ICT Tip 69 – Socrates – Socrates updates

Michael Joyce
Tue, May 17, 2022 11:42 AM

Two or three times a year Clanwilliam send out an update to the Socrates program.  It is generally rolled out over a week or two to all practices and there is one currently rolling out at the moment.  It moves from version to  You can see what version you are on in the upper left corner of the screen.
[Graphical user interface, text, application, website  Description automatically generated]

When there is a new release there is always an accompanying document released to tell you what the new features are.  It will appear in your notifications area as a Socrates News update.  You can also get to it via the resources page, click on the home button to get there.  In there, click on view more in the User Guide tab to bring you to a web page with links to several resources including release notes for each version.  This can be a rich source of information – a place I can sometimes find tips to send out!
The big changes with this release are around the summary page, the layout of information at the top of the patient screen has changed and there are additional tabs.  For instance, in the new actions tab if a patient has a CDM visit due it is displayed here.

Exactly how these changes are agreed and implemented is a bit impenetrable.  There is an e-mail address, cr@clanwilliamhealth.commailto:cr@clanwilliamhealth.com that you can e-mail requests too.  CR stands for change request, and they say if a feature is widely requested and technically possible it will be implemented.
Centric, as a large customer, can and does make requests and we have had some successes.  This is a relationship we hope to develop further.  I’m happy to receive any suggestions that you feel we should include.
One final point, if you launch Socrates from the task bar it may not kick off the update and you get a version mismatch error message.  If this happens use the icon on your desktop instead and that should get it going for you.


Two or three times a year Clanwilliam send out an update to the Socrates program. It is generally rolled out over a week or two to all practices and there is one currently rolling out at the moment. It moves from version to You can see what version you are on in the upper left corner of the screen. [Graphical user interface, text, application, website Description automatically generated] When there is a new release there is always an accompanying document released to tell you what the new features are. It will appear in your notifications area as a Socrates News update. You can also get to it via the resources page, click on the home button to get there. In there, click on view more in the User Guide tab to bring you to a web page with links to several resources including release notes for each version. This can be a rich source of information – a place I can sometimes find tips to send out! The big changes with this release are around the summary page, the layout of information at the top of the patient screen has changed and there are additional tabs. For instance, in the new actions tab if a patient has a CDM visit due it is displayed here. [cid:image002.png@01D869EB.96C60320] Exactly how these changes are agreed and implemented is a bit impenetrable. There is an e-mail address, cr@clanwilliamhealth.com<mailto:cr@clanwilliamhealth.com> that you can e-mail requests too. CR stands for change request, and they say if a feature is widely requested and technically possible it will be implemented. Centric, as a large customer, can and does make requests and we have had some successes. This is a relationship we hope to develop further. I’m happy to receive any suggestions that you feel we should include. One final point, if you launch Socrates from the task bar it may not kick off the update and you get a version mismatch error message. If this happens use the icon on your desktop instead and that should get it going for you. Michael
Keith Perdue
Tue, May 17, 2022 1:49 PM

Hi Michael, thanks for the tip. Can that summary page be printed (eg for a PMAR?)




From: Michael Joyce mjoyce@centrichealthblessington.ie
Sent: Tuesday 17 May 2022 12:43
To: gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com
Subject: Centric GP Forum ICT Tip 69 – Socrates – Socrates updates

Two or three times a year Clanwilliam send out an update to the Socrates program.  It is generally rolled out over a week or two to all practices and there is one currently rolling out at the moment.  It moves from version to  You can see what version you are on in the upper left corner of the screen.
[Graphical user interface, text, application, website  Description automatically generated]

When there is a new release there is always an accompanying document released to tell you what the new features are.  It will appear in your notifications area as a Socrates News update.  You can also get to it via the resources page, click on the home button to get there.  In there, click on view more in the User Guide tab to bring you to a web page with links to several resources including release notes for each version.  This can be a rich source of information – a place I can sometimes find tips to send out!
The big changes with this release are around the summary page, the layout of information at the top of the patient screen has changed and there are additional tabs.  For instance, in the new actions tab if a patient has a CDM visit due it is displayed here.

