Health email address). Many thanks and stay safe Paul Dr Paul Carroll MBBS FRACGP MICGP General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications Churchtown Medical 96/98 Churchtown Road Upper Churchtown Dublin 14 Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549 Mobile 087 7813357 Email:<> Web:<> [Churchtown Medical] From:<> <<>> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll Sent: Thursday 4 March 2021 18:56 To:<> Subject: GPTV is on tomorrow at the usual time of 1.30pm...!! Hi everyone It's a return to normal programming tomorrow as GPTV divests itself of any semblance of academic rigour....for this week at least. Last week was a fascinating insight into the Future of COPD, this week we are just going to look at the Future of Covid 19 Vaccinations! Hooray! There's sooooooo much going on at the moment.....!! * How are your Covid 19 vaccinations going? Send us a photo of The Biggest Good News Story Of The Year as it is happening in your<> and we would love everyone to see what great work we are all doing! * Hot Off The Press: a completely impenetrable system for referring housebound patients, PLUS it sounds like we are off the hook for the high risk Under 70s.....fine by me! * But the real Squeaky Bum Time comes with the next tranche of vaccines where we start to double up on age groups. If your practice can't physically make the number of phone calls required to book in all your 70-75s and 75-80s, perhaps you need the services of MyCentric App (Daaah nah nah nah, nah nah naaaah!). Our man on the inside, Michael Joyce, is back again to show us how this can all work..... * PLUS Ray has quite possibly the BIGGEST announcement since the ill-fated JustEat vouchers at the last me, you don't want to miss this one. All GPs and Practice Nurses need to tune in at 1.30 tomorrow....I'll say no more!! * We have more of the fabulous new Roaccutane Clinic from the people that brought you the Centric Specialist Care Dermatology Clinic * AND OF COURSE, we have the Final Results of the STEP CHALLENGE! The results are in and they have been counted and verified by PwC and the winners (as well as 4 other Spot Prizes) will be announced tomorrow....I can feel a drum roll coming on! More about these and all the other Hot Topics of the day tomorrow at 1.15pm. And if you want to contribute to the discussion then why not flick us an email to<> to get the ball rolling! GPTV tomorrow at cannot afford to miss it! Please make sure that at least one person from your practice tunes in so that you don't miss out on all the latest news and advice..... Click on this link: to join us for GPTV this and every Friday at 1.30pm. Stick us in your diary so you don't forget! And don't forget that if you missed an episode, you can always catch up by going to (if you have a Centric Health email address). Many thanks and stay safe Paul Dr Paul Carroll MBBS FRACGP MICGP General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications Churchtown Medical 96/98 Churchtown Road Upper Churchtown Dublin 14 Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549 Mobile 087 7813357 Email:<> Web:<> [Churchtown Medical] From:<> <<>> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll Sent: Thursday 25 February 2021 16:54 To:<> Subject: GPTV is on tomorrow at the slightly earlier time of 1.15pm...!! Hi everyone Tomorrow we have the next in our series of You Just Might Learn Something Useful Here, where we are delighted to welcome Dr Seamus Linnane (Respiratory Physician) to give us the other side of the coin from our last talk (which was all about asthma) as tomorrow we will be hitting the high points of "Future Trends in COPD". So to find out about all those recommended changes as we are supposed to be moving people away from steroid inhalers, as well as new treatments coming down the line, and how Covid affects COPD, and loads of other cool stuff.....then tune in to GPTV tomorrow at the slightly earlier time of 1.15pm. As well as that, we will try and cover..... * Of course we will also be talking about the Covid 19 Vaccine Rollout for Over has it gone in your place? Or are you doing them next week? * Google reviews of your you read them? Is it best to ignore them, or dilute them, or confront them? We share one GP's struggle to deal with this new-aged menace.... * PLUS we have the Week Three Leaderboard of the Centric Health Steps Challenge! How are you doin....? It's starting to get very competitive......!! As well as the top runners and riders, there's also some Spot Prizes on the way! More about these and all the other Hot Topics of the day tomorrow at 1.15pm. And if you want to contribute to the discussion then why not flick us an email to<> to get the ball rolling! GPTV tomorrow at cannot afford to miss it! Please make sure that at least one person from your practice tunes in so that you don't miss out on all the latest news and advice..... Click on this link: to join us for GPTV this Friday at 1.15pm And don't forget that if you