ICT Tip 93 – Socrates – Referral Messages in Results

Michael Joyce
Wed, Jan 18, 2023 11:55 AM

We talked previously about “overdue referrals”, see tip 44 here [​docx icon]  ICT Tip 44 - Socrates -What are overdue referrals.docxhttps://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/CentricConnect/Centric%20Connect%20Library/Innovation/Socrates,%20Tips,%20Guides%20and%20Videos/Socrates%20Tips/ICT%20Tip%2044%20-%20Socrates%20-What%20are%20overdue%20referrals.docx?d=wb1ba269129dc4839a689e8ea6c1a9a29&csf=1&web=1&e=IBdGpC in Centric World.  You can get to this overdue referrals section through the notification’s menu.  It is also in the result viewer in the awaiting section.
[Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generated]

Today I want to describe referral responses.  This sits in the results viewer.  Unfortunately Socrates organises different thing into different sections and realistically all have to be checked.  Combined with this we get an awful lot of rubbish sent from the hospitals but in among them can be something important.
Here is a quick run through the different sections.

[Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated]

My Control Panel==>Results Viewer
1: Is generally electronic results in review
2: Investigations can also be in follow up or awaiting, following users creating these.
3: Co-Op messages generally arrive into this section
4: If your local maternity hospital is using Healthlink to send reports they appear here
5 & 6: These both refer to messages about appointments, I don’t know why there are two, most come into referral responses.  If a referral response is received it is saved in the patient notes ( not documents) but the status of the e-referral changes to response received, see below.
7: If Electronic is highlighted only electronic results are displayed.  Note if you open the results via the result viewer in my control panel this is turned off but if you open it from the notifications this is turned on by default.  This has the side effect that if you are using the blood order investigation for tracking bloods you might not see the blood order investigation.  I recommend you get into the habit of turning it off.

Referral Responses:  These generally say appointment arranged. However sometimes they inform you that the referral has been refused and this may require an action.  For this reason, somebody in the practice needs to review these.  You can decide locally how best to do this.  Once reviewed they can be marked read.    There are also assign task or change HCP options.

You can also look at the status of a referral in Documents==>E-Referrals

[Table  Description automatically generated with low confidence]
1: Delivered – this confirms the referral was delivered to the hospital
2: Response received – This means the Hospital sent a response and it will be in referral messages until it is marked as read.
3: This is an example of one where no response was received, and you have marked it as hardcopy received in the referral messages awaiting section (see tip 44)

It’s a confusing system, I hope that helps clarify it all a bit.

Socrates version at time of posting:

We talked previously about “overdue referrals”, see tip 44 here [​docx icon] ICT Tip 44 - Socrates -What are overdue referrals.docx<https://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/CentricConnect/Centric%20Connect%20Library/Innovation/Socrates,%20Tips,%20Guides%20and%20Videos/Socrates%20Tips/ICT%20Tip%2044%20-%20Socrates%20-What%20are%20overdue%20referrals.docx?d=wb1ba269129dc4839a689e8ea6c1a9a29&csf=1&web=1&e=IBdGpC> in Centric World. You can get to this overdue referrals section through the notification’s menu. It is also in the result viewer in the awaiting section. [Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated] Today I want to describe referral responses. This sits in the results viewer. Unfortunately Socrates organises different thing into different sections and realistically all have to be checked. Combined with this we get an awful lot of rubbish sent from the hospitals but in among them can be something important. Here is a quick run through the different sections. [Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated] My Control Panel==>Results Viewer 1: Is generally electronic results in review 2: Investigations can also be in follow up or awaiting, following users creating these. 3: Co-Op messages generally arrive into this section 4: If your local maternity hospital is using Healthlink to send reports they appear here 5 & 6: These both refer to messages about appointments, I don’t know why there are two, most come into referral responses. If a referral response is received it is saved in the patient notes ( not documents) but the status of the e-referral changes to response received, see below. 7: If Electronic is highlighted only electronic results are displayed. Note if you open the results via the result viewer in my control panel this is turned off but if you open it from the notifications this is turned on by default. This has the side effect that if you are using the blood order investigation for tracking bloods you might not see the blood order investigation. I recommend you get into the habit of turning it off. Referral Responses: These generally say appointment arranged. However sometimes they inform you that the referral has been refused and this may require an action. For this reason, somebody in the practice needs to review these. You can decide locally how best to do this. Once reviewed they can be marked read. There are also assign task or change HCP options. [cid:image005.png@01D92B32.627F9D70] You can also look at the status of a referral in Documents==>E-Referrals [Table Description automatically generated with low confidence] 1: Delivered – this confirms the referral was delivered to the hospital 2: Response received – This means the Hospital sent a response and it will be in referral messages until it is marked as read. 3: This is an example of one where no response was received, and you have marked it as hardcopy received in the referral messages awaiting section (see tip 44) It’s a confusing system, I hope that helps clarify it all a bit. Michael Socrates version at time of posting:
Jean Gallagher
Wed, Jan 18, 2023 12:10 PM

Thanks for highlighting this Michael. Its still very confusing I think despite your step by step instructions (and I don't have socrates open which doesn't help).
I'd like to add that its an area that has resulted in some clinical risk incidents eg a patients referral was rejected and nobody in the practice realised this so the patients care plan/path was not appropriately adjusted.
Is it something that PMs are aware of? I feel it needs to be centrally managed in the practice and as you say many of the response are irrelevant nonsense but nonetheless an onerous task on top of post/bloods/emails/phone calls/repeat scripts etc that docs already doing. Our PM is managing it now as we had some issues already with it not being monitored (as none of us knew of its existence/importance!).
Many thanks

From: Michael Joyce mjoyce@centrichealthblessington.ie
Sent: Wednesday 18 January 2023 11:55
To: gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com
Subject: Centric GP Forum ICT Tip 93 – Socrates – Referral Messages in Results

We talked previously about “overdue referrals”, see tip 44 here [​docx icon]  ICT Tip 44 - Socrates -What are overdue referrals.docxhttps://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/CentricConnect/Centric%20Connect%20Library/Innovation/Socrates,%20Tips,%20Guides%20and%20Videos/Socrates%20Tips/ICT%20Tip%2044%20-%20Socrates%20-What%20are%20overdue%20referrals.docx?d=wb1ba269129dc4839a689e8ea6c1a9a29&csf=1&web=1&e=IBdGpC in Centric World.  You can get to this overdue referrals section through the notification’s menu.  It is also in the result viewer in the awaiting section.

[Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generated]

Today I want to describe referral responses.  This sits in the results viewer.  Unfortunately Socrates organises different thing into different sections and realistically all have to be checked.  Combined with this we get an awful lot of rubbish sent from the hospitals but in among them can be something important.

Here is a quick run through the different sections.

[Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated]

My Control Panel==>Results Viewer

1: Is generally electronic results in review

2: Investigations can also be in follow up or awaiting, following users creating these.

3: Co-Op messages generally arrive into this section

4: If your local maternity hospital is using Healthlink to send reports they appear here

5 & 6: These both refer to messages about appointments, I don’t know why there are two, most come into referral responses.  If a referral response is received it is saved in the patient notes ( not documents) but the status of the e-referral changes to response received, see below.

7: If Electronic is highlighted only electronic results are displayed.  Note if you open the results via the result viewer in my control panel this is turned off but if you open it from the notifications this is turned on by default.  This has the side effect that if you are using the blood order investigation for tracking bloods you might not see the blood order investigation.  I recommend you get into the habit of turning it off.

Referral Responses:  These generally say appointment arranged. However sometimes they inform you that the referral has been refused and this may require an action.  For this reason, somebody in the practice needs to review these.  You can decide locally how best to do this.  Once reviewed they can be marked read.    There are also assign task or change HCP options.


You can also look at the status of a referral in Documents==>E-Referrals

[Table  Description automatically generated with low confidence]

1: Delivered – this confirms the referral was delivered to the hospital

2: Response received – This means the Hospital sent a response and it will be in referral messages until it is marked as read.

