Flu and covid vaccines

Jean Gallagher
Wed, Sep 22, 2021 7:54 AM

Subject: Fwd: Update Re Covid-19 Booster and Flu Vaccine Programmes

Hi All
See attached very long email from IMO detailing flu and covid vaccine booster plan.
Summary of main points-
-covid boosters

  1. can order from today.
    2 for all patients age 80 and over
  2. Also for some very immunosuppressed but GPs being asked to focus on the over 80s
  3. Ideally give at same time as flu for this age group
  4. Have to still do 15mins obs after
  5. Payment is 25euro per vaccine
  6. Delivery from coldchaun will be same day as flu vacc

Flu vaccines

  1. 3 different vaccines this year- adjuvant qiv for all over 65/ nasal for age 2-17/ qiv for at risk groups between 6m-2 and 17-64.
  2. Should have ordered by now- will be restricted to the max u ordered last year
  3. Patients need to stay in the vicinity for 15 mins afterwards (not under obs)
  4. Claiming same as last year unfortunately (not automatic)
  5. Payment 15 euro per vacc plus 10 euro bonus- bonus only given for vaccines submitted in multiples of 10. Kids nasal vacc is 20euro per vaccine plus 15 euro bonus for every 10 also (again must submit in multiple of 10).


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From: Irish Medical Organisation imo@imo.ie
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2021 9:44 p.m.
To: gallagherjean@hotmail.com
Subject: Update Re Covid-19 Booster and Flu Vaccine Programmes

Web Version:



21st September 2021

GPs and their Teams have delivered very successful vaccination
programmes for many years and have made a phenomenal contribution
to the Covid Vaccination Programme. The next phase of GPs
participation in vaccination is the Flu Vaccine Campaign and
Covid Booster Programme.

This Update should be read in conjunction with the letter from
the NIO [
] .

When will the Flu and COVID Booster Programme start?

The official launch date for the commencement of the National Flu
campaign is 4th October, 2021. The Covid Booster campaign for
people aged 80 years and over will be undertaken through General
Practice and will be aligned with the national flu campaign. This
will maximise the efficiency of the model while minimizing
inconvenience for the over the 80s population and their families.
The objective is, in line with parameters below, to ensure that
each GP setting will receive deliveries of both Flu and Booster
Vaccines no later than the week commencing the 4th October so
they are ready to start.

What Vaccines are to be used in this campaign?

FLU Vaccine

There are three Flu Vaccines as follows:

Fluad Tetra: this is an adjuvant quadrivalent inactivated
Influenza vaccine (aQIV) for people aged 65 years and over
Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine (QIV) (split virion, inactivated):
QIV is recommended for children aged 6 months – 23 months and for
adults aged 18 to 64 years with chronic medical conditions,
pregnant women, healthcare workers (including GP practice staff
and students) and carers.
Fluenz Tetra, a live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV): This is
an intranasal application and is recommended for all children
aged 2 years to 17 years at the time of vaccination.
COVID Booster Vaccine

mRNA Comirnaty (Pfizer): This will be the vaccine regardless of
what vaccine was administered to the patient previously.

What patients are eligible to receive the Flu Vaccine under this
National Campaign?

Flu Vaccine:

All persons aged 65 years and over
Children aged 2 to 17
Patients aged 6-23 months and 18-64 years at increased risk of
influenza-related complications (see full list on NIO document)
Residents of Nursing Homes and other long stay facilities
Healthcare workers
Household contacts of people with underlying conditions or Down
Out of Home Care Givers (see definition on NIO letter)
Pregnant women
People in regular contact with pigs, poultry or waterfowl

All of the above are eligible to receive the flu vaccine free of
charge under this National Campaign, whether they are GMS and
Private there is no distinction. The supplies being provided by
the HSE to GPs are for the above categories of patients, where no
charge can be made, and they cannot be used for any other
category of patient.

