ICT Tip 83 – General – Electronic flu vaccine returns are coming

Michael Joyce
Tue, Sep 6, 2022 12:17 PM

We are coming down to the wire but the news is good and it looks like we will have electronic flu vaccine returns in time for this season.  This will save practices so much work.
Socrates are about to roll out a new release which includes the electronic flu vaccine returns.  You may have received notification already but in case you didn’t here is the notification of a lunchtime webinar on Thursday about the functionality.  If you can’t attend the webinar will be available to view anytime thereafter on the Clanwilliam resources page.

Here are the details, click the link to register.

Dear Customer,

We are getting ready to roll out the latest version of Socrates to all customers. This update includes updated functionality to submit your flu and pneumococcal vaccines to the PCRS for payment.

In order that you can hit the ground running with this fantastic new feature we will be holding a webinar demonstration to show how it can be used to save you and your team time. Our Support Team Leader Louise Murray will conduct the demo and we'll do our best to answer any questions you may have.

When? Thursday 8th September at 1:00 pm.
Where? Online, using our webinar software.
How do I register? Just click here and enter your details.https://elink.clickdimensions.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_pzCOetxh0tm2VyzxqzPg

As always we will record the session and make it available on our YouTube channel for anybody who cannot make it on Thursday. We will also send a link to the video and other support materials so that you have them to refer to as soon as your system has been updated.

Kind regards,
Donal O Nuallain

Head of Marketing
Clanwilliam Health

Click here for Socrates Tips Guides and Videoshttps://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/CentricConnect/EsaogyaLmbdEhAMVfwYEFs4BfdK9C30zHEZcLbA_0vQjYQ?e=EFyJsA in Centric World.

We are coming down to the wire but the news is good and it looks like we will have electronic flu vaccine returns in time for this season. This will save practices so much work. Socrates are about to roll out a new release which includes the electronic flu vaccine returns. You may have received notification already but in case you didn’t here is the notification of a lunchtime webinar on Thursday about the functionality. If you can’t attend the webinar will be available to view anytime thereafter on the Clanwilliam resources page. Here are the details, click the link to register. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Customer, We are getting ready to roll out the latest version of Socrates to all customers. This update includes updated functionality to submit your flu and pneumococcal vaccines to the PCRS for payment. In order that you can hit the ground running with this fantastic new feature we will be holding a webinar demonstration to show how it can be used to save you and your team time. Our Support Team Leader Louise Murray will conduct the demo and we'll do our best to answer any questions you may have. When? Thursday 8th September at 1:00 pm. Where? Online, using our webinar software. How do I register? Just click here and enter your details.<https://elink.clickdimensions.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_pzCOetxh0tm2VyzxqzPg> As always we will record the session and make it available on our YouTube channel for anybody who cannot make it on Thursday. We will also send a link to the video and other support materials so that you have them to refer to as soon as your system has been updated. Kind regards, Donal O Nuallain Head of Marketing Clanwilliam Health --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Click here for Socrates Tips Guides and Videos<https://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/CentricConnect/EsaogyaLmbdEhAMVfwYEFs4BfdK9C30zHEZcLbA_0vQjYQ?e=EFyJsA> in Centric World.