3: This is an example of one where no response was received, and you have marked it as hardcopy received in the referral messages awaiting section (see tip 44)

It’s a confusing system, I hope that helps clarify it all a bit.


Socrates version at time of posting:

Disclaimer: This e-mail and any attachments including voice attachments may contain confidential, personal, sensitive, proprietary or legally privileged information. Anyone who is not the intended recipient should not use or open the document. Any information or voice recording used within this document or e-mail should not be forwarded to any other legal person or organisation or posted on any social media platform as to do so would be in breach of privacy and data protection legislation. If you have erroneously received this email or document, please delete immediately and notify the sender. If you have received this e-mail or documentation where there is a precise reason to forward to a third party, all rules regarding privacy and data protection should be followed. You will be liable for a third party breach.The recipients acknowledge that Centric Health or associated companies are unable to exercise control to ensure or guarantee the integrity of/over the contents of the information contained in e-mail transmission and further acknowledge that any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and no binding nature of the message shall be implied or assumed unless the sender does so expressly with due authority of Centric Health.

Thanks for highlighting this Michael. Its still very confusing I think despite your step by step instructions (and I don't have socrates open which doesn't help). I'd like to add that its an area that has resulted in some clinical risk incidents eg a patients referral was rejected and nobody in the practice realised this so the patients care plan/path was not appropriately adjusted. Is it something that PMs are aware of? I feel it needs to be centrally managed in the practice and as you say many of the response are irrelevant nonsense but nonetheless an onerous task on top of post/bloods/emails/phone calls/repeat scripts etc that docs already doing. Our PM is managing it now as we had some issues already with it not being monitored (as none of us knew of its existence/importance!). Many thanks Jean ________________________________ From: Michael Joyce <mjoyce@centrichealthblessington.ie> Sent: Wednesday 18 January 2023 11:55 To: gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com <gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com> Subject: Centric GP Forum ICT Tip 93 – Socrates – Referral Messages in Results We talked previously about “overdue referrals”, see tip 44 here [​docx icon] ICT Tip 44 - Socrates -What are overdue referrals.docx<https://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/CentricConnect/Centric%20Connect%20Library/Innovation/Socrates,%20Tips,%20Guides%20and%20Videos/Socrates%20Tips/ICT%20Tip%2044%20-%20Socrates%20-What%20are%20overdue%20referrals.docx?d=wb1ba269129dc4839a689e8ea6c1a9a29&csf=1&web=1&e=IBdGpC> in Centric World. You can get to this overdue referrals section through the notification’s menu. It is also in the result viewer in the awaiting section. [Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated] Today I want to describe referral responses. This sits in the results viewer. Unfortunately Socrates organises different thing into different sections and realistically all have to be checked. Combined with this we get an awful lot of rubbish sent from the hospitals but in among them can be something important. Here is a quick run through the different sections. [Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated] My Control Panel==>Results Viewer 1: Is generally electronic results in review 2: Investigations can also be in follow up or awaiting, following users creating these. 3: Co-Op messages generally arrive into this section 4: If your local maternity hospital is using Healthlink to send reports they appear here 5 & 6: These both refer to messages about appointments, I don’t know why there are two, most come into referral responses. If a referral response is received it is saved in the patient notes ( not documents) but the status of the e-referral changes to response received, see below. 7: If Electronic is highlighted only electronic results are displayed. Note if you open the results via the result viewer in my control panel this is turned off but if you open it from the notifications this is turned on by default. This has the side effect that if you are using the blood order investigation for tracking bloods you might not see the blood order investigation. I recommend you get into the habit of turning it off. Referral Responses: These generally say appointment arranged. However sometimes they inform you that the referral has been refused and this may require an action. For this reason, somebody in the practice needs to review these. You can decide locally how best to do this. Once reviewed they can be marked read. There are also assign task or change HCP options. [cid:image005.png@01D92B32.627F9D70] You can also look at the status of a referral in Documents==>E-Referrals [Table Description automatically generated with low confidence] 1: Delivered – this confirms the referral was delivered to the hospital 2: Response received – This means the Hospital sent a response and it will be in referral messages until it is marked as read. 3: This is an example of one where no response was received, and you have marked it as hardcopy received in the referral messages awaiting section (see tip 44) It’s a confusing system, I hope that helps clarify it all a bit. Michael Socrates version at time of posting: Disclaimer: This e-mail and any attachments including voice attachments may contain confidential, personal, sensitive, proprietary or legally privileged information. Anyone who is not the intended recipient should not use or open the document. Any information or voice recording used within this document or e-mail should not be forwarded to any other legal person or organisation or posted on any social media platform as to do so would be in breach of privacy and data protection legislation. If you have erroneously received this email or document, please delete immediately and notify the sender. If you have received this e-mail or documentation where there is a precise reason to forward to a third party, all rules regarding privacy and data protection should be followed. You will be liable for a third party breach.The recipients acknowledge that Centric Health or associated companies are unable to exercise control to ensure or guarantee the integrity of/over the contents of the information contained in e-mail transmission and further acknowledge that any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and no binding nature of the message shall be implied or assumed unless the sender does so expressly with due authority of Centric Health.
Wed, Jan 18, 2023 9:32 PM

Hi Michael

Thank you for this thread. We have the same issues with regards to this. The docs review the referral message. I remind the docs to monitor the referral message and make sure it’s acted on. We have lots of e-referral that turn red( if referral was done but did not receive reply response). Not sure how to do this. In the past, we did print hard copy and posted it out and cleared it but not sure if this was the best action.

Any advice would be great


On 18 Jan 2023, at 12:10, Jean Gallagher <jgallagher@ranelaghmedical.ie> wrote:

 Thanks for highlighting this Michael. Its still very confusing I think despite your step by step instructions (and I don't have socrates open which doesn't help).

I'd like to add that its an area that has resulted in some clinical risk incidents eg a patients referral was rejected and nobody in the practice realised this so the patients care plan/path was not appropriately adjusted.

Is it something that PMs are aware of? I feel it needs to be centrally managed in the practice and as you say many of the response are irrelevant nonsense but nonetheless an onerous task on top of post/bloods/emails/phone calls/repeat scripts etc that docs already doing. Our PM is managing it now as we had some issues already with it not being monitored (as none of us knew of its existence/importance!).

Many thanks


From: Michael Joyce <mjoyce@centrichealthblessington.ie>
Sent: Wednesday 18 January 2023 11:55
To: gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com <gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com>
Subject: Centric GP Forum ICT Tip 93 – Socrates – Referral Messages in Results

@font-face { font-family: Wingdings; }
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@page WordSection1 { margin: 72pt; }
div.x_WordSection1 { }We talked previously about “overdue referrals”, see tip 44 here [<image001.png>

ICT Tip 44 - Socrates -What are overdue referrals.docx](https://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/CentricConnect/Centric%20Connect%20Library/Innovation/Socrates,%20Tips,%20Guides%20and%20Videos/Socrates%20Tips/ICT%20Tip%2044%20-%20Socrates%20-What%20are%20overdue%20referrals.docx?d=wb1ba269129dc4839a689e8ea6c1a9a29&csf=1&web=1&e=IBdGpC) in Centric World. You can get to this overdue referrals section through the notification’s menu. It is also in the result viewer in the awaiting section.


Today I want to describe referral responses. This sits in the results viewer. Unfortunately Socrates organises different thing into different sections and realistically all have to be checked. Combined with this we get an awful lot of rubbish sent from the hospitals but in among them can be something important.

Here is a quick run through the different sections.


My Control PanelèResults Viewer

1: Is generally electronic results in review

2: Investigations can also be in follow up or awaiting, following users creating these.

3: Co-Op messages generally arrive into this section

4: If your local maternity hospital is using Healthlink to send reports they appear here

5 & 6: These both refer to messages about appointments, I don’t know why there are two, most come into referral responses. If a referral response is received it is saved in the patient notes ( not documents) but the status of the e-referral changes to response received, see below.