What patients are eligible to receive the Covid Booster Vaccine
under this National Programme?

In line with current NIAC advice the category of patients
eligible for Covid Booster vaccines are:

All persons aged 80 years and over in the community (in General
All persons aged 65 years and over in Nursing Homes and Long Stay
Residential Facilities (to be administered by HSE Vaccine Teams).
All of the above are eligible to receive the Covid Booster
vaccine under this National Programme (GMS and Private).

What patients are eligible to receive a 3rd (Additional Primary
Dose) Covid Vaccine in line with NIAC advice?

The majority of these patients will be dealt with through the
hospital system.
In accordance with NIAC advice certain categories of
immuno-compromised patients will be offered a 3rd (additional)
dose as part of an extended primary vaccination course. The most
easily identifiable patients are in general also those at highest
risk and are likely to be on regular follow up with hospital
specialists (organ transplant, rheumatology, renal, cancer,
primary immunodeficiency, HIV).

Therefore, the most effective way to identify these patients will
be through the hospital system. The majority of these patents
will then receive this vaccine in a HSE Community Vaccination
Centre. However, GPs may need to assist with a small number of
these patients e.g. Those taking high-dose or prolonged systemic
corticosteroid therapy who are not under the care of a hospital
specialist. As the Programme progresses the HSE will be in a
position to provide more clinical advice, as required.

For further details of those NIAC consider immunocompromised
please see Table 5a.2 Chapter 5a on COVID-19 vaccines-
] [

Ordering and Delivery Process


Ordering is now online from the HSE National Cold Chain Service
www.ordervaccines.ie [
] [
The system has being enhanced to allow GPs from tomorrow (22nd
September) to order both Flu (all types) and Covid Booster
Vaccines (up to now you have only had the ability to order your
flu vaccine supplies).
The uptake nationally for the 2020 Flu Vaccine was 71% and there
are sufficient stocks to meet this uptake.
GPs may choose to order all their flu vaccine(s) requirements in
one delivery for patients aged 65 years and over. However, the
maximum you can order is based on your 2020/2021 season PCRS
claims total and in aggregate terms nationally this should be in
line with the above national uptake.
Arrangements for the ordering and supply of flu vaccines for
Nursing Home or Long Stay Residential Patients 65 years and over
will be in line with normal arrangements from previous years.
GPs should NOT order Covid Booster vaccines for Nursing Home or
Long Stay Residential Patients aged 65 years and over as the
Covid Boosters will be administered by HSE Vaccine Teams.
GPs may choose to order all the Covid Booster vaccines in line
with the requirements of only ordering for patients aged 80 years
and over (on date of vaccination) at this time. However, initial
deliveries, as a guiding principle, will indicatively be limited
to a maximum of one third of your patient population aged 65
years and over.
Please note the Covid booster vaccine is for anyone who is 80+ on
the day of vaccine, regardless of their age when they receive
their first or second dose.

Delivery Process

Deliveries will be fortnightly on your regular cold chain
delivery day. There will be alignment of the delivery schedules
for Flu and Covid vaccines. This will only impact on a minority
of practices who are currently on different delivery weeks for
the Flu and COVID vaccines. To achieve alignment of delivery
schedules for these practices they will be contacted by the HSE.
Additional Covid vaccine deliveries can be arranged, if required,
to ensure general practice has sufficient vaccine (both Flu and
Covid) to be ready to commence the administration of both the Flu
campaign and the Covid booster vaccine programme during week
commencing October 4 (week 40).
The 1st Cycle of Deliveries will take place on weeks commencing
20th September and 27th September – the first cycle of delivery
will be for 100% of the Flu vaccine for people aged 65 years and
over (based on 2020/21 PCRS claims) and for circa 50% of the Flu
vaccine for people all others in at risk groups (based on 2020/21
PCRS claims).
The 2nd cycle of Deliveries will take place on weeks commencing
4th October and 11th October when GPs will receive the balance of
their aQIV allocation of Flu vaccine for people aged 65 years and
over where they split ordering plus any LAIV (nasal vaccine) they
The 3rd Cycle of Deliveries will take place on weeks commencing
18th October and 25th October for the remaining 50% of patients
in the “at risk” groups and under the age of 65.
Deliveries of the COVID Booster Vaccine will commence on the week
of 27th September.
Note: For subsequent delivery cycles the NIO will assess any
residual volumes of vaccine available to ensure equitable vaccine