missed an episode, you can always catch up by going to (if you have a Centric Health email address). Many thanks and stay safe Paul Dr Paul Carroll MBBS FRACGP MICGP General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications Churchtown Medical 96/98 Churchtown Road Upper Churchtown Dublin 14 Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549 Mobile 087 7813357 Email:<> Web:<> [Churchtown Medical] From:<> <<>> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll Sent: Thursday 18 February 2021 17:06 To:<> Subject: GPTV is on tomorrow at 1.30pm...!! Hi everyone Well as Sir Alex might have said, for a lot of our practices this week it was "squeaky bum" time as the long-awaited Covid 19 vaccines finally hit their maybe wasn't the one we were expecting but at least it's a vaccine! And tomorrow on GPTV we speak exclusively live to a Centric GP who has been vaccinating their Over 85s this week......what was it like? How did it go? Well, tune in tomorrow to find out. And those of you who haven't started jabbing yet can put your questions to him so that the rest of us can learn from our colleague's experiences.... So whilst there will be a fair bit of Vaccine stuff, there's still lots of other interesting things going on to share with you.... * We will have a live demo of on online appointment booking system which you may decide will be helpful for the rollout of vaccination to younger cohorts in the coming weeks/months * Google reviews of your you read them? Is it best to ignore them, or dilute them, or confront them? We share one GP's struggle to deal with this new-aged menace.... * Do you understand the new rules regarding the HSE's Community Diagnostics programme and what your patients can get for free? I certainly don't, so we have asked an expert to come on and explain it to us! * PLUS we have the Week Two Leaderboard of the Centric Health Steps Challenge! How are you doin....? It's starting to get very competitive......!! More about these and all the other Hot Topics of the day tomorrow at 1.30pm. And if you want to contribute to the discussion then why not flick us an email to<> to get the ball rolling! GPTV tomorrow at cannot afford to miss it! Please make sure that at least one person from your practice tunes in so that you don't miss out on all the latest news and advice..... Click on this link: to join us for GPTV every Friday at 1.30pm And don't forget that if you missed an episode, you can always catch up by going to (if you have a Centric Health email address). Many thanks and stay safe Paul Dr Paul Carroll MBBS FRACGP MICGP General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications Churchtown Medical 96/98 Churchtown Road Upper Churchtown Dublin 14 Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549 Mobile 087 7813357 Email:<> Web:<> [Churchtown Medical] From:<> <<>> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll Sent: Thursday 11 February 2021 18:20 To:<> Subject: GPTV is on tomorrow at 1.30pm...!! Hi everyone After smashing our previous records and having our biggest ever audience last week, GPTV is back tomorrow and I really don't know how we are going to fit all this into one teeny tiny half hour slot, but we will give it a go....! So much going on, and we will try and touch on it all..... * Finally we get to start vaccinating people! At least 4 of our practices are getting their vaccine deliveries next week and will be starting to vaccinate their Over 85s with most of us following a week or two later.... * Are you getting Webinar Fatigue? Nearly 5 hours of vaccine related webinars this week between the IMO and ICGP....a real test of endurance! And yet we keep coming back for more....!! * Are you all set? We outline the important steps you need to keep you and your patients safe, and what's going on behind the scenes.... * We have the latest updates on the UCD BLS/Anaphylaxis courses that have broken all sorts of box office records * PLUS we have the Week One Leaderboard of the Centric Health Steps Challenge! How are you doin....? * BUT our main focus this week in the brand spankin' new GP Mentorship Programme which has been launched this week. We have two of the finest minds in GP education on the show to tell us more..... *'s all going on. In the week that's in it, you need look no further for a pretty awesome and humble leader than the amazing Tom Brady who won his 7th Superbowl title on Sunday, which is more than any TEAM has ever achieved! * The RCSI Clinical Leadership programme is in full it any good? Do we have any budding Tom Bradys in our midst? We find out exclusively on GPTV tomorrow.... More about these and all the other Hot Topics of the day tomorrow at 1.30pm. And if you want to contribute to the discussion then why not flick us an email to<> to get the ball rolling! GPTV tomorrow at cannot afford to miss it! Please make sure that at least one person from your practice tunes in so that you don't miss out on all the latest news and advice..... Click on