7: If Electronic is highlighted only electronic results are displayed. Note if you open the results via the result viewer in my control panel this is turned off but if you open it from the notifications this is turned on by default. This has the side effect that if you are using the blood order investigation for tracking bloods you might not see the blood order investigation. I recommend you get into the habit of turning it off.

Referral Responses: These generally say appointment arranged. However sometimes they inform you that the referral has been refused and this may require an action. For this reason, somebody in the practice needs to review these. You can decide locally how best to do this. Once reviewed they can be marked read. There are also assign task or change HCP options.


You can also look at the status of a referral in DocumentsèE-Referrals


1: Delivered – this confirms the referral was delivered to the hospital

2: Response received – This means the Hospital sent a response and it will be in referral messages until it is marked as read.

3: This is an example of one where no response was received, and you have marked it as hardcopy received in the referral messages awaiting section (see tip 44)

It’s a confusing system, I hope that helps clarify it all a bit.


Socrates version at time of posting:

Disclaimer: This e-mail and any attachments including voice attachments may contain confidential, personal, sensitive, proprietary or legally privileged information. Anyone who is not the intended recipient should not use or open the document. Any information or voice recording used within this document or e-mail should not be forwarded to any other legal person or organisation or posted on any social media platform as to do so would be in breach of privacy and data protection legislation. If you have erroneously received this email or document, please delete immediately and notify the sender. If you have received this e-mail or documentation where there is a precise reason to forward to a third party, all rules regarding privacy and data protection should be followed. You will be liable for a third party breach.The recipients acknowledge that Centric Health or associated companies are unable to exercise control to ensure or guarantee the integrity of/over the contents of the information contained in e-mail transmission and further acknowledge that any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and no binding nature of the message shall be implied or assumed unless the sender does so expressly with due authority of Centric Health.

Gpdiscussion mailing list -- gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com
To unsubscribe send an email to gpdiscussion-leave@centricgpforum.com

Michael Joyce
Thu, Jan 19, 2023 9:08 AM

There is another related issue here, in the overdue referrals some appear in purple.  If they are purple the referrals have not been sent.
The most frequent cause of this is they were sent by a locum.  The issue is that locums often are not registered with Healthlink.  I need to find out more about this and when I do I’ll let you know but in the meantime you should check if there are some referrals that never went in the first place.
Frustratingly if you are a locum you are allowed go through the whole e-referral process and it is only at the end that the referral is rejected.  Not being familiar with our systems a locum may not notice it was not sent.

The work around for the moment is to tell your locums to pick one of the doctors in the practice from the drop down list at the outset of the referral.



From: Kandan nasilemak1978@gmail.com
Sent: Wednesday 18 January 2023 21:32
To: Centric GP Forum gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com
Subject: Centric GP Forum Re: ICT Tip 93 – Socrates – Referral Messages in Results

Hi Michael
Thank you for this thread. We have the same issues with regards to this. The docs review the referral message. I remind the docs to monitor the referral message and make sure it’s acted on. We have lots of e-referral that turn red( if referral was done but did not receive reply response). Not sure how to do this. In the past, we did print hard copy and posted it out and cleared it but not sure if this was the best action.
Any advice would be great

On 18 Jan 2023, at 12:10, Jean Gallagher <jgallagher@ranelaghmedical.iemailto:jgallagher@ranelaghmedical.ie> wrote:

Thanks for highlighting this Michael. Its still very confusing I think despite your step by step instructions (and I don't have socrates open which doesn't help).
I'd like to add that its an area that has resulted in some clinical risk incidents eg a patients referral was rejected and nobody in the practice realised this so the patients care plan/path was not appropriately adjusted.
Is it something that PMs are aware of? I feel it needs to be centrally managed in the practice and as you say many of the response are irrelevant nonsense but nonetheless an onerous task on top of post/bloods/emails/phone calls/repeat scripts etc that docs already doing. Our PM is managing it now as we had some issues already with it not being monitored (as none of us knew of its existence/importance!).
Many thanks

From: Michael Joyce <mjoyce@centrichealthblessington.iemailto:mjoyce@centrichealthblessington.ie>
Sent: Wednesday 18 January 2023 11:55
To: gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.commailto:gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com <gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.commailto:gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com>
Subject: Centric GP Forum ICT Tip 93 – Socrates – Referral Messages in Results

We talked previously about “overdue referrals”, see tip 44 here https://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/CentricConnect/Centric%20Connect%20Library/Innovation/Socrates,%20Tips,%20Guides%20and%20Videos/Socrates%20Tips/ICT%20Tip%2044%20-%20Socrates%20-What%20are%20overdue%20referrals.docx?d=wb1ba269129dc4839a689e8ea6c1a9a29&csf=1&web=1&e=IBdGpC
ICT Tip 44 - Socrates -What are overdue referrals.docxhttps://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/CentricConnect/Centric%20Connect%20Library/Innovation/Socrates,%20Tips,%20Guides%20and%20Videos/Socrates%20Tips/ICT%20Tip%2044%20-%20Socrates%20-What%20are%20overdue%20referrals.docx?d=wb1ba269129dc4839a689e8ea6c1a9a29&csf=1&web=1&e=IBdGpC in Centric World.  You can get to this overdue referrals section through the notification’s menu.  It is also in the result viewer in the awaiting section.

Today I want to describe referral responses.  This sits in the results viewer.  Unfortunately Socrates organises different thing into different sections and realistically all have to be checked.  Combined with this we get an awful lot of rubbish sent from the hospitals but in among them can be something important.

Here is a quick run through the different sections.


My Control Panel==>Results Viewer

1: Is generally electronic results in review

2: Investigations can also be in follow up or awaiting, following users creating these.

3: Co-Op messages generally arrive into this section

4: If your local maternity hospital is using Healthlink to send reports they appear here

5 & 6: These both refer to messages about appointments, I don’t know why there are two, most come into referral responses.  If a referral response is received it is saved in the patient notes ( not documents) but the status of the e-referral changes to response received, see below.

7: If Electronic is highlighted only electronic results are displayed.  Note if you open the results via the result viewer in my control panel this is turned off but if you open it from the notifications this is turned on by default.  This has the side effect that if you are using the blood order investigation for tracking bloods you might not see the blood order investigation.  I recommend you get into the habit of turning it off.

Referral Responses:  These generally say appointment arranged. However sometimes they inform you that the referral has been refused and this may require an action.  For this reason, somebody in the practice needs to review these.  You can decide locally how best to do this.  Once reviewed they can be marked read.    There are also assign task or change HCP options.

You can also look at the status of a referral in Documents==>E-Referrals


1: Delivered – this confirms the referral was delivered to the hospital

2: Response received – This means the Hospital sent a response and it will be in referral messages until it is marked as read.

3: This is an example of one where no response was received, and you have marked it as hardcopy received in the referral messages awaiting section (see tip 44)

It’s a confusing system, I hope that helps clarify it all a bit.


Socrates version at time of posting:
Disclaimer: This e-mail and any attachments including voice attachments may contain confidential, personal, sensitive, proprietary or legally privileged information. Anyone who is not the intended recipient should not use or open the document. Any information or voice recording used within this document or e-mail should not be forwarded to any other legal person or organisation or posted on any social media platform as to do so would be in breach of privacy and data protection legislation. If you have erroneously received this email or document, please delete immediately and notify the sender. If you have received this e-mail or documentation where there is a precise reason to forward to a third party, all rules regarding privacy and data protection should be followed. You will be liable for a third party breach.The recipients acknowledge that Centric Health or associated companies are unable to exercise control to ensure or guarantee the integrity of/over the contents of the information contained in e-mail transmission and further acknowledge that any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and no binding nature of the message shall be implied or assumed unless the sender does so expressly with due authority of Centric Health.