80 Years and Over: Flu Campaign and Covid Booster Vaccination

GPs are requested to administer both Flu and COVID Vaccines to
patients aged 80 years and over in one visit to minimise the
number of visits required for this age cohort and to maximise GP
time. However, based on your judgement there may be some
circumstances where this is not practical.

If you receive your Flu Vaccine delivery before your booster
vaccine delivery (those GPs receiving vaccines on week of 20th
September) you can start vaccinating all other eligible patients
with Flu Vaccine only and wait until your next delivery to
schedule in your patients aged 80 years and over for both Flu and
Covid Booster
The patient must be aged 80 or over on the date of the
In the event that you have additional mRNA Comirnaty (Pfizer)
vaccine supply which will go out of date and result in waste if
not used, you may, having exhausted opportunities to use on
unvaccinated groups, particularly 12-15 year-olds, and any
remaining patients waiting for a second dose, use this stock to
supply a booster to those aged 80 years and over only. The
vaccination record should be recorded on the GP Practice
Management System from October 4 when all system changes have
been made.
In circumstances where there are excess vaccines when you have
completed your over 80s and in line with previous with previous
clinical advice for the national clinical programme, please
continue to vaccinate the next old cohort (i.e. 79 year olds).


Confirmation has been received that the indemnity previously
provided is not time limited and the original provisions remain
in place for the booster programme. This does not cover
situations where there is an error in the administration of the
vaccine or where it is administered in a manner contrary to the
manufacturer’s guidelines.


For those GPs who are not in a position to provide the Covid
booster to their patients, there will be a referral pathway and
details will issue in the coming days.


Consent is required for each vaccination and for both flu and
covid booster.

Payment and Claiming Process

Flu Vaccine

Due to the HSE Cyber Attack it has not been possible to have the
integrated payment system for vaccines in place prior to this
year’s campaign. The process for claiming remains as previously –
GPs are requested to make claims as soon as possible after
vaccination so as to monitor the uptake. The Flu Vaccine Fee is
€15 per vaccine plus €10 (when claims are made in batches of 10
(20,30 …. etc).

For the LAIV vaccine for children agreed between 2 and 17 the fee
is €20 per vaccine plus €15(when claims are made in batches of 10
(20,30 ….. etc)

Claims for the flu vaccine are submitted in the normal fashion
(either online or manually).

Covid Booster Vaccine

The system for claiming will remain the same with two new
enhancements to allow for the boosters where GPs from the
drop-down menu will indicate either

Immunosuppressed (3rd /additional dose) or
Patients aged 80 years and over – Booster.
The IMO has agreed with the HSE that the following payment will
be in place for ALL Covid booster vaccines whether they are
delivered singly or at the same time as the Flu Vaccine.

The payment for the administration of the vaccine will remain the
same at €25.

(The once off registration fee of €10 which applied for the
initial registration of payment details will not be paid in the
Booster Programme given there is no requirement to reregister
patient details on the system). Please note claims cannot be
submitted until the 4th October.


The official date of the launch of the Programme (Flu and Covid
Booster) is 4th October but where you have supplies you may
administer in line with above criteria

GPs to administer flu vaccines to all eligible patients with no
charge regardless of status, there is no distinction between GMS
and Private

GPs (where participating) are to administer COVID Booster to all
patients aged 80 and over in the community

GPs will administer Flu Vaccine to Nursing Home and Long Term
Residential Settings as per previous years however HSE Vaccine
Teams will deliver COVID Boosters to this cohort of patients.

