ICT Tip 90 – Healthmail – An opportunity to review

Michael Joyce
Thu, Dec 8, 2022 10:21 AM

Clanwilliam have advised that they will roll out an update next week.  I don’t know yet what new features are in it, but one thing they have advised is that they are upping the level of security on Healthmail.  At this point I don’t know exactly what this means but I presume the following will be correct.
As a result, after you receive the update, you will have to login to your healthmail again, once, before being able to send prescriptions.  It will look something like this.

[Graphical user interface, text, application, email  Description automatically generated]

You will need to enter your healthmail address and password to proceed.
This is an opportunity to review policy on what healthmail address to use.  There are basically two options, each have their own pros and cons.  The main issue around this is about monitoring any incoming mail to the healthmail account.

Option 1: Everybody uses the practice healthmail account.  This is probable to commonest policy out there.  It means that one person can monitor any incoming mail and alert any relevant GPs with any appropriate messages received.
The downside of this is that most of us have healthmail accounts in our own name.  If we use the practice healthmail account for prescriptions and don’t check our personal healthmail we may be missing some reports from Hospitals or Consultants.  This is because our addresses are available in the Healthmail directory and people can find our addresses and send us stuff.  I still get on average 1 or 2 reports a week this way.  If you haven’t checked your healthmail for a long time it might be interesting to check and  see if you have any.

Option 2: Each doctor uses their own healthmail account.  This has the advantage that the doctor can fully manage his own communications.  However, it does require the doctor to monitor his own incoming healthmail, not a difficult thing to do using outlook.

It is of course possible to use a combination of the options, some doctors might like to retain control over their own healthmail communications while others are happy to use the practice healthmail account.  In that case maybe the doctor should consider inactivating their own healthmail account.  However as far as I know you must maintain at least one doctor address per practice.

If you have difficulty remembering your password or any other issues you can do it all on the healthmail website at www.healthmail.iehttp://www.healthmail.ie There is lots of good support and FAQ information available there.


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Clanwilliam have advised that they will roll out an update next week. I don’t know yet what new features are in it, but one thing they have advised is that they are upping the level of security on Healthmail. At this point I don’t know exactly what this means but I presume the following will be correct. As a result, after you receive the update, you will have to login to your healthmail again, once, before being able to send prescriptions. It will look something like this. [Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated] You will need to enter your healthmail address and password to proceed. This is an opportunity to review policy on what healthmail address to use. There are basically two options, each have their own pros and cons. The main issue around this is about monitoring any incoming mail to the healthmail account. Option 1: Everybody uses the practice healthmail account. This is probable to commonest policy out there. It means that one person can monitor any incoming mail and alert any relevant GPs with any appropriate messages received. The downside of this is that most of us have healthmail accounts in our own name. If we use the practice healthmail account for prescriptions and don’t check our personal healthmail we may be missing some reports from Hospitals or Consultants. This is because our addresses are available in the Healthmail directory and people can find our addresses and send us stuff. I still get on average 1 or 2 reports a week this way. If you haven’t checked your healthmail for a long time it might be interesting to check and see if you have any. Option 2: Each doctor uses their own healthmail account. This has the advantage that the doctor can fully manage his own communications. However, it does require the doctor to monitor his own incoming healthmail, not a difficult thing to do using outlook. It is of course possible to use a combination of the options, some doctors might like to retain control over their own healthmail communications while others are happy to use the practice healthmail account. In that case maybe the doctor should consider inactivating their own healthmail account. However as far as I know you must maintain at least one doctor address per practice. If you have difficulty remembering your password or any other issues you can do it all on the healthmail website at www.healthmail.ie<http://www.healthmail.ie> There is lots of good support and FAQ information available there. Michael Click here for Socrates Tips Guides and Videos<https://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/CentricConnect/EsaogyaLmbdEhAMVfwYEFs4BfdK9C30zHEZcLbA_0vQjYQ?e=EFyJsA> in Centric World.