this link: to join us for GPTV every Friday at 1.30pm And don't forget that if you missed an episode, you can always catch up by going to (if you have a Centric Health email address). Many thanks and stay safe Paul Dr Paul Carroll MBBS FRACGP MICGP General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications Churchtown Medical 96/98 Churchtown Road Upper Churchtown Dublin 14 Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549 Mobile 087 7813357 Email:<> Web:<> [Churchtown Medical] From:<> <<>> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll Sent: Thursday 4 February 2021 18:58 To:<> Subject: GPTV is on tomorrow at the usual time of 1.30pm...!! Hi everyone Holy smoke! This Covid 19 vaccine thing is getting out of control! My head is spinning with the speed at which the plans are changing.......! Apparently there will be more news from the IMO tomorrow and on GPTV we will be bringing you exclusive live updates as they happen, as well as keeping you up to date with preparations being made behind the scenes to make sure your practice is as prepared as it can be for Whatever May Come.... We understand that those of you who haven't yet had a first dose will be vaccinated on Saturday 13th February and those of you who are due a second dose will get it on Sunday 14th February, at a series of top secret locations yet to be revealed (but we have the scoop on one of the Dublin locations....tune in tomorrow to find out where!). In the meantime, how about some Good News! * Tomorrow on GPTV we will be meeting the team from the brand new Centric Specialist Care Fertility service! * You know those patients who have questions about their fertility but don't quite want to go down the road of the big name IVF Clinics just yet? Well, this is the service for them. Tune in tomorrow to hear all about this latest string in the Centric Specialist Care bow, and hear from some of your colleagues who are already referring patients into the clinic.... * PLUS! Have you heard about the Freebie Radiology service that the HSE are paying for everyone to use until the end of February? Well, you have now....! * PLUS! Have you signed up for one of our exclusive Centric Health UCD BLS/Anaphylaxis Courses? It's not like you have anything better to be doing on a Saturday morning! More about these and all the other Hot Topics of the day tomorrow at 1.30pm. And if you want to contribute to the discussion then why not flick us an email to<> to get the ball rolling! GPTV tomorrow at cannot afford to miss it! Click on this link: to join us for GPTV every Friday at 1.30pm And don't forget that if you missed an episode, you can always catch up by going to (if you have a Centric Health email address). Many thanks and stay safe Paul Dr Paul Carroll MBBS FRACGP MICGP General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications Churchtown Medical 96/98 Churchtown Road Upper Churchtown Dublin 14 Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549 Mobile 087 7813357 Email:<> Web:<> [Churchtown Medical] From:<> <<>> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll Sent: Thursday 28 January 2021 17:46 To:<> Subject: GPTV is on tomorrow at the special time of 1.15pm...!! Hi everyone Some great discussions going on here this week.....and some of our big hitters have been floored by that goddamn virus (hope you are feeling better soon lads!). And all of this in the same week as it looks like we have recorded the death of the first GP in Ireland from Covid.....we all have to be so careful out there. Hopefully there will be some news in the next 24 hours about Covid 19 vaccines for those of us and our teams who have missed out so far.....we wait in hope! In the meantime, we have a treat for you tomorrow on GPTV.... Instead of our usual banter, we are kicking off with a slot called You Might Actually Learn Something! Tomorrow we have our first invited guest, Prof Stephen Lane, Respiratory Physician from Tallaght who is talking to us about "The Future of Asthma", so if you don't know your LABAs from your LAMAs or your GINAs then you really should tune in tomorrow from 1.15pm. Yes, we are starting a bit early just tomorrow, to enable Prof Lane to squeeze in his talk and still leave some time for Q&A. Plus we will have all the latest on the Covid 19 vaccine rollout for our patients, and what we can all do to be as ready as we can be for whenever the vaccines arrive.... And so much more..... GPTV tomorrow at cannot afford to miss it! Click on this link: to join us for GPTV at the special time of Friday at 1.15pm And don't forget that if you missed an episode, you can always catch up by going to (if you have a Centric Health email address). Many thanks and stay safe Paul Dr Paul Carroll MBBS FRACGP MICGP General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications Churchtown Medical 96/98 Churchtown Road Upper Churchtown Dublin 14 Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549 Mobile 087 7813357 Email:<> Web:<> [Churchtown