You may order your supplies at (www.ordervaccines.ie [
] [
]) – Covid Booster Orders are open from 22nd September 2021

Your order for Flu Vaccines is limited to the amount you
administered last year and your order for Covid Booster is
limited to patients of your practice aged 80 and over.

For Patients aged 80 and over you are requested, where possible,
to administer both vaccines (Flu and Covid Booster) during one

Claiming for Flu Vaccine is through the existing process.

Claiming for Covid Booster vaccine is through the current online
claiming system which will be in operation from 4th October 2021.

For GPs not participating in Covid Booster Programme a referral
pathway will issue in the coming days.

Our Member Advisory Team are on hand to deal with any issues and
can be contacted on: 01 6767273 or gpissues@imo.ie [
gpissues@imo.ie ] [ gpissues@imo.ie ]


IMO Team

This email was sent to gallagherjean@hotmail.com from imo@imo.ie


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Subject: Fwd: Update Re Covid-19 Booster and Flu Vaccine Programmes Hi All See attached very long email from IMO detailing flu and covid vaccine booster plan. Summary of main points- -covid boosters 1. can order from today. 2 for all patients age 80 and over 3. Also for some very immunosuppressed but GPs being asked to focus on the over 80s 4. Ideally give at same time as flu for this age group 5. Have to still do 15mins obs after 6. Payment is 25euro per vaccine 7. Delivery from coldchaun will be same day as flu vacc Flu vaccines 1. 3 different vaccines this year- adjuvant qiv for all over 65/ nasal for age 2-17/ qiv for at risk groups between 6m-2 and 17-64. 2. Should have ordered by now- will be restricted to the max u ordered last year 3. Patients need to stay in the vicinity for 15 mins afterwards (not under obs) 4. Claiming same as last year unfortunately (not automatic) 5. Payment 15 euro per vacc plus 10 euro bonus- bonus only given for vaccines submitted in multiples of 10. Kids nasal vacc is 20euro per vaccine plus 15 euro bonus for every 10 also (again must submit in multiple of 10). Jean Get Outlook for iOS From: Irish Medical Organisation <imo@imo.ie> Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2021 9:44 p.m. To: gallagherjean@hotmail.com Subject: Update Re Covid-19 Booster and Flu Vaccine Programmes Web Version: http://imo.newsweaver.com/memberadvisory/1u1bbu2yha91f7by9jddh6?email=true&lang=en Unsubscribe: http://imo.newsweaver.com/memberadvisory/unsubscribe/unsubscribe.html?s=1f7by9jddh6&m=0011t2yrtp0dxnfk11rcen&email=true&lang=en ---------------------- IMO UPDATE ON FLU VACCINATION PROGRAMME AND COVID BOOSTER PROGRAMME 21st September 2021 GPs and their Teams have delivered very successful vaccination programmes for many years and have made a phenomenal contribution to the Covid Vaccination Programme. The next phase of GPs participation in vaccination is the Flu Vaccine Campaign and Covid Booster Programme. This Update should be read in conjunction with the letter from the NIO [ http://imo.newsweaver.com/memberadvisory/66gid1qrf2o1f7by9jddh6?email=true&a=6&p=60277186&t=32395057 ] . When will the Flu and COVID Booster Programme start? The official launch date for the commencement of the National Flu campaign is 4th October, 2021. The Covid Booster campaign for people aged 80 years and over will be undertaken through General Practice and will be aligned with the national flu campaign. This will maximise the efficiency of the model while minimizing inconvenience for the over the 80s population and their families. The objective is, in line with parameters below, to ensure that each GP setting will receive deliveries of both Flu and Booster Vaccines no later than the week commencing the 4th October so they are ready to start. What Vaccines are to be used in this campaign? FLU Vaccine There are three Flu Vaccines as follows: Fluad Tetra: this is an adjuvant quadrivalent inactivated Influenza vaccine (aQIV) for people aged 65 years and over Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine (QIV) (split virion, inactivated): QIV is recommended for children aged 6 months – 23 months and for adults aged 18 to 64 years with chronic medical conditions, pregnant women, healthcare