Gpdiscussion mailing list -- gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.commailto:gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com
To unsubscribe send an email to gpdiscussion-leave@centricgpforum.commailto:gpdiscussion-leave@centricgpforum.com

There is another related issue here, in the overdue referrals some appear in purple. If they are purple the referrals have not been sent. The most frequent cause of this is they were sent by a locum. The issue is that locums often are not registered with Healthlink. I need to find out more about this and when I do I’ll let you know but in the meantime you should check if there are some referrals that never went in the first place. Frustratingly if you are a locum you are allowed go through the whole e-referral process and it is only at the end that the referral is rejected. Not being familiar with our systems a locum may not notice it was not sent. The work around for the moment is to tell your locums to pick one of the doctors in the practice from the drop down list at the outset of the referral. [cid:image001.png@01D92BE5.4329AC50] Michael From: Kandan <nasilemak1978@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday 18 January 2023 21:32 To: Centric GP Forum <gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com> Subject: Centric GP Forum Re: ICT Tip 93 – Socrates – Referral Messages in Results Hi Michael Thank you for this thread. We have the same issues with regards to this. The docs review the referral message. I remind the docs to monitor the referral message and make sure it’s acted on. We have lots of e-referral that turn red( if referral was done but did not receive reply response). Not sure how to do this. In the past, we did print hard copy and posted it out and cleared it but not sure if this was the best action. Any advice would be great K On 18 Jan 2023, at 12:10, Jean Gallagher <jgallagher@ranelaghmedical.ie<mailto:jgallagher@ranelaghmedical.ie>> wrote:  Thanks for highlighting this Michael. Its still very confusing I think despite your step by step instructions (and I don't have socrates open which doesn't help). I'd like to add that its an area that has resulted in some clinical risk incidents eg a patients referral was rejected and nobody in the practice realised this so the patients care plan/path was not appropriately adjusted. Is it something that PMs are aware of? I feel it needs to be centrally managed in the practice and as you say many of the response are irrelevant nonsense but nonetheless an onerous task on top of post/bloods/emails/phone calls/repeat scripts etc that docs already doing. Our PM is managing it now as we had some issues already with it not being monitored (as none of us knew of its existence/importance!). Many thanks Jean ________________________________ From: Michael Joyce <mjoyce@centrichealthblessington.ie<mailto:mjoyce@centrichealthblessington.ie>> Sent: Wednesday 18 January 2023 11:55 To: gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com<mailto:gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com> <gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com<mailto:gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com>> Subject: Centric GP Forum ICT Tip 93 – Socrates – Referral Messages in Results We talked previously about “overdue referrals”, see tip 44 here <https://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/CentricConnect/Centric%20Connect%20Library/Innovation/Socrates,%20Tips,%20Guides%20and%20Videos/Socrates%20Tips/ICT%20Tip%2044%20-%20Socrates%20-What%20are%20overdue%20referrals.docx?d=wb1ba269129dc4839a689e8ea6c1a9a29&csf=1&web=1&e=IBdGpC> <image001.png><https://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/CentricConnect/Centric%20Connect%20Library/Innovation/Socrates,%20Tips,%20Guides%20and%20Videos/Socrates%20Tips/ICT%20Tip%2044%20-%20Socrates%20-What%20are%20overdue%20referrals.docx?d=wb1ba269129dc4839a689e8ea6c1a9a29&csf=1&web=1&e=IBdGpC> ICT Tip 44 - Socrates -What are overdue referrals.docx<https://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/CentricConnect/Centric%20Connect%20Library/Innovation/Socrates,%20Tips,%20Guides%20and%20Videos/Socrates%20Tips/ICT%20Tip%2044%20-%20Socrates%20-What%20are%20overdue%20referrals.docx?d=wb1ba269129dc4839a689e8ea6c1a9a29&csf=1&web=1&e=IBdGpC> in Centric World. You can get to this overdue referrals section through the notification’s menu. It is also in the result viewer in the awaiting section. <image002.png> Today I want to describe referral responses. This sits in the results viewer. Unfortunately Socrates organises different thing into different sections and realistically all have to be checked. Combined with this we get an awful lot of rubbish sent from the hospitals but in among them can be something important. Here is a quick run through the different sections. <image003.png> My Control Panel==>Results Viewer 1: Is generally electronic results in review 2: Investigations can also be in follow up or awaiting, following users creating these. 3: Co-Op messages generally arrive into this section 4: If your local maternity hospital is using Healthlink to send reports they appear here 5 & 6: These both refer to messages about appointments, I don’t know why there are two, most come into referral responses. If a referral response is received it is saved in the patient notes ( not documents) but the status of the e-referral changes to response received, see below. 7: If Electronic is highlighted only electronic results are displayed. Note if you open the results via the result viewer in my control panel this is turned off but if you open it from the notifications this is turned on by default. This has the side effect that if you are using the blood order investigation for tracking bloods you might not see the blood order investigation. I recommend you get into the habit of turning it off. Referral Responses: These generally say appointment arranged. However sometimes they inform you that the referral has been refused and this may require an action. For this reason, somebody in the practice needs to review these. You can decide locally how best to do this. Once reviewed they can be marked read. There are also assign task or change HCP options. <image005.png> You can also look at the status of a referral in Documents==>E-Referrals <image004.png> 1: Delivered – this confirms the referral was delivered to the hospital 2: Response received – This means the Hospital sent a response and it will be in referral messages until it is marked as read. 3: This is an example of one where no response was received, and you have marked it as hardcopy received in the referral messages awaiting section (see tip 44) It’s a confusing system, I hope that helps clarify it all a bit. Michael Socrates version at time of posting: Disclaimer: This e-mail and any attachments including voice attachments may contain confidential, personal, sensitive, proprietary or legally privileged information. Anyone who is not the intended recipient should not use or open the document. Any information or voice recording used within this document or e-mail should not be forwarded to any other legal person or organisation or posted on any social media platform as to do so would be in breach of privacy and data protection legislation. If you have erroneously received this email or document, please delete immediately and notify the sender. If you have received this e-mail or documentation where there is a precise reason to forward to a third party, all rules regarding privacy and data protection should be followed. You will be liable for a third party breach.The recipients acknowledge that Centric Health or associated companies are unable to exercise control to ensure or guarantee the integrity of/over the contents of the information contained in e-mail transmission and further acknowledge that any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and no binding nature of the message shall be implied or assumed unless the sender does so expressly with due authority of Centric Health. _______________________________________________ Gpdiscussion mailing list -- gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com<mailto:gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com> To unsubscribe send an email to gpdiscussion-leave@centricgpforum.com<mailto:gpdiscussion-leave@centricgpforum.com>
Jose Ribas
Mon, Feb 13, 2023 2:03 PM

Hi Michael,

I have > 80 overdue referrals for which I am not sure what to do
I've been checking the files, and some may be easy to get rid of, as I noticed they have been sorted (Xrays) but the problem comes when they're for consultants, and may linger in that box for God knows how long until you start to tidy up your desk

Got overdue referrals for Dermatology, Orthopaedics, etc > 10 months with no response received !!!
Ticking as hardcopy received is pretty much like acknowledging they have it and "the ball is on their pitch" so they may come back  whenever they feel like / notice / read them ...  or not comeback at all.      You tick them as hardcopy received  and loose track of them completely until the patient comes back and then you may go:  Oops ! is not my fault, I sent it off

Texting the patients to chase appointments might be an option but at the stage when an appointment is sleeping somewhere in oblivion land for months, not sure dismissing them might be the best option.  We are talking there is no other referral on their way and obviously we have no report from the consultant in that regard for which referral was initially made

So, I printed off the list for those overdue referrals and start checking one by one as above, and just like I said... what then ?  Do I re refer ? Do I tell the patient to chase them ?  Do I check with the patients if been sorted ?  awful amount of extra work unsure its profit