Medical] From:<> <<>> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll Sent: Thursday 21 January 2021 20:56 To:<> Subject: GPTV is on tomorrow at1.30pm....!! Hi everyone A week is a long time in general practice......after the gremlins infected my laptop last week, we will back tomorrow and we WON'T BE SILENCED! You don't keep GPTV down that easily..... We are BACK TOMORROW with a packed programme... * Have you had your Covid 19 vaccine yet? Does your arm still hurt? * The Centric Health GP Practices Cardiology Support Programme has gone LIVE this week! We tell you more..... * Between the IMO and the ICGP webinars this week, there is a lot of anxiety out there about how we are going to deliver our Covid 19 Vaccine programme to our patients. We have the latest on the IMO deal and on how Centric is preparing to do its bit to implement this massive task.... * Just when you thought it had gone away, the MyCentric app is back and will be rebooted to allow easy booking for your patients for their Covid 19 vaccine. How? Well you will have to tune in to find out.....! * We congratulate Joe Biden on not dying before his inauguration was over......and we continue our search to find a county in Ireland that ISN'T connected to the new US President...... * The Centric Medical Advisory Committee has been rebranded and revamped with a whole new look and is ready to leap into 2021 and hit the ground running! We welcome the new Centric Leadership Team (CLT) as it has its first meeting this week.... And so much more..... GPTV tomorrow and every Friday at cannot afford to miss it! Click on this link: to join us for GPTV on Fridays at 1.30pm And don't forget that if you missed an episode, you can always catch up by going to (if you have a Centric Health email address). Many thanks and stay safe Paul Dr Paul Carroll MBBS FRACGP MICGP General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications Churchtown Medical 96/98 Churchtown Road Upper Churchtown Dublin 14 Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549 Mobile 087 7813357 Email:<> Web:<> [Churchtown Medical] From:<> <<>> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll Sent: Thursday 14 January 2021 20:11 To:<> Subject: GPTV is on tomorrow at1.30pm....!! Hi everyone As we bumble through the unmitigated shambles that is the Covid 19 vaccine for healthcare workers, tomorrow on GPTV we have all the latest on what to do if you got suckered in by the bogus link that circulated last weekend..... * Also, we speak to one of our own who has had the vaccine! What was it like? * Plus, we preview an incredibly useful service for you and your patients which will help you enormously (especially if you sometimes struggle to interpret the little squiggly lines) .....can't tell you any more, you will have to tune in! * We will update how Centric GP practices are coping with Covid and what help is around if you need it * It's never to early to start thinking about how WE will roll out our own Covid vaccination programme to our own patients......we've some Hot Tips on how to Be Prepared! * Are your phones being melted by people wanting to get Uncle Johnny on the Covid Vaccination List because he is 83 and has COPD? We've some advice on how to cope! And much much more..... GPTV tomorrow and every Friday at cannot afford to miss it! Click on this link: to join us for GPTV on Fridays at 1.30pm And don't forget that if you missed an episode, you can always catch up by going to (if you have a Centric Health email address). Many thanks and stay safe Paul Dr Paul Carroll MBBS FRACGP MICGP General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications Churchtown Medical 96/98 Churchtown Road Upper Churchtown Dublin 14 Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549 Mobile 087 7813357 Email:<> Web:<> [Churchtown Medical] From:<> <<>> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll Sent: Thursday 7 January 2021 18:39 To:<> Subject: GPTV is back for 2021! - tomorrow at1.30pm....!! Hi everyone Welcome back to another crazy year of life in the Centric Health GP Practice network and to another season of your very own TV show.....GPTV! The only webinar exclusively for GPs, Practice Nurses and Admin staff in the Centric Health GP network. We kick off the New Year on GPTV tomorrow at 1.30pm when we give you all the latest updates on: * Covid 19 Vaccine rollout for GPs and Practice Staff * * What do you need to do to get your practice staff vaccinated and to get your practice ready to vaccinate all your Over 70s? * How has your practice and those around you coped with Covid over Christmas and New Year? We will be hearing from an expert who can give us the lie of the land.... * How have you managed the switch back to Phone/Video consults only (or have you done this at all?) * Are you ready for the kids to start Zoom Schooling on Monday?......Hooray! And so much more..... GPTV tomorrow and every Friday at cannot afford to miss it! Click on this link: to join us for GPTV on