HSE IT Cyber Attack – Payments & Contract Issues 25th May 2021

Jean Gallagher
Wed, May 26, 2021 7:01 AM

FYI some good info here from IMO- particularly good idea to consider some CDM visits without the bloods and doing the bloods within 3 months after to submit claim
Also link to radiology private referral pathways for ALL patients while ransomeware issue ongoing.

From: Irish Medical Organisation imo@imo.ie
Sent: Tuesday 25 May 2021 17:38
To: gallagherjean@hotmail.com gallagherjean@hotmail.com
Subject: HSE IT Cyber Attack – Payments & Contract Issues 25th May 2021

Web Version:

    IMO Update

HSE IT Cyber Attack – Payments & Contract Issues

25th May 2021

As a direct impact of the IT Cyber Attack clinicians are not
working in an environment that allows for the highest standard of
care. There are increased risks around reduced access, delayed
diagnosis and treatment due to the generalised slowing of
internal processes, severe restrictions in GP access to
diagnostics and reliance on manual ordering and reporting for
urgent cases.

The focus is on restoring vital services to enable clinical
processes and mitigate risk to patient safety. This will take
time and not all services will be available at the same time.
General Practice should be aware that contingency/work arounds
will be proactively initiated to mitigate against risks during
this time.

Specific and continuing impacts for GPs

Do not send samples of any kind unless essential to decisions
that must be made right away
Urgent and essential bloods to be limited to blood count, basis
biochemistry and INR (when submitting urgent requests include
mobile number of results to be communicated)
Where outpatients have been cancelled do not refer until services
restored (update on HSE.ie daily geographical variations)
Samples submitted in days before 14th May may no longer be
suitable for processing and may be necessary to resubmit if
clinically urgent

Mitigations/Work Arounds in place

HSE providing full population access to CT, MRI, DEXA and Xray
through private providers for period of service impact. Available
now – click here for details [
Workarounds for Primary Care Centres in place through CHOs
pending full resolution
HSE High Level Group seeking to secure diagnostic bloods through
private providers to allow access to GPs – will issue further
guidance when available
Healthlink is a priority for restoration

Chronic Disease Management

CDM returns operate over the Healthlink system so claims cannot
be submitted and bloods cannot be done at this time

You can continue with CDM appointments – save but do not submit -
and ensure the blood results are within the 3 month time period
before you submit when systems are open
You can continue with CDM and do bloods as a follow up when
available then submit for payment
Nurse subsidy date will be extended – agreeing date with HSE
HSE are working on contingency pathway for bloods so GP will not
be reliant on acute labs reopening for non urgent referrals

For an update on CDM criteria, age cohorts and nurse subsidy
click here [

COVID Assessments

GPs are continuing to provide COVID assessments and may claim
Patient to be advised to attend local test centre – to check
opening times on HSE.ie and to bring photo ID
Results are going directly to patient – if you wish you can ask
patient to advise you of result but it is not a requirement


No claims are to be submitted at this time. PCRS are working to
restore the claims process and access to PCRS Suite. GPs may
continue to provide care, including special items of service
during this period.

Keep records of all STCs
Save but do not submit Covid Vaccine and CDM Claims
The next payment to GPs is due on 14th May. It is envisaged at
this point in time that capitation and practice supports will be
paid and IMO are meeting with PCRS to discuss and agree
contingency plans around all other variable claims recognising
the need to maintain adequate cash flow to General Practice.

Cervical Check

Cervical screening appointments can resume from Monday 24 May

The HSE cyber-attack has affected connectivity in all areas of
the health service. This means there are some short-term changes
in how you will receive results:

How you will receive results if your patient requires follow-up
treatment at colposcopy:

Samples sent to Quest Diagnostics:

You will receive your patient’s results by post from Quest
Diagnostics (please allow time for delivery)
You will receive the colposcopy referral form electronically from
CervicalCheck for fill in and return by post to the designated
colposcopy unit
Your patient will receive their result letter by post from

Samples sent to the Coombe Women and Infants Hospital:

No results are being sent out at present. CervicalCheck will
update as soon as this position changes.

If your patient is returned to routine recall:

Neither you nor your patient will receive their result letter in
the short term.
Once we are fully operational we will revert to normal result
letter processes.

Will my patient’s follow-up appointment go ahead?

Patients who have follow-up hospital appointments, including
colposcopy, can check the HSE hospital services disruptions page
here [
] to see if appointments are going ahead as planned at their
hospital. This page is updated regularly.

Is there a delay in follow-up appointments and results?

All colposcopy clinics are currently operating but with reduced

Will payment be processed?

Payments are through PCRS which is currently down. Members should
retain records and claim payment once PCRS systems are
operational again.