workers (including GP practice staff and students) and carers. Fluenz Tetra, a live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV): This is an intranasal application and is recommended for all children aged 2 years to 17 years at the time of vaccination. COVID Booster Vaccine mRNA Comirnaty (Pfizer): This will be the vaccine regardless of what vaccine was administered to the patient previously. What patients are eligible to receive the Flu Vaccine under this National Campaign? Flu Vaccine: All persons aged 65 years and over Children aged 2 to 17 Patients aged 6-23 months and 18-64 years at increased risk of influenza-related complications (see full list on NIO document) Residents of Nursing Homes and other long stay facilities Healthcare workers Household contacts of people with underlying conditions or Down Syndrome Out of Home Care Givers (see definition on NIO letter) Pregnant women People in regular contact with pigs, poultry or waterfowl All of the above are eligible to receive the flu vaccine free of charge under this National Campaign, whether they are GMS and Private there is no distinction. The supplies being provided by the HSE to GPs are for the above categories of patients, where no charge can be made, and they cannot be used for any other category of patient. What patients are eligible to receive the Covid Booster Vaccine under this National Programme? In line with current NIAC advice the category of patients eligible for Covid Booster vaccines are: All persons aged 80 years and over in the community (in General Practice) All persons aged 65 years and over in Nursing Homes and Long Stay Residential Facilities (to be administered by HSE Vaccine Teams). All of the above are eligible to receive the Covid Booster vaccine under this National Programme (GMS and Private). What patients are eligible to receive a 3rd (Additional Primary Dose) Covid Vaccine in line with NIAC advice? The majority of these patients will be dealt with through the hospital system. In accordance with NIAC advice certain categories of immuno-compromised patients will be offered a 3rd (additional) dose as part of an extended primary vaccination course. The most easily identifiable patients are in general also those at highest risk and are likely to be on regular follow up with hospital specialists (organ transplant, rheumatology, renal, cancer, primary immunodeficiency, HIV). Therefore, the most effective way to identify these patients will be through the hospital system. The majority of these patents will then receive this vaccine in a HSE Community Vaccination Centre. However, GPs may need to assist with a small number of these patients e.g. Those taking high-dose or prolonged systemic corticosteroid therapy who are not under the care of a hospital specialist. As the Programme progresses the HSE will be in a position to provide more clinical advice, as required. For further details of those NIAC consider immunocompromised please see Table 5a.2 Chapter 5a on COVID-19 vaccines- https://www.hse.ie/eng/health/immunisation/hcpinfo/guidelines/covid19.pdf [ http://imo.newsweaver.com/memberadvisory/1ho8fdvrzqv1f7by9jddh6/external?email=true&a=6&p=60277186&t=32395057 ] [ http://imo.newsweaver.com/memberadvisory/1ho8fdvrzqv1f7by9jddh6/external?email=true&a=6&p=60277186&t=32395057 ] Ordering and Delivery Process Ordering Ordering is now online from the HSE National Cold Chain Service www.ordervaccines.ie [ http://imo.newsweaver.com/memberadvisory/151z54l8zie1f7by9jddh6/external?email=true&a=6&p=60277186&t=32395057 ] [ http://imo.newsweaver.com/memberadvisory/151z54l8zie1f7by9jddh6/external?email=true&a=6&p=60277186&t=32395057 ] The system has being enhanced to allow GPs from tomorrow (22nd September) to order both Flu (all types) and Covid Booster Vaccines (up to now you have only had the ability to order your flu vaccine supplies). The uptake nationally for the 2020 Flu Vaccine was 71% and there are sufficient stocks to meet this uptake. GPs may choose to order all their flu vaccine(s) requirements in one delivery for patients aged 65 years and over. However, the maximum you can order is based on your 2020/2021 season PCRS claims total and in aggregate terms nationally this should be