ICT Tip 165 – Socrates – Default vaccination site

Michael Joyce
Thu, Dec 14, 2023 11:52 AM

Some of you occasionally send me Socrates questions and I very much welcome these.  It means I can occasionally help, although often I can’t give an answer because Socrates simply doesn’t do what is asked or it is an issue that requires advising you to call Socrates support.  We do also keep a log of good suggestions, which we do share with Clanwilliam.  What they do with them is another day’s story!!
One recent such question was, is there any way around having to pick the vaccination site from the long list every time you give a vaccine.  This was one I did have an answer for.

Using MMR as an example and assuming you always give it in the same site,

Go to My Control Panel==>Admin Console==>Immunisations

[A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated]

1: Pick Shots
2: Highlight MMR
3: Enter the site you use for that shot e.g. Left thigh
4: Click Update

Now whenever you go to give the shot the site will appear automatically and won’t have to be picked from the list.


Click here for the Socrates Guidehttps://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/sites/CentricConnect/SitePages/Socrates.aspx in Centric World

Some of you occasionally send me Socrates questions and I very much welcome these. It means I can occasionally help, although often I can’t give an answer because Socrates simply doesn’t do what is asked or it is an issue that requires advising you to call Socrates support. We do also keep a log of good suggestions, which we do share with Clanwilliam. What they do with them is another day’s story!! One recent such question was, is there any way around having to pick the vaccination site from the long list every time you give a vaccine. This was one I did have an answer for. Using MMR as an example and assuming you always give it in the same site, Go to My Control Panel==>Admin Console==>Immunisations [A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated] 1: Pick Shots 2: Highlight MMR 3: Enter the site you use for that shot e.g. Left thigh 4: Click Update Now whenever you go to give the shot the site will appear automatically and won’t have to be picked from the list. Michael Click here for the Socrates Guide<https://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/sites/CentricConnect/SitePages/Socrates.aspx> in Centric World