ICT Tip 147 – Communication – Watch GP TV

Michael Joyce
Wed, Jul 12, 2023 10:07 AM

I’m covering the C part of ICT this week.  ICT stands for Information communication technology.
As time has gone by, the communication has improved greatly.  In particular now, we have Centric World with its immense amount of useful information.  The monthly Centric Connect newsletter gets better every month.
Remember, as I’ve said before, you need to use your centric email address to reap the benefits of all this improved communication.

My personal favourite is GP TV.  If it’s happening, you’ll hear about it on GPTV.

For those of you that don’t know about it, GP TV is a fortnightly show hosted by our very own Dr Paul Carroll from Churchtown.  It takes place on every second Friday lunchtime at 1.30 pm.  I would really recommend getting into a routine of tuning in over lunch in the practice, maybe even in the canteen if possible or throw it up on your PC’s.  It’s an eclectic mix of Centric news, special guests and general anecdotes.  I would really love to see the audience figures improve as it deserves a bigger audience out there in the practices, which is the main target audience.  The show is aimed primarily at the people at the coalface in the practices.

As you know I was away recently, and I looked back on the episodes I missed.  They were great and even included an interview with an Taoiseach, Leo himself who commended us all for the amazing work we do.  Now that’s impressive.
You can look back at previous episodes here.
GPTV Catch Uphttps://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/sites/CentricConnect/SitePages/GPTV-Catch-Up.aspx

Watch out for the e-mails announcing upcoming episodes and I encourage you all to tune it.


Click here for Socrates in Centric Worldhttps://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/sites/CentricConnect/SitePages/Socrates.aspx

I’m covering the C part of ICT this week. ICT stands for Information communication technology. As time has gone by, the communication has improved greatly. In particular now, we have Centric World with its immense amount of useful information. The monthly Centric Connect newsletter gets better every month. Remember, as I’ve said before, you need to use your centric email address to reap the benefits of all this improved communication. My personal favourite is GP TV. If it’s happening, you’ll hear about it on GPTV. For those of you that don’t know about it, GP TV is a fortnightly show hosted by our very own Dr Paul Carroll from Churchtown. It takes place on every second Friday lunchtime at 1.30 pm. I would really recommend getting into a routine of tuning in over lunch in the practice, maybe even in the canteen if possible or throw it up on your PC’s. It’s an eclectic mix of Centric news, special guests and general anecdotes. I would really love to see the audience figures improve as it deserves a bigger audience out there in the practices, which is the main target audience. The show is aimed primarily at the people at the coalface in the practices. As you know I was away recently, and I looked back on the episodes I missed. They were great and even included an interview with an Taoiseach, Leo himself who commended us all for the amazing work we do. Now that’s impressive. You can look back at previous episodes here. GPTV Catch Up<https://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/sites/CentricConnect/SitePages/GPTV-Catch-Up.aspx> Watch out for the e-mails announcing upcoming episodes and I encourage you all to tune it. Michael Click here for Socrates in Centric World<https://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/sites/CentricConnect/SitePages/Socrates.aspx>
Wed, Jul 12, 2023 7:24 PM


Agree with you 100%. GPTV is fantastic with lots of good speakers and more importantly, you have the great Paul Carroll spear heading the show.

Keep up the good work all


On 12 Jul 2023, at 11:08, Michael Joyce <mjoyce@centrichealthblessington.ie> wrote:

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div.WordSection1 { page: WordSection1; }I’m covering the C part of ICT this week. ICT stands for Information communication technology.

As time has gone by, the communication has improved greatly. In particular now, we have Centric World with its immense amount of useful information. The monthly Centric Connect newsletter gets better every month.

Remember, as I’ve said before, you need to use your centric email address to reap the benefits of all this improved communication.

My personal favourite is GP TV. If it’s happening, you’ll hear about it on GPTV.

For those of you that don’t know about it, GP TV is a fortnightly show hosted by our very own Dr Paul Carroll from Churchtown. It takes place on every second Friday lunchtime at 1.30 pm. I would really recommend getting into a routine of tuning in over lunch in the practice, maybe even in the canteen if possible or throw it up on your PC’s. It’s an eclectic mix of Centric news, special guests and general anecdotes. I would really love to see the audience figures improve as it deserves a bigger audience out there in the practices, which is the main target audience. The show is aimed primarily at the people at the coalface in the practices.

As you know I was away recently, and I looked back on the episodes I missed. They were great and even included an interview with an Taoiseach, Leo himself who commended us all for the amazing work we do. Now that’s impressive.

You can look back at previous episodes here.

GPTV Catch Up

Watch out for the e-mails announcing upcoming episodes and I encourage you all to tune it.


Click here for Socrates in Centric World

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