in line with the above national uptake. Arrangements for the ordering and supply of flu vaccines for Nursing Home or Long Stay Residential Patients 65 years and over will be in line with normal arrangements from previous years. GPs should NOT order Covid Booster vaccines for Nursing Home or Long Stay Residential Patients aged 65 years and over as the Covid Boosters will be administered by HSE Vaccine Teams. GPs may choose to order all the Covid Booster vaccines in line with the requirements of only ordering for patients aged 80 years and over (on date of vaccination) at this time. However, initial deliveries, as a guiding principle, will indicatively be limited to a maximum of one third of your patient population aged 65 years and over. Please note the Covid booster vaccine is for anyone who is 80+ on the day of vaccine, regardless of their age when they receive their first or second dose. Delivery Process Deliveries will be fortnightly on your regular cold chain delivery day. There will be alignment of the delivery schedules for Flu and Covid vaccines. This will only impact on a minority of practices who are currently on different delivery weeks for the Flu and COVID vaccines. To achieve alignment of delivery schedules for these practices they will be contacted by the HSE. Additional Covid vaccine deliveries can be arranged, if required, to ensure general practice has sufficient vaccine (both Flu and Covid) to be ready to commence the administration of both the Flu campaign and the Covid booster vaccine programme during week commencing October 4 (week 40). The 1st Cycle of Deliveries will take place on weeks commencing 20th September and 27th September – the first cycle of delivery will be for 100% of the Flu vaccine for people aged 65 years and over (based on 2020/21 PCRS claims) and for circa 50% of the Flu vaccine for people all others in at risk groups (based on 2020/21 PCRS claims). The 2nd cycle of Deliveries will take place on weeks commencing 4th October and 11th October when GPs will receive the balance of their aQIV allocation of Flu vaccine for people aged 65 years and over where they split ordering plus any LAIV (nasal vaccine) they require. The 3rd Cycle of Deliveries will take place on weeks commencing 18th October and 25th October for the remaining 50% of patients in the “at risk” groups and under the age of 65. Deliveries of the COVID Booster Vaccine will commence on the week of 27th September. Note: For subsequent delivery cycles the NIO will assess any residual volumes of vaccine available to ensure equitable vaccine distribution. 80 Years and Over: Flu Campaign and Covid Booster Vaccination Programme GPs are requested to administer both Flu and COVID Vaccines to patients aged 80 years and over in one visit to minimise the number of visits required for this age cohort and to maximise GP time. However, based on your judgement there may be some circumstances where this is not practical. If you receive your Flu Vaccine delivery before your booster vaccine delivery (those GPs receiving vaccines on week of 20th September) you can start vaccinating all other eligible patients with Flu Vaccine only and wait until your next delivery to schedule in your patients aged 80 years and over for both Flu and Covid Booster The patient must be aged 80 or over on the date of the vaccination In the event that you have additional mRNA Comirnaty (Pfizer) vaccine supply which will go out of date and result in waste if not used, you may, having exhausted opportunities to use on unvaccinated groups, particularly 12-15 year-olds, and any remaining patients waiting for a second dose, use this stock to supply a booster to those aged 80 years and over only. The vaccination record should be recorded on the GP Practice Management System from October 4 when all system changes have been made. In circumstances where there are excess vaccines when you have completed your over 80s and in line with previous with previous clinical advice for the national clinical programme, please continue to vaccinate the next old cohort (i.e. 79 year olds). INDEMNITY Confirmation has been received that the indemnity previously provided is not time limited and the original provisions remain in place for the