Fridays at 1.30pm And don't forget that if you missed an episode, you can always catch up by going to (if you have a Centric Health email address). Many thanks and stay safe Paul Dr Paul Carroll MBBS FRACGP MICGP General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications Churchtown Medical 96/98 Churchtown Road Upper Churchtown Dublin 14 Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549 Mobile 087 7813357 Email:<> Web:<> [Churchtown Medical] From:<> <<>> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll Sent: Thursday 17 December 2020 16:20 To: '' <<>> Subject: GPTV Christmas Special - tomorrow at1.30pm....!! [Merry Christmas GIFs & Animated Images - Download on] Well deck the halls and jingle those's only the GPTV Christmas Special! What a line-up we have for you tomorrow on GPTV: * Moss will be announcing the winners of the prestigious Paul van der Merwe Awards: this is the highest honour Centric Health can bestow on one of its own - awards tomorrow will include Clinical Person of the Year, Non-Clinical Person of the Year and the overall winner of the Patient Centric Award will also be announced. There have been over 40 nominations and I don't envy the judges on this one! * We will also be announcing the shortlist and the winner of our very own GPTV Best Waiting Room Christmas Tree's not too late to get your entry in to win a fabulous Cadbury hamper for your practice! Send a pic of your practice's foliage to<> * Plus all the usual news, reviews, fun and frivolity for our very last GPTV of 2020! * So put on your finest Christmas jumper/hat/tinsel/baubles and get ready to join us at 1.30pm tomorrow.... All this and much much more on GPTV tomorrow at 1.30pm. GPTV tomorrow and every Friday at cannot afford to miss it! Click on this link: to join us for GPTV on Fridays at 1.30pm And don't forget that if you missed an episode, you can always catch up by going to (if you have a Centric Health email address). Many thanks and stay safe Paul Dr Paul Carroll MBBS FRACGP MICGP General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications Churchtown Medical 96/98 Churchtown Road Upper Churchtown Dublin 14 Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549 Mobile 087 7813357 Email:<> Web:<> [Churchtown Medical] From:<> <<>> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll Sent: Friday 11 December 2020 02:17 To:<> Subject: GPTV today at1.30pm..... Hi everyone Today on your GPTV we continue profiling some of the new movers and shakers within Centric Health.....this week it is the turn of former Irish international cricketer and now Head of Corporate Sales Conor Hoey to take the hot seat and tell us all about the potential he sees for our practices to benefit from closer ties to the corporate world in the future.......starting off with the very successful Covid swab test programme which is going down an absolute storm. PLUS we have news hot off the press regarding all those nasal flu vaccines slowly expiring in your fridges.... PLUS we launch our "Best Waiting Room Christmas Tree Competition".....what's yours like? Does it look sad and unloved or resplendent in fancy tinselry? Either way, send us in a photo of your practice's Christmas tree and see if yours is a winner! Youi know the address, as always it is<> PLUS with only one more episode to go in 2020 after this one we preview the Paul van der Merwe Awards which will be presented LIVE on GPTV next week.... All this and much much more on GPTV today at 1.30pm. GPTV today and every Friday at cannot afford to miss it! Click on this link: to join us for GPTV on Fridays at 1.30pm Many thanks and stay safe Paul Dr Paul Carroll MBBS FRACGP MICGP General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications Churchtown Medical 96/98 Churchtown Road Upper Churchtown Dublin 14 Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549 Mobile 087 7813357 Email:<> Web:<> [Churchtown Medical] From:<> <<>> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll Sent: Friday 4 December 2020 00:58 To:<> Subject: GPTV today at1.30pm..... Hi everyone We've a real treat for you this week on GPTV today at1.30pm..... We will be having an in-depth no-holds-barred interview with the new Head of IT for Centric Health.....Luke Tyrrell. He's a great addition to the central commentary team and he's going to tell us a bit about his vision for the technology side of our business, and also a bit about himself and how he came to take on this huge role. So join us at 1.30pm where you can put any questions you might have about either how to fix your printer, or what the strategic IT vision of the company is.....or anything in between. If you have anything you would like us to discuss, then please flick an email to<> GPTV today and every Friday at cannot afford to miss it! Click on this link: to join us for GPTV on Fridays at 1.30pm Many thanks and stay safe Paul Dr Paul Carroll MBBS FRACGP MICGP General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications Churchtown