Department of Social Protection (Illness Benefit)

e-Certification is not available at the moment due to the
Healthlink system being offline as a result of the cyber-attack.
While the Healthlink system is offline, GPs are asked to submit
paper medical certificates for Illness Benefit claimants. These
certificates should be sent by FreePost to
Social Welfare Services
PO Box 1650
Department of Social Protection
Dublin 1

It is particularly important that paper medical Certificates are
submitted for patients who are making a new Illness Benefit claim
and require a Certificate for that claim.
It is also very important that where the Certificate is a final
one that the 'Final Certificate ' box on the paper form is
Patient signature is not required in these circumstances and for
this period of time
If you require paper medical Certificates in this intervening
period, supplies can be ordered from the Department of Social
Protection by e-mail: help.mras@welfare.ie [ help.mras@welfare.ie
] or by Tel: (01) 6732350.

The Webinar from last night is available here [

This email was sent to gallagherjean@hotmail.com from imo@imo.ie


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This e-mail and any attachments including voice attachments may contain confidential, personal, sensitive, proprietary or legally privileged information. Anyone who is not the intended recipient should not use or open the document. Any information or voice recording used within this document or e-mail should not be forwarded to any other legal person or organisation or posted on any social media platform as to do so would be in breach of privacy and data protection legislation. If you have erroneously received this email or document, please delete immediately and notify the sender. If you have received this e-mail or documentation where there is a precise reason to forward to a third party, all rules regarding privacy and data protection should be followed. You will be liable for a third party breach.The recipients acknowledge that Centric Health or associated companies are unable to exercise control to ensure or guarantee the integrity of/over the contents of the information contained in e-mail transmission and further acknowledge that any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and no binding nature of the message shall be implied or assumed unless the sender does so expressly with due authority of Centric Health.