booster programme. This does not cover situations where there is an error in the administration of the vaccine or where it is administered in a manner contrary to the manufacturer’s guidelines. REFERRAL FOR COVID BOOSTER For those GPs who are not in a position to provide the Covid booster to their patients, there will be a referral pathway and details will issue in the coming days. Consent Consent is required for each vaccination and for both flu and covid booster. Payment and Claiming Process Flu Vaccine Due to the HSE Cyber Attack it has not been possible to have the integrated payment system for vaccines in place prior to this year’s campaign. The process for claiming remains as previously – GPs are requested to make claims as soon as possible after vaccination so as to monitor the uptake. The Flu Vaccine Fee is €15 per vaccine plus €10 (when claims are made in batches of 10 (20,30 …. etc). For the LAIV vaccine for children agreed between 2 and 17 the fee is €20 per vaccine plus €15(when claims are made in batches of 10 (20,30 ….. etc) Claims for the flu vaccine are submitted in the normal fashion (either online or manually). Covid Booster Vaccine The system for claiming will remain the same with two new enhancements to allow for the boosters where GPs from the drop-down menu will indicate either Immunosuppressed (3rd /additional dose) or Patients aged 80 years and over – Booster. The IMO has agreed with the HSE that the following payment will be in place for ALL Covid booster vaccines whether they are delivered singly or at the same time as the Flu Vaccine. The payment for the administration of the vaccine will remain the same at €25. (The once off registration fee of €10 which applied for the initial registration of payment details will not be paid in the Booster Programme given there is no requirement to reregister patient details on the system). Please note claims cannot be submitted until the 4th October. Summary The official date of the launch of the Programme (Flu and Covid Booster) is 4th October but where you have supplies you may administer in line with above criteria GPs to administer flu vaccines to all eligible patients with no charge regardless of status, there is no distinction between GMS and Private GPs (where participating) are to administer COVID Booster to all patients aged 80 and over in the community GPs will administer Flu Vaccine to Nursing Home and Long Term Residential Settings as per previous years however HSE Vaccine Teams will deliver COVID Boosters to this cohort of patients. You may order your supplies at (www.ordervaccines.ie [ http://imo.newsweaver.com/memberadvisory/151z54l8zie1f7by9jddh6/external?email=true&i=2&a=6&p=60277186&t=32395057 ] [ http://imo.newsweaver.com/memberadvisory/151z54l8zie1f7by9jddh6/external?email=true&i=2&a=6&p=60277186&t=32395057 ]) – Covid Booster Orders are open from 22nd September 2021 Your order for Flu Vaccines is limited to the amount you administered last year and your order for Covid Booster is limited to patients of your practice aged 80 and over. For Patients aged 80 and over you are requested, where possible, to administer both vaccines (Flu and Covid Booster) during one visit. Claiming for Flu Vaccine is through the existing process. Claiming for Covid Booster vaccine is through the current online claiming system which will be in operation from 4th October 2021. For GPs not participating in Covid Booster Programme a referral pathway will issue in the coming days. Our Member Advisory Team are on hand to deal with any issues and can be contacted on: 01 6767273 or gpissues@imo.ie [ gpissues@imo.ie ] [ gpissues@imo.ie ] Sincerely, IMO Team ---------------------- This email was sent to gallagherjean@hotmail.com from imo@imo.ie Unsubscribe: http://imo.newsweaver.com/memberadvisory/unsubscribe/unsubscribe.html?s=1f7by9jddh6&m=0011t2yrtp0dxnfk11rcen&email=true&lang=en Change Email Format (Text/HTML): http://imo.newsweaver.com/memberadvisory/subscriber/switchFormat.html?subscriberId=1f7by9jddh6&mailingRecordId=0011t2yrtp0dxnfk11rcen&to=HTML&email=true&lang=en Report Misuse: http://imo.newsweaver.com/memberadvisory/1u1bbu2yha91f7by9jddh6/abuse.html Created by Newsweaver Get Outlook for iOS<https://aka.ms/o0ukef>