Thanks a mil

Jose Ribas

De: Jean Gallagher jgallagher@ranelaghmedical.ie
Enviado: miércoles, 18 de enero de 2023 13:10
Para: gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com
Asunto: Centric GP Forum Re: ICT Tip 93 – Socrates – Referral Messages in Results

Thanks for highlighting this Michael. Its still very confusing I think despite your step by step instructions (and I don't have socrates open which doesn't help).
I'd like to add that its an area that has resulted in some clinical risk incidents eg a patients referral was rejected and nobody in the practice realised this so the patients care plan/path was not appropriately adjusted.
Is it something that PMs are aware of? I feel it needs to be centrally managed in the practice and as you say many of the response are irrelevant nonsense but nonetheless an onerous task on top of post/bloods/emails/phone calls/repeat scripts etc that docs already doing. Our PM is managing it now as we had some issues already with it not being monitored (as none of us knew of its existence/importance!).
Many thanks

From: Michael Joyce mjoyce@centrichealthblessington.ie
Sent: Wednesday 18 January 2023 11:55
To: gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com
Subject: Centric GP Forum ICT Tip 93 – Socrates – Referral Messages in Results

We talked previously about “overdue referrals”, see tip 44 here [​docx icon]  ICT Tip 44 - Socrates -What are overdue referrals.docxhttps://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/CentricConnect/Centric%20Connect%20Library/Innovation/Socrates,%20Tips,%20Guides%20and%20Videos/Socrates%20Tips/ICT%20Tip%2044%20-%20Socrates%20-What%20are%20overdue%20referrals.docx?d=wb1ba269129dc4839a689e8ea6c1a9a29&csf=1&web=1&e=IBdGpC in Centric World.  You can get to this overdue referrals section through the notification’s menu.  It is also in the result viewer in the awaiting section.

[Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generated]

Today I want to describe referral responses.  This sits in the results viewer.  Unfortunately Socrates organises different thing into different sections and realistically all have to be checked.  Combined with this we get an awful lot of rubbish sent from the hospitals but in among them can be something important.

Here is a quick run through the different sections.

[Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated]

My Control Panel==>Results Viewer

1: Is generally electronic results in review

2: Investigations can also be in follow up or awaiting, following users creating these.

3: Co-Op messages generally arrive into this section

4: If your local maternity hospital is using Healthlink to send reports they appear here

5 & 6: These both refer to messages about appointments, I don’t know why there are two, most come into referral responses.  If a referral response is received it is saved in the patient notes ( not documents) but the status of the e-referral changes to response received, see below.

7: If Electronic is highlighted only electronic results are displayed.  Note if you open the results via the result viewer in my control panel this is turned off but if you open it from the notifications this is turned on by default.  This has the side effect that if you are using the blood order investigation for tracking bloods you might not see the blood order investigation.  I recommend you get into the habit of turning it off.

Referral Responses:  These generally say appointment arranged. However sometimes they inform you that the referral has been refused and this may require an action.  For this reason, somebody in the practice needs to review these.  You can decide locally how best to do this.  Once reviewed they can be marked read.    There are also assign task or change HCP options.


You can also look at the status of a referral in Documents==>E-Referrals

[Table  Description automatically generated with low confidence]

1: Delivered – this confirms the referral was delivered to the hospital

2: Response received – This means the Hospital sent a response and it will be in referral messages until it is marked as read.

3: This is an example of one where no response was received, and you have marked it as hardcopy received in the referral messages awaiting section (see tip 44)

It’s a confusing system, I hope that helps clarify it all a bit.


Socrates version at time of posting:

Disclaimer: This e-mail and any attachments including voice attachments may contain confidential, personal, sensitive, proprietary or legally privileged information. Anyone who is not the intended recipient should not use or open the document. Any information or voice recording used within this document or e-mail should not be forwarded to any other legal person or organisation or posted on any social media platform as to do so would be in breach of privacy and data protection legislation. If you have erroneously received this email or document, please delete immediately and notify the sender. If you have received this e-mail or documentation where there is a precise reason to forward to a third party, all rules regarding privacy and data protection should be followed. You will be liable for a third party breach.The recipients acknowledge that Centric Health or associated companies are unable to exercise control to ensure or guarantee the integrity of/over the contents of the information contained in e-mail transmission and further acknowledge that any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and no binding nature of the message shall be implied or assumed unless the sender does so expressly with due authority of Centric Health.

Hi Michael, I have > 80 overdue referrals for which I am not sure what to do I've been checking the files, and some may be easy to get rid of, as I noticed they have been sorted (Xrays) but the problem comes when they're for consultants, and may linger in that box for God knows how long until you start to tidy up your desk Got overdue referrals for Dermatology, Orthopaedics, etc > 10 months with no response received !!! Ticking as hardcopy received is pretty much like acknowledging they have it and "the ball is on their pitch" so they may come back whenever they feel like / notice / read them ... or not comeback at all. You tick them as hardcopy received and loose track of them completely until the patient comes back and then you may go: Oops ! is not my fault, I sent it off Texting the patients to chase appointments might be an option but at the stage when an appointment is sleeping somewhere in oblivion land for months, not sure dismissing them might be the best option. We are talking there is no other referral on their way and obviously we have no report from the consultant in that regard for which referral was initially made So, I printed off the list for those overdue referrals and start checking one by one as above, and just like I said... what then ? Do I re refer ? Do I tell the patient to chase them ? Do I check with the patients if been sorted ? awful amount of extra work unsure its profit Thanks a mil Jose Ribas ________________________________ De: Jean Gallagher <jgallagher@ranelaghmedical.ie> Enviado: miércoles, 18 de enero de 2023 13:10 Para: gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com <gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com> Asunto: Centric GP Forum Re: ICT Tip 93 – Socrates – Referral Messages in Results Thanks for highlighting this Michael. Its still very confusing I think despite your step by step instructions (and I don't have socrates open which doesn't help). I'd like to add that its an area that has resulted in some clinical risk incidents eg a patients referral was rejected and nobody in the practice realised this so the patients care plan/path was not appropriately adjusted. Is it something that PMs are aware of? I feel it needs to be centrally managed in the practice and as you say many of the response are irrelevant nonsense but nonetheless an onerous task on top of post/bloods/emails/phone calls/repeat scripts etc that docs already doing. Our PM is managing it now as we had some issues already with it not being monitored (as none of us knew of its existence/importance!). Many thanks Jean ________________________________ From: Michael Joyce <mjoyce@centrichealthblessington.ie> Sent: Wednesday 18 January 2023 11:55 To: gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com <gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com> Subject: Centric GP Forum ICT Tip 93 – Socrates – Referral Messages in Results We talked previously about “overdue referrals”, see tip 44 here [​docx icon] ICT Tip 44 - Socrates -What are overdue referrals.docx<https://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/CentricConnect/Centric%20Connect%20Library/Innovation/Socrates,%20Tips,%20Guides%20and%20Videos/Socrates%20Tips/ICT%20Tip%2044%20-%20Socrates%20-What%20are%20overdue%20referrals.docx?d=wb1ba269129dc4839a689e8ea6c1a9a29&csf=1&web=1&e=IBdGpC> in Centric World. You can get to this overdue referrals section through the notification’s menu. It is also in the result viewer in the awaiting section. [Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated] Today I want to describe referral responses. This sits in the results viewer. Unfortunately Socrates organises different thing into different sections and realistically all have to be checked. Combined with this we get an awful lot of rubbish sent from the hospitals but in among them can be something important. Here is a quick run through the different sections. [Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated] My Control Panel==>Results Viewer 1: Is generally electronic results in review 2: Investigations can also be in follow up or awaiting, following users creating these. 3: Co-Op messages generally arrive into this section 4: If your local maternity hospital is using Healthlink to send reports they appear here 5 & 6: These both refer to messages about appointments, I don’t know why there are two, most come into referral responses. If a referral response is received it is saved in the patient notes ( not documents) but the status of the e-referral changes to response received, see below. 7: If Electronic is highlighted only electronic results are displayed. Note if you open the results via the result viewer in my control panel this is turned off but if you open it from the notifications this is turned on by default. This has the side effect that if you are using the blood order investigation for tracking bloods you might not see the blood order investigation. I recommend you get into the habit of turning it off. Referral Responses: These generally say appointment arranged. However sometimes they inform you that the referral has been refused and this may require an action. For this reason, somebody in the practice needs to review these. You can decide locally how best to do this. Once reviewed they can be marked read. There are also assign task or change HCP options. [cid:image005.png@01D92B32.627F9D70] You can also look at the status of a referral in Documents==>E-Referrals [Table Description automatically generated with low confidence] 1: Delivered – this confirms the referral was delivered to the hospital 2: Response received – This means the Hospital sent a response and it will be in referral messages until it is marked as read. 3: This is an example of one where no response was received, and you have marked it as hardcopy received in the referral messages awaiting section (see tip 44) It’s a confusing system, I hope that helps clarify it all a bit. Michael Socrates version at time of posting: Disclaimer: This e-mail and any attachments including voice attachments may contain confidential, personal, sensitive, proprietary or legally privileged information. Anyone who is not the intended recipient should not use or open the document. Any information or voice recording used within this document or e-mail should not be forwarded to any other legal person or organisation or posted on any social media platform as to do so would be in breach of privacy and data protection legislation. If you have erroneously received this email or document, please delete immediately and notify the sender. If you have received this e-mail or documentation where there is a precise reason to forward to a third party, all rules regarding privacy and data protection should be followed. You will be liable for a third party breach.The recipients acknowledge that Centric Health or associated companies are unable to exercise control to ensure or guarantee the integrity of/over the contents of the information contained in e-mail transmission and further acknowledge that any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and no binding nature of the message shall be implied or assumed unless the sender does so expressly with due authority of Centric Health.
Michael Joyce
Sun, Jul 9, 2023 10:20 AM

