ICT Tip 78 – Socrates – Using Sketches

Michael Joyce
Wed, Aug 3, 2022 11:19 AM

There is a rarely used feature in Socrates which has the potential to be very useful in some situations.  That is to have a sketch diagram of say a face or a body on which we can mark and save sketch drawings of  bruising or lacerations etc.
I think one of the main reasons it’s not used is that the sketches supplied by Socrates are not terribly useful, there are more full anatomical drawings.  You can however find or create your own template sketches and add them for use.  Even finding good sketches is difficult but I did find a few on the internet.
Here are a few screen shots of what I mean.

[Graphical user interface  Description automatically generated with medium confidence]

Sketches are saved here in Documents

[Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated]
It’s a little complex to explain in text so there is a video available in Centric World to show how to use it and how to add your own sketch templates that you can use.  It is available here

[​mp4 icon] Using Sketches.mp4https://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/:v:/s/CentricConnect/EbV-iwsNl89Lp7ZcS1UhyKAB5Z8zhZeogX62zJSmC0c8ug?e=ipCxdX

You will need your centric health e-mail address and password to access it.


Click here for Socrates Tips Guides and Videoshttps://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/CentricConnect/EsaogyaLmbdEhAMVfwYEFs4BfdK9C30zHEZcLbA_0vQjYQ?e=EFyJsA in Centric World.

There is a rarely used feature in Socrates which has the potential to be very useful in some situations. That is to have a sketch diagram of say a face or a body on which we can mark and save sketch drawings of bruising or lacerations etc. I think one of the main reasons it’s not used is that the sketches supplied by Socrates are not terribly useful, there are more full anatomical drawings. You can however find or create your own template sketches and add them for use. Even finding good sketches is difficult but I did find a few on the internet. Here are a few screen shots of what I mean. [Graphical user interface Description automatically generated with medium confidence] Sketches are saved here in Documents [Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated] It’s a little complex to explain in text so there is a video available in Centric World to show how to use it and how to add your own sketch templates that you can use. It is available here [​mp4 icon] Using Sketches.mp4<https://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/:v:/s/CentricConnect/EbV-iwsNl89Lp7ZcS1UhyKAB5Z8zhZeogX62zJSmC0c8ug?e=ipCxdX> You will need your centric health e-mail address and password to access it. Michael Click here for Socrates Tips Guides and Videos<https://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/CentricConnect/EsaogyaLmbdEhAMVfwYEFs4BfdK9C30zHEZcLbA_0vQjYQ?e=EFyJsA> in Centric World.