Medical 96/98 Churchtown Road Upper Churchtown Dublin 14 Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549 Mobile 087 7813357 Email:<> Web:<> [Churchtown Medical] From:<> <<>> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll Sent: Friday 27 November 2020 03:04 To:<> Subject: GPTV today at1.30pm..... Hi everyone Just a quick reminder to let you know that your GPTV is back today at 1.30. We've loads to cover today but also plenty of time for you to raise any issues that are bugging you as well. Our previously-arranged star guest has had to pull out this week, so we are going to get someone even better to take their place! Who will it be???? You will have to tune in to find out! If you have anything you would like us to discuss, then please flick an email to<> GPTV today and every Friday at cannot afford to miss it! Click on this link: to join us for GPTV on Fridays at 1.30pm Many thanks and stay safe Paul Dr Paul Carroll MBBS FRACGP MICGP General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications Churchtown Medical 96/98 Churchtown Road Upper Churchtown Dublin 14 Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549 Mobile 087 7813357 Email:<> Web:<> [Churchtown Medical] From:<> <<>> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll Sent: Thursday 19 November 2020 18:17 To:<> Subject: GPTV tomorrow at1.30pm..... Hi everyone Phew! I think many of us are still recovering from the record-breaking sensation that was the Centric Health 6th Annual GP and Practice Nurses Conference last weekend....tomorrow on your GPTV we've got coverage of all the highlights from a packed conference programme to guide your viewing if you haven't had a chance to see it yet.... Plus we have news about the RCSI Clinical Leadership's not (quite) too late to get your name on the list.... And our special guests will be the outgoing and incoming Clinical Nurse Leads....find out all the ways that they support your Practice Nurse and PCA and what plans are coming down the line... And so much more! If you have anything you would like us to discuss, then please flick an email to<> GPTV tomorrow and every Friday at cannot afford to miss it! Click on this link: to join us for GPTV on Fridays at 1.30pm Many thanks and stay safe Paul Dr Paul Carroll MBBS FRACGP MICGP General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications Churchtown Medical 96/98 Churchtown Road Upper Churchtown Dublin 14 Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549 Mobile 087 7813357 Email:<> Web:<> [Churchtown Medical] From:<> <<>> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll Sent: Thursday 12 November 2020 18:08 To:<> Subject: GPTV tomorrow at1.30pm..... Hi everyone In advance of our Centric Health GP Conference on Saturday, on GPTV tomorrow we will be previewing this ground-breaking multi-national event with its convenor Dr Ray Power. Ray will take us through the highlights of what will be a packed programme including several world-firsts! Thanks to all of you who have signed up to attend on Saturday, and although we won't get to celebrate with each other afterwards as we usually do, it should still be a great day for Centric Health GP. And if you play your cards right, you could be getting a nice little takeaway dinner on us! I'm sure Ray will be saying that one of the major highlights of the day (aren't you a bit biased here? - Ed) will be our very own feature-length surround-sound edition of GPTV which closes out the event at 4.25pm on Saturday. We will have some special guests and some giveaways and a few surprises for those of you who make it that far through the day! As for tomorrow, we have an update on flu vaccines, and news of a challenge being thrown down in one of our practices....can you match it? And one of our practices celebrates an important birthday this week.....we join them live for pizza! Plus loads more fun please drop in! GPTV tomorrow and every Friday at cannot afford to miss it! Click on this link: to join us for GPTV on Fridays at 1.30pm Many thanks and stay safe Paul Dr Paul Carroll MBBS FRACGP MICGP General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications Churchtown Medical 96/98 Churchtown Road Upper Churchtown Dublin 14 Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549 Mobile 087 7813357 Email:<> Web:<> [Churchtown Medical] From:<> <<>> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll Sent: Thursday 5 November 2020 18:42 To:<> Subject: GPTV tomorrow at1.30pm..... Hi everyone I know many of you will be up all night watching counting in Nevada, Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania tonight, so you may need to bring along some matchsticks tomorrow to make sure your eyes are still wide open for tomorrow's GPTV! Tomorrow on GPTV we are once and for all going to lay out the Idiot's Guide to the two really big things going on at the moment: * Heart Care at Home * Chronic Disease Management Time is running out to get the most out of both of them so I strongly encourage you (or someone clever in your practice) to have a listen tomorrow to save you all a tonne of time trying to figure it out yourself, and how to make it provide a good income source for the practice in these straightened times.... Plus we look at some practice Google reviews and we preview next week's showpiece, the Centric Health 6th GP Conference (see here for more info and to sign up if you haven't already.....