Hi Jose  ( I wrote this reply some time ago but for some reason, it did not send, its still a good topic to consider so I’ll send it now)

All excellent and very appropriate points.  This was addressed in this tip here

[​docx icon] ICT Tip 44 - Socrates -What are overdue referrals.docxhttps://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/CentricConnect/Centric%20Connect%20Library/Innovation/Socrates,%20Tips,%20Guides%20and%20Videos/Socrates%20Tips/ICT%20Tip%2044%20-%20Socrates%20-What%20are%20overdue%20referrals.docx?d=wb1ba269129dc4839a689e8ea6c1a9a29&csf=1&web=1&e=kgi94J

The frustrating bit is that we have no control over this, it’s a simple fact some institutions simple don’t send acknowledgements so we end up with these sitting in limbo.  I wonder what do others do?
You point about clicking “hardcopy received” is particular erudite, perhaps it would be better if it said something like “no acknowledgement received”.  Or perhaps Socrates should change the way it works, I notice Health one does not have this problem, acknowledges are received but no list of those that got no acknowledgement is kept as far as I know.  Perhaps that’s a potential solution.

Clanwilliam have an e-ail address cr@clanwilliamhealth.commailto:cr@clanwilliamhealth.com
The cr stands for Change request
Perhaps if we bombarded that address with requests to fix this issue it might get some traction,


From: Jose Ribas jo.lu.ri.al@hotmail.com
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2023 2:03 PM
To: Centric GP Forum gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com
Subject: Centric GP Forum Re: ICT Tip 93 – Socrates – Referral Messages in Results

Hi Michael,

I have > 80 overdue referrals for which I am not sure what to do
I've been checking the files, and some may be easy to get rid of, as I noticed they have been sorted (Xrays) but the problem comes when they're for consultants, and may linger in that box for God knows how long until you start to tidy up your desk

Got overdue referrals for Dermatology, Orthopaedics, etc > 10 months with no response received !!!
Ticking as hardcopy received is pretty much like acknowledging they have it and "the ball is on their pitch" so they may come back  whenever they feel like / notice / read them ...  or not comeback at all.      You tick them as hardcopy received  and loose track of them completely until the patient comes back and then you may go:  Oops ! is not my fault, I sent it off

Texting the patients to chase appointments might be an option but at the stage when an appointment is sleeping somewhere in oblivion land for months, not sure dismissing them might be the best option.  We are talking there is no other referral on their way and obviously we have no report from the consultant in that regard for which referral was initially made

So, I printed off the list for those overdue referrals and start checking one by one as above, and just like I said... what then ?  Do I re refer ? Do I tell the patient to chase them ?  Do I check with the patients if been sorted ?  awful amount of extra work unsure its profit

Thanks a mil

Jose Ribas

De: Jean Gallagher <jgallagher@ranelaghmedical.iemailto:jgallagher@ranelaghmedical.ie>
Enviado: miércoles, 18 de enero de 2023 13:10
Para: gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.commailto:gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com <gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.commailto:gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com>
Asunto: Centric GP Forum Re: ICT Tip 93 – Socrates – Referral Messages in Results

Thanks for highlighting this Michael. Its still very confusing I think despite your step by step instructions (and I don't have socrates open which doesn't help).
I'd like to add that its an area that has resulted in some clinical risk incidents eg a patients referral was rejected and nobody in the practice realised this so the patients care plan/path was not appropriately adjusted.
Is it something that PMs are aware of? I feel it needs to be centrally managed in the practice and as you say many of the response are irrelevant nonsense but nonetheless an onerous task on top of post/bloods/emails/phone calls/repeat scripts etc that docs already doing. Our PM is managing it now as we had some issues already with it not being monitored (as none of us knew of its existence/importance!).
Many thanks

From: Michael Joyce <mjoyce@centrichealthblessington.iemailto:mjoyce@centrichealthblessington.ie>
Sent: Wednesday 18 January 2023 11:55
To: gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.commailto:gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com <gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.commailto:gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com>
Subject: Centric GP Forum ICT Tip 93 – Socrates – Referral Messages in Results

We talked previously about “overdue referrals”, see tip 44 here [​docx icon]  ICT Tip 44 - Socrates -What are overdue referrals.docxhttps://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/CentricConnect/Centric%20Connect%20Library/Innovation/Socrates,%20Tips,%20Guides%20and%20Videos/Socrates%20Tips/ICT%20Tip%2044%20-%20Socrates%20-What%20are%20overdue%20referrals.docx?d=wb1ba269129dc4839a689e8ea6c1a9a29&csf=1&web=1&e=IBdGpC in Centric World.  You can get to this overdue referrals section through the notification’s menu.  It is also in the result viewer in the awaiting section.

[Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generated]

Today I want to describe referral responses.  This sits in the results viewer.  Unfortunately Socrates organises different thing into different sections and realistically all have to be checked.  Combined with this we get an awful lot of rubbish sent from the hospitals but in among them can be something important.

Here is a quick run through the different sections.

[Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated]

My Control Panel==>Results Viewer

1: Is generally electronic results in review

2: Investigations can also be in follow up or awaiting, following users creating these.

3: Co-Op messages generally arrive into this section

4: If your local maternity hospital is using Healthlink to send reports they appear here

5 & 6: These both refer to messages about appointments, I don’t know why there are two, most come into referral responses.  If a referral response is received it is saved in the patient notes ( not documents) but the status of the e-referral changes to response received, see below.

7: If Electronic is highlighted only electronic results are displayed.  Note if you open the results via the result viewer in my control panel this is turned off but if you open it from the notifications this is turned on by default.  This has the side effect that if you are using the blood order investigation for tracking bloods you might not see the blood order investigation.  I recommend you get into the habit of turning it off.

Referral Responses:  These generally say appointment arranged. However sometimes they inform you that the referral has been refused and this may require an action.  For this reason, somebody in the practice needs to review these.  You can decide locally how best to do this.  Once reviewed they can be marked read.    There are also assign task or change HCP options.


