ICT Tip 149 – Socrates – Overdue Childhood Vaccine report giving the wrong result?

Michael Joyce
Fri, Jul 28, 2023 11:04 AM

You can get a list of children due childhood vaccines by using the report,
“Children Due Immunisations”

However, in some practices, due to a migration issue, this report may give you an incorrect list, saying some children are overdue when in fact they are not.
The easiest way to explain this is to remind you how to record childhood vaccines after the migration to Socrates from other systems.  If this process was not fully followed, particularly not deleting the vaccine entries that are duplicated by adding in the schedule, then you can get a result saying a child is due when they are not.

After the migration to Socrates a baby, who had started their vaccine schedule in the old system, attends after the migration for their next vaccine.

You will find that the details of the vaccines already given are recorded and present in the file.
See example below:
(Note: The example pictures are on a test file and are not real so you will notice some dates etc. are not correct, these are for illustrative purposes only)

[A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated with medium confidence]

However, you will notice the schedule is not present.  We have to add the schedule today to continue.

[A picture containing text, screenshot, software, computer icon  Description automatically generated]
1: Click add schedule on the left and 2: pick Childhood Schedule from the drop down list.  Click Save.

The schedule is added.  However, you will notice that the entire schedule is added despite the fact that 2 visits have already taken place.  These appear in red as if they were overdue.

[A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated with medium confidence]
You will need to delete these duplicate entries.  You do this by highlighting the vaccine and clicking cancel.

[A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated with medium confidence]
1: Highlight vaccine to remove
2: Click Cancel
3: Confirm by pressing Yes

You have to do this individually for each vaccine that is duplicated.  Obviously, you delete the red one that corresponds to the vaccine already recorded as given.

Once you have done that you can proceed to administer today’s vaccines to the baby.  To give a vaccine double click and fill in details as appropriate.
Once about 15 months of time has elapsed this procedure will lapse and will no longer be required as all babies will by then start their vaccines after the migration date.

What happens if you did not know about this for a while after migration?

It has become clear that some practices didn’t always delete the duplicated vaccines.  This has caused an issue where when you run the report looking for baby vaccines that are overdue (children due immunisations) you get a result that includes these.  This is clearly an error, and you will have vaccines reported as overdue that are in fact already given.

Unfortunately, if this is the case in your practice, there is no option other than to go back individually into each patient file and delete the duplicated vaccines.  You can identify which files you need to visit by checking all the files that appear in the report when you run it.  Some of course will actually be genuinely overdue.  Once you complete the exercise your overdue baby vaccine report will report accurately again.


Click here for Socrates in Centric Worldhttps://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/sites/CentricConnect/SitePages/Socrates.aspx

You can get a list of children due childhood vaccines by using the report, “Children Due Immunisations” However, in some practices, due to a migration issue, this report may give you an incorrect list, saying some children are overdue when in fact they are not. The easiest way to explain this is to remind you how to record childhood vaccines after the migration to Socrates from other systems. If this process was not fully followed, particularly not deleting the vaccine entries that are duplicated by adding in the schedule, then you can get a result saying a child is due when they are not. After the migration to Socrates a baby, who had started their vaccine schedule in the old system, attends after the migration for their next vaccine. You will find that the details of the vaccines already given are recorded and present in the file. See example below: (Note: The example pictures are on a test file and are not real so you will notice some dates etc. are not correct, these are for illustrative purposes only) [A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated with medium confidence] However, you will notice the schedule is not present. We have to add the schedule today to continue. [A picture containing text, screenshot, software, computer icon Description automatically generated] 1: Click add schedule on the left and 2: pick Childhood Schedule from the drop down list. Click Save. The schedule is added. However, you will notice that the entire schedule is added despite the fact that 2 visits have already taken place. These appear in red as if they were overdue. [A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated with medium confidence] You will need to delete these duplicate entries. You do this by highlighting the vaccine and clicking cancel. [A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated with medium confidence] 1: Highlight vaccine to remove 2: Click Cancel 3: Confirm by pressing Yes You have to do this individually for each vaccine that is duplicated. Obviously, you delete the red one that corresponds to the vaccine already recorded as given. Once you have done that you can proceed to administer today’s vaccines to the baby. To give a vaccine double click and fill in details as appropriate. Once about 15 months of time has elapsed this procedure will lapse and will no longer be required as all babies will by then start their vaccines after the migration date. What happens if you did not know about this for a while after migration? It has become clear that some practices didn’t always delete the duplicated vaccines. This has caused an issue where when you run the report looking for baby vaccines that are overdue (children due immunisations) you get a result that includes these. This is clearly an error, and you will have vaccines reported as overdue that are in fact already given. Unfortunately, if this is the case in your practice, there is no option other than to go back individually into each patient file and delete the duplicated vaccines. You can identify which files you need to visit by checking all the files that appear in the report when you run it. Some of course will actually be genuinely overdue. Once you complete the exercise your overdue baby vaccine report will report accurately again. Michael Click here for Socrates in Centric World<https://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/sites/CentricConnect/SitePages/Socrates.aspx>