Exactly how these changes are agreed and implemented is a bit impenetrable.  There is an e-mail address, cr@clanwilliamhealth.commailto:cr@clanwilliamhealth.com that you can e-mail requests too.  CR stands for change request, and they say if a feature is widely requested and technically possible it will be implemented.
Centric, as a large customer, can and does make requests and we have had some successes.  This is a relationship we hope to develop further.  I’m happy to receive any suggestions that you feel we should include.
One final point, if you launch Socrates from the task bar it may not kick off the update and you get a version mismatch error message.  If this happens use the icon on your desktop instead and that should get it going for you.


Disclaimer: This e-mail and any attachments including voice attachments may contain confidential, personal, sensitive, proprietary or legally privileged information. Anyone who is not the intended recipient should not use or open the document. Any information or voice recording used within this document or e-mail should not be forwarded to any other legal person or organisation or posted on any social media platform as to do so would be in breach of privacy and data protection legislation. If you have erroneously received this email or document, please delete immediately and notify the sender. If you have received this e-mail or documentation where there is a precise reason to forward to a third party, all rules regarding privacy and data protection should be followed. You will be liable for a third party breach.The recipients acknowledge that Centric Health or associated companies are unable to exercise control to ensure or guarantee the integrity of/over the contents of the information contained in e-mail transmission and further acknowledge that any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and no binding nature of the message shall be implied or assumed unless the sender does so expressly with due authority of Centric Health.

Hi Michael, thanks for the tip. Can that summary page be printed (eg for a PMAR?) Thanks Keith [cid:image003.png@01D869F6.ED568010] From: Michael Joyce <mjoyce@centrichealthblessington.ie> Sent: Tuesday 17 May 2022 12:43 To: gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com Subject: Centric GP Forum ICT Tip 69 – Socrates – Socrates updates Two or three times a year Clanwilliam send out an update to the Socrates program. It is generally rolled out over a week or two to all practices and there is one currently rolling out at the moment. It moves from version to You can see what version you are on in the upper left corner of the screen. [Graphical user interface, text, application, website Description automatically generated] When there is a new release there is always an accompanying document released to tell you what the new features are. It will appear in your notifications area as a Socrates News update. You can also get to it via the resources page, click on the home button to get there. In there, click on view more in the User Guide tab to bring you to a web page with links to several resources including release notes for each version. This can be a rich source of information – a place I can sometimes find tips to send out! The big changes with this release are around the summary page, the layout of information at the top of the patient screen has changed and there are additional tabs. For instance, in the new actions tab if a patient has a CDM visit due it is displayed here. [cid:image005.png@01D869F6.ED568010] Exactly how these changes are agreed and implemented is a bit impenetrable. There is an e-mail address, cr@clanwilliamhealth.com<mailto:cr@clanwilliamhealth.com> that you can e-mail requests too. CR stands for change request, and they say if a feature is widely requested and technically possible it will be implemented. Centric, as a large customer, can and does make requests and we have had some successes. This is a relationship we hope to develop further. I’m happy to receive any suggestions that you feel we should include. One final point, if you launch Socrates from the task bar it may not kick off the update and you get a version mismatch error message. If this happens use the icon on your desktop instead and that should get it going for you. Michael Disclaimer: This e-mail and any attachments including voice attachments may contain confidential, personal, sensitive, proprietary or legally privileged information. Anyone who is not the intended recipient should not use or open the document. Any information or voice recording used within this document or e-mail should not be forwarded to any other legal person or organisation or posted on any social media platform as to do so would be in breach of privacy and data protection legislation. If you have erroneously received this email or document, please delete immediately and notify the sender. If you have received this e-mail or documentation where there is a precise reason to forward to a third party, all rules regarding privacy and data protection should be followed. You will be liable for a third party breach.The recipients acknowledge that Centric Health or associated companies are unable to exercise control to ensure or guarantee the integrity of/over the contents of the information contained in e-mail transmission and further acknowledge that any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and no binding nature of the message shall be implied or assumed unless the sender does so expressly with due authority of Centric Health.