You can also look at the status of a referral in Documents==>E-Referrals

[Table  Description automatically generated with low confidence]

1: Delivered – this confirms the referral was delivered to the hospital

2: Response received – This means the Hospital sent a response and it will be in referral messages until it is marked as read.

3: This is an example of one where no response was received, and you have marked it as hardcopy received in the referral messages awaiting section (see tip 44)

It’s a confusing system, I hope that helps clarify it all a bit.


Socrates version at time of posting:
Disclaimer: This e-mail and any attachments including voice attachments may contain confidential, personal, sensitive, proprietary or legally privileged information. Anyone who is not the intended recipient should not use or open the document. Any information or voice recording used within this document or e-mail should not be forwarded to any other legal person or organisation or posted on any social media platform as to do so would be in breach of privacy and data protection legislation. If you have erroneously received this email or document, please delete immediately and notify the sender. If you have received this e-mail or documentation where there is a precise reason to forward to a third party, all rules regarding privacy and data protection should be followed. You will be liable for a third party breach.The recipients acknowledge that Centric Health or associated companies are unable to exercise control to ensure or guarantee the integrity of/over the contents of the information contained in e-mail transmission and further acknowledge that any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and no binding nature of the message shall be implied or assumed unless the sender does so expressly with due authority of Centric Health.
Disclaimer: This e-mail and any attachments including voice attachments may contain confidential, personal, sensitive, proprietary or legally privileged information. Anyone who is not the intended recipient should not use or open the document. Any information or voice recording used within this document or e-mail should not be forwarded to any other legal person or organisation or posted on any social media platform as to do so would be in breach of privacy and data protection legislation. If you have erroneously received this email or document, please delete immediately and notify the sender. If you have received this e-mail or documentation where there is a precise reason to forward to a third party, all rules regarding privacy and data protection should be followed. You will be liable for a third party breach.The recipients acknowledge that Centric Health or associated companies are unable to exercise control to ensure or guarantee the integrity of/over the contents of the information contained in e-mail transmission and further acknowledge that any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and no binding nature of the message shall be implied or assumed unless the sender does so expressly with due authority of Centric Health.

Hi Jose ( I wrote this reply some time ago but for some reason, it did not send, its still a good topic to consider so I’ll send it now) All excellent and very appropriate points. This was addressed in this tip here [​docx icon] ICT Tip 44 - Socrates -What are overdue referrals.docx<https://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/CentricConnect/Centric%20Connect%20Library/Innovation/Socrates,%20Tips,%20Guides%20and%20Videos/Socrates%20Tips/ICT%20Tip%2044%20-%20Socrates%20-What%20are%20overdue%20referrals.docx?d=wb1ba269129dc4839a689e8ea6c1a9a29&csf=1&web=1&e=kgi94J> The frustrating bit is that we have no control over this, it’s a simple fact some institutions simple don’t send acknowledgements so we end up with these sitting in limbo. I wonder what do others do? You point about clicking “hardcopy received” is particular erudite, perhaps it would be better if it said something like “no acknowledgement received”. Or perhaps Socrates should change the way it works, I notice Health one does not have this problem, acknowledges are received but no list of those that got no acknowledgement is kept as far as I know. Perhaps that’s a potential solution. Clanwilliam have an e-ail address cr@clanwilliamhealth.com<mailto:cr@clanwilliamhealth.com> The cr stands for Change request Perhaps if we bombarded that address with requests to fix this issue it might get some traction, Michael From: Jose Ribas <jo.lu.ri.al@hotmail.com> Sent: Monday, February 13, 2023 2:03 PM To: Centric GP Forum <gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com> Subject: Centric GP Forum Re: ICT Tip 93 – Socrates – Referral Messages in Results Hi Michael, I have > 80 overdue referrals for which I am not sure what to do I've been checking the files, and some may be easy to get rid of, as I noticed they have been sorted (Xrays) but the problem comes when they're for consultants, and may linger in that box for God knows how long until you start to tidy up your desk Got overdue referrals for Dermatology, Orthopaedics, etc > 10 months with no response received !!! Ticking as hardcopy received is pretty much like acknowledging they have it and "the ball is on their pitch" so they may come back whenever they feel like / notice / read them ... or not comeback at all. You tick them as hardcopy received and loose track of them completely until the patient comes back and then you may go: Oops ! is not my fault, I sent it off Texting the patients to chase appointments might be an option but at the stage when an appointment is sleeping somewhere in oblivion land for months, not sure dismissing them might be the best option. We are talking there is no other referral on their way and obviously we have no report from the consultant in that regard for which referral was initially made So, I printed off the list for those overdue referrals and start checking one by one as above, and just like I said... what then ? Do I re refer ? Do I tell the patient to chase them ? Do I check with the patients if been sorted ? awful amount of extra work unsure its profit Thanks a mil Jose Ribas ________________________________ De: Jean Gallagher <jgallagher@ranelaghmedical.ie<mailto:jgallagher@ranelaghmedical.ie>> Enviado: miércoles, 18 de enero de 2023 13:10 Para: gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com<mailto:gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com> <gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com<mailto:gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com>> Asunto: Centric GP Forum Re: ICT Tip 93 – Socrates – Referral Messages in Results Thanks for highlighting this Michael. Its still very confusing I think despite your step by step instructions (and I don't have socrates open which doesn't help). I'd like to add that its an area that has resulted in some clinical risk incidents eg a patients referral was rejected and nobody in the practice realised this so the patients care plan/path was not appropriately adjusted. Is it something that PMs are aware of? I feel it needs to be centrally managed in the practice and as you say many of the response are irrelevant nonsense but nonetheless an onerous task on top of post/bloods/emails/phone calls/repeat scripts etc that docs already doing. Our PM is managing it now as we had some issues already with it not being monitored (as none of us knew of its existence/importance!). Many thanks Jean ________________________________ From: Michael Joyce <mjoyce@centrichealthblessington.ie<mailto:mjoyce@centrichealthblessington.ie>> Sent: Wednesday 18 January 2023 11:55 To: gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com<mailto:gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com> <gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com<mailto:gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com>> Subject: Centric GP Forum ICT Tip 93 – Socrates – Referral Messages in Results We talked previously about “overdue referrals”, see tip 44 here [​docx icon] ICT Tip 44 - Socrates -What are overdue referrals.docx<https://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/CentricConnect/Centric%20Connect%20Library/Innovation/Socrates,%20Tips,%20Guides%20and%20Videos/Socrates%20Tips/ICT%20Tip%2044%20-%20Socrates%20-What%20are%20overdue%20referrals.docx?d=wb1ba269129dc4839a689e8ea6c1a9a29&csf=1&web=1&e=IBdGpC> in Centric World. You can get to this overdue referrals section through the notification’s menu. It is also in the result viewer in the awaiting section. [Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated] Today I want to describe referral responses. This sits in the results viewer. Unfortunately Socrates organises different thing into different sections and realistically all have to be checked. Combined with this we get an awful lot of rubbish sent from the hospitals but in among them can be something important. Here is a quick run through the different sections. [Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated] My Control Panel==>Results Viewer 1: Is generally electronic results in review 2: Investigations can also be in follow up or awaiting, following users creating these. 3: Co-Op messages generally arrive into this section 4: If your local maternity hospital is using Healthlink to send reports they appear here 5 & 6: These both refer to messages about appointments, I don’t know why there are two, most come into referral responses. If a referral response is received it is saved in the patient notes ( not documents) but the status of the e-referral changes to response received, see below. 7: If Electronic is highlighted only electronic results are displayed. Note if you open the results via the result viewer in my control panel this is turned off but if you open it from the notifications this is turned on by default. This has the side effect that if you are using the blood order investigation for tracking bloods you might not see the blood order investigation. I recommend you get into the habit of turning it off. Referral Responses: These generally say appointment arranged. However sometimes they inform you that the referral has been refused and this may require an action. For this reason, somebody in the practice needs to review these. You can decide locally how best to do this. Once reviewed they can be marked read. There are also assign task or change HCP options. [cid:image005.png@01D94073.E0CE6660] You can also look at the status of a referral in Documents==>E-Referrals [Table Description automatically generated with low confidence] 1: Delivered – this confirms the referral was delivered to the hospital 2: Response received – This means the Hospital sent a response and it will be in referral messages until it is marked as read. 3: This is an example of one where no response was received, and you have marked it as hardcopy received in the referral messages awaiting section (see tip 44) It’s a confusing system, I hope that helps clarify it all a bit. Michael Socrates version at time of posting: Disclaimer: This e-mail and any attachments including voice attachments may contain confidential, personal, sensitive, proprietary or legally privileged information. Anyone who is not the intended recipient should not use or open the document. Any information or voice recording used within this document or e-mail should not be forwarded to any other legal person or organisation or posted on any social media platform as to do so would be in breach of privacy and data protection legislation. If you have erroneously received this email or document, please delete immediately and notify the sender. If you have received this e-mail or documentation where there is a precise reason to forward to a third party, all rules regarding privacy and data protection should be followed. You will be liable for a third party breach.The recipients acknowledge that Centric Health or associated companies are unable to exercise control to ensure or guarantee the integrity of/over the contents of the information contained in e-mail transmission and further acknowledge that any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and no binding nature of the message shall be implied or assumed unless the sender does so expressly with due authority of Centric Health. Disclaimer: This e-mail and any attachments including voice attachments may contain confidential, personal, sensitive, proprietary or legally privileged information. Anyone who is not the intended recipient should not use or open the document. Any information or voice recording used within this document or e-mail should not be forwarded to any other legal person or organisation or posted on any social media platform as to do so would be in breach of privacy and data protection legislation. If you have erroneously received this email or document, please delete immediately and notify the sender. If you have received this e-mail or documentation where there is a precise reason to forward to a third party, all rules regarding privacy and data protection should be followed. You will be liable for a third party breach.The recipients acknowledge that Centric Health or associated companies are unable to exercise control to ensure or guarantee the integrity of/over the contents of the information contained in e-mail transmission and further acknowledge that any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and no binding nature of the message shall be implied or assumed unless the sender does so expressly with due authority of Centric Health.
James Essey
Thu, Aug 3, 2023 9:57 AM