FYI some good info here from IMO- particularly good idea to consider some CDM visits without the bloods and doing the bloods within 3 months after to submit claim Also link to radiology private referral pathways for ALL patients while ransomeware issue ongoing. Jean ________________________________ From: Irish Medical Organisation <imo@imo.ie> Sent: Tuesday 25 May 2021 17:38 To: gallagherjean@hotmail.com <gallagherjean@hotmail.com> Subject: HSE IT Cyber Attack – Payments & Contract Issues 25th May 2021 Web Version: http://imo.newsweaver.com/memberadvisory/1r6ra4vzmqu1f7by9jddh6?email=true&lang=en Unsubscribe: http://imo.newsweaver.com/memberadvisory/unsubscribe/unsubscribe.html?s=1f7by9jddh6&m=001s0fd6t2cf3dh18i22eb&email=true&lang=en ---------------------- IMO Update HSE IT Cyber Attack – Payments & Contract Issues 25th May 2021 As a direct impact of the IT Cyber Attack clinicians are not working in an environment that allows for the highest standard of care. There are increased risks around reduced access, delayed diagnosis and treatment due to the generalised slowing of internal processes, severe restrictions in GP access to diagnostics and reliance on manual ordering and reporting for urgent cases. The focus is on restoring vital services to enable clinical processes and mitigate risk to patient safety. This will take time and not all services will be available at the same time. General Practice should be aware that contingency/work arounds will be proactively initiated to mitigate against risks during this time. Specific and continuing impacts for GPs Do not send samples of any kind unless essential to decisions that must be made right away Urgent and essential bloods to be limited to blood count, basis biochemistry and INR (when submitting urgent requests include mobile number of results to be communicated) Where outpatients have been cancelled do not refer until services restored (update on HSE.ie daily geographical variations) Samples submitted in days before 14th May may no longer be suitable for processing and may be necessary to resubmit if clinically urgent Mitigations/Work Arounds in place HSE providing full population access to CT, MRI, DEXA and Xray through private providers for period of service impact. Available now – click here for details [ http://imo.newsweaver.com/memberadvisory/1mw5r3ttyt71f7by9jddh6?email=true&a=6&p=59441824&t=32191783 ] Workarounds for Primary Care Centres in place through CHOs pending full resolution HSE High Level Group seeking to secure diagnostic bloods through private providers to allow access to GPs – will issue further guidance when available Healthlink is a priority for restoration Chronic Disease Management CDM returns operate over the Healthlink system so claims cannot be submitted and bloods cannot be done at this time However You can continue with CDM appointments – save but do not submit - and ensure the blood results are within the 3 month time period before you submit when systems are open You can continue with CDM and do bloods as a follow up when available then submit for payment Nurse subsidy date will be extended – agreeing date with HSE HSE are working on contingency pathway for bloods so GP will not be reliant on acute labs reopening for non urgent referrals For an update on CDM criteria, age cohorts and nurse subsidy click here [ http://imo.newsweaver.com/memberadvisory/15hubycho241f7by9jddh6?email=true&a=6&p=59441824&t=32191783 ] COVID Assessments GPs are continuing to provide COVID assessments and may claim appropriately Patient to be advised to attend local test centre – to check opening times on HSE.ie and to bring photo ID Results are going directly to patient – if you wish you can ask patient to advise you of result but it is not a requirement PCRS No claims are to be submitted at this time. PCRS are working to restore the claims process and access to PCRS Suite. GPs may continue to provide care, including special items of service during this period. Keep records of all STCs Save but do not submit Covid Vaccine and CDM Claims The next payment to GPs is due on 14th May. It is envisaged at this point in time that capitation and practice supports will be paid and IMO are meeting with PCRS to discuss and agree contingency plans around all other variable claims recognising the need to maintain adequate cash flow to General Practice. Cervical Check Cervical screening appointments can resume from Monday 24 May 2021. The HSE cyber-attack has affected connectivity in all areas of the health service. This means there are some short-term changes in how you will receive results: How you will receive results if your patient requires follow-up treatment at colposcopy: Samples sent to Quest Diagnostics: You will receive your patient’s results by post from Quest Diagnostics (please allow time for delivery) You will receive the colposcopy referral form electronically from CervicalCheck for fill in and return by post to the designated colposcopy unit Your patient will receive their result letter by post from CervicalCheck. Samples sent to the Coombe Women and Infants Hospital: No results are being sent out at present. CervicalCheck will update as soon as this position changes. If your patient is returned to routine recall: Neither you nor your patient will receive their result letter in the short term. Once we are fully operational we will revert to normal result letter processes. Will my patient’s follow-up appointment go ahead? Patients who have follow-up hospital appointments, including colposcopy, can check the HSE hospital services disruptions page here [ http://imo.newsweaver.com/memberadvisory/vi5b7qhkgs01f7by9jddh6/external?email=true&a=6&p=59441824&t=32191783 ] to see if appointments are going ahead as planned at their hospital. This page is updated regularly. Is there a delay in follow-up appointments and results? All colposcopy clinics are currently operating but with reduced capacity. Will payment be processed? Payments are through PCRS which is currently down. Members should retain records and claim payment once PCRS systems are operational again. Department of Social Protection (Illness Benefit) e-Certification is not available at the moment due to the Healthlink system being offline as a result of the cyber-attack. While the Healthlink system is offline, GPs are asked to submit paper medical certificates for Illness Benefit claimants. These certificates should be sent by FreePost to FREEPOST Social Welfare Services PO Box 1650 Department of Social Protection Dublin 1 It is particularly important that paper medical Certificates are submitted for patients who are making a new Illness Benefit claim and require a Certificate for that claim. It is also very important that where the Certificate is a final one that the 'Final Certificate ' box on the paper form is ticked. Patient signature is not required in these circumstances and for this period of time If you require paper medical Certificates in this intervening period, supplies can be ordered from the Department of Social Protection by e-mail: help.mras@welfare.ie [ help.mras@welfare.ie ] or by Tel: (01) 6732350. The Webinar from last night is available here [ http://imo.newsweaver.com/memberadvisory/18y92e5f1yo1f7by9jddh6/external?email=true&a=6&p=59441824&t=32191783 ]. ---------------------- This email was sent to gallagherjean@hotmail.com from imo@imo.ie Unsubscribe: http://imo.newsweaver.com/memberadvisory/unsubscribe/unsubscribe.html?s=1f7by9jddh6&m=001s0fd6t2cf3dh18i22eb&email=true&lang=en Change Email Format (Text/HTML): http://imo.newsweaver.com/memberadvisory/subscriber/switchFormat.html?subscriberId=1f7by9jddh6&mailingRecordId=001s0fd6t2cf3dh18i22eb&to=HTML&email=true&lang=en Report Misuse: http://imo.newsweaver.com/memberadvisory/1r6ra4vzmqu1f7by9jddh6/abuse.html Created by Newsweaver This e-mail and any attachments including voice attachments may contain confidential, personal, sensitive, proprietary or legally privileged information. Anyone who is not the intended recipient should not use or open the document. Any information or voice recording used within this document or e-mail should not be forwarded to any other legal person or organisation or posted on any social media platform as to do so would be in breach of privacy and data protection legislation. If you have erroneously received this email or document, please delete immediately and notify the sender. If you have received this e-mail or documentation where there is a precise reason to forward to a third party, all rules regarding privacy and data protection should be followed. You will be liable for a third party breach.The recipients acknowledge that Centric Health or associated companies are unable to exercise control to ensure or guarantee the integrity of/over the contents of the information contained in e-mail transmission and further acknowledge that any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and no binding nature of the message shall be implied or assumed unless the sender does so expressly with due authority of Centric Health.