<> ) GPTV tomorrow at cannot afford to miss it! Click on this link: to join us for GPTV on Fridays at 1.30pm Many thanks and stay safe Paul Dr Paul Carroll MBBS FRACGP MICGP General Practitioner Churchtown Medical 96/98 Churchtown Road Upper Churchtown Dublin 14 Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549 Mobile 087 7813357 Email:<> Web:<> [Churchtown Medical] From:<> <<>> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll Sent: Thursday 29 October 2020 19:04 To:<> Subject: GPTV tomorrow at1.30pm..... Hi everyone After having our schedule hijacked by Moss last week, tomorrow we are back to our normal schedule! And we are introducing yet another talented member of our GP community.....this time it is Dr Ernan Gallagher, GP in Bray, and Clinical Lead for the re-launched and revamped Centric Specialist Clinic Dermatology Service! "What's his story?" and "What do they do?" I hear you ask....and "How can I refer a patient to them?".....well Ernan will be here to answer all these questions and can even put him on the spot and send in a patient photo for him to do his Dermatology On-The-Spot Wizardry....!! Plus, we've updates as to how Covid 19 is decimating our practices.....we will be auctioning off 10 flu vaccines to the highest bidder........and we find out how Level 5 is working out in your area..... Please fire in any questions/queries/comments to<> or you can ask them using the Chat function in the call tomorrow. We look forward to a quick mid-term catch up with you tomorrow at 1.30..... Click on this link: to join us for GPTV on Fridays at 1.30pm Many thanks and stay safe Paul From:<> <<>> On Behalf Of Paul Carroll Sent: Thursday 24 September 2020 18:01 To:<> Subject: GPTV tomorrow at1.30pm! Hi everyone Just a reminder that the next edition of GPTV goes out tomorrow at 1.30. Why not stick us on the computer while you are having a sambo or checking a few blood results.....? So many things to talk about this week.....starting with a Special Guest Appearance from our very own Dr Matt O'Tuathail (Ranelagh Medical), whom you may have possibly seen on every TV show ever broadcast....and now he adds a GPTV appearance to round off his CV nicely.... He is one of the doctors doing the Covid swab and antibody testing in Barrow, and he also does about 8000 other things at the same time. You can ask him anything you like...!! We would also love to hear what's on your mind....this is your show! It's gotta be more fun than making that 46000th Covid phone call...... Love to see you there tomorrow at 1.30.....! Oh yes and don't forget......SPOILER ALERT.... Next week we will be featuring a no-holds barred interview with the Big Kahuna, our CEO Dr Moss Cox, who will be talking about anything we want him to! So get your thinking caps on and start emailing us questions which we will put to him (anonymously of course) on the show next week. You can reply to me or email<> But back to tomorrow, just click on the link below..... Please join GPTV from your computer, tablet or smartphone. We would encourage you to join via the below link if possible. If you do not have speakers or microphone on your computer please dial in via the telephone no provided below. Click on this link: to join us for GPTV Fridays at 1.30pm You can also dial in using your phone. Ireland: +353 16 572 651<tel:+35316572651,,486841845> and then enter Access Code: 486-841-845 And don't forget that if you missed an episode, you can always catch up by going to (if you have a Centric Health email address). Reply to me or fling us an email to<> of you want to know more or if you have a story we should be covering! Kind regards Paul Dr Paul Carroll MBBS FRACGP MICGP General Practitioner, Investigative Journalist and Global Head of Communications Churchtown Medical 96/98 Churchtown Road Upper Churchtown Dublin 14 Phone: (01) 298 8945 Fax: (01) 296 0549 Mobile 087 7813357 Email:<> Web:<> [Churchtown Medical] This e-mail and any attachments including voice attachments may contain confidential, personal, sensitive, proprietary or legally privileged information. Anyone who is not the intended recipient should not use or open the document. Any information or voice recording used within this document or e-mail should not be forwarded to any other legal person or organisation or posted on any social media platform as to do so would be in breach of privacy and data protection legislation. If you have erroneously received this email or document, please delete immediately and notify the sender. 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