The overdue referrals that are in “red” are the ones that can be addressed by clicking “hard copy received”.

What I do, correctly or not, is open the patient file and send a text message to the patient:
“Please contact xxx hospital, xx department, to confirm that they have received your referral letter”.

We just have too much work to be following up on every referral and message, and to a certain extent, the patients also need to take responsibility for their health needs. The text message at least leaves a audit trail that something was actually done.

Thoughts on this approach?

From: Michael Joyce mjoyce@centrichealthblessington.ie
Sent: Sunday, July 9, 2023 11:21 AM
To: Centric GP Forum gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com
Subject: Centric GP Forum Re: ICT Tip 93 – Socrates – Referral Messages in Results

Hi Jose  ( I wrote this reply some time ago but for some reason, it did not send, its still a good topic to consider so I’ll send it now)

All excellent and very appropriate points.  This was addressed in this tip here

[​docx icon] ICT Tip 44 - Socrates -What are overdue referrals.docxhttps://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/CentricConnect/Centric%20Connect%20Library/Innovation/Socrates,%20Tips,%20Guides%20and%20Videos/Socrates%20Tips/ICT%20Tip%2044%20-%20Socrates%20-What%20are%20overdue%20referrals.docx?d=wb1ba269129dc4839a689e8ea6c1a9a29&csf=1&web=1&e=kgi94J

The frustrating bit is that we have no control over this, it’s a simple fact some institutions simple don’t send acknowledgements so we end up with these sitting in limbo.  I wonder what do others do?
You point about clicking “hardcopy received” is particular erudite, perhaps it would be better if it said something like “no acknowledgement received”.  Or perhaps Socrates should change the way it works, I notice Health one does not have this problem, acknowledges are received but no list of those that got no acknowledgement is kept as far as I know.  Perhaps that’s a potential solution.

Clanwilliam have an e-ail address cr@clanwilliamhealth.commailto:cr@clanwilliamhealth.com
The cr stands for Change request
Perhaps if we bombarded that address with requests to fix this issue it might get some traction,


From: Jose Ribas <jo.lu.ri.al@hotmail.commailto:jo.lu.ri.al@hotmail.com>
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2023 2:03 PM
To: Centric GP Forum <gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.commailto:gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com>
Subject: Centric GP Forum Re: ICT Tip 93 – Socrates – Referral Messages in Results

Hi Michael,

I have > 80 overdue referrals for which I am not sure what to do
I've been checking the files, and some may be easy to get rid of, as I noticed they have been sorted (Xrays) but the problem comes when they're for consultants, and may linger in that box for God knows how long until you start to tidy up your desk

Got overdue referrals for Dermatology, Orthopaedics, etc > 10 months with no response received !!!
Ticking as hardcopy received is pretty much like acknowledging they have it and "the ball is on their pitch" so they may come back  whenever they feel like / notice / read them ...  or not comeback at all.      You tick them as hardcopy received  and loose track of them completely until the patient comes back and then you may go:  Oops ! is not my fault, I sent it off

Texting the patients to chase appointments might be an option but at the stage when an appointment is sleeping somewhere in oblivion land for months, not sure dismissing them might be the best option.  We are talking there is no other referral on their way and obviously we have no report from the consultant in that regard for which referral was initially made

So, I printed off the list for those overdue referrals and start checking one by one as above, and just like I said... what then ?  Do I re refer ? Do I tell the patient to chase them ?  Do I check with the patients if been sorted ?  awful amount of extra work unsure its profit

Thanks a mil

Jose Ribas

De: Jean Gallagher <jgallagher@ranelaghmedical.iemailto:jgallagher@ranelaghmedical.ie>
Enviado: miércoles, 18 de enero de 2023 13:10
Para: gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.commailto:gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com <gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.commailto:gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com>
Asunto: Centric GP Forum Re: ICT Tip 93 – Socrates – Referral Messages in Results

Thanks for highlighting this Michael. Its still very confusing I think despite your step by step instructions (and I don't have socrates open which doesn't help).
I'd like to add that its an area that has resulted in some clinical risk incidents eg a patients referral was rejected and nobody in the practice realised this so the patients care plan/path was not appropriately adjusted.
Is it something that PMs are aware of? I feel it needs to be centrally managed in the practice and as you say many of the response are irrelevant nonsense but nonetheless an onerous task on top of post/bloods/emails/phone calls/repeat scripts etc that docs already doing. Our PM is managing it now as we had some issues already with it not being monitored (as none of us knew of its existence/importance!).
Many thanks

From: Michael Joyce <mjoyce@centrichealthblessington.iemailto:mjoyce@centrichealthblessington.ie>
Sent: Wednesday 18 January 2023 11:55
To: gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.commailto:gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com <gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.commailto:gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com>
Subject: Centric GP Forum ICT Tip 93 – Socrates – Referral Messages in Results

We talked previously about “overdue referrals”, see tip 44 here [​docx icon]  ICT Tip 44 - Socrates -What are overdue referrals.docxhttps://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/CentricConnect/Centric%20Connect%20Library/Innovation/Socrates,%20Tips,%20Guides%20and%20Videos/Socrates%20Tips/ICT%20Tip%2044%20-%20Socrates%20-What%20are%20overdue%20referrals.docx?d=wb1ba269129dc4839a689e8ea6c1a9a29&csf=1&web=1&e=IBdGpC in Centric World.  You can get to this overdue referrals section through the notification’s menu.  It is also in the result viewer in the awaiting section.

[Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generated]

Today I want to describe referral responses.  This sits in the results viewer.  Unfortunately Socrates organises different thing into different sections and realistically all have to be checked.  Combined with this we get an awful lot of rubbish sent from the hospitals but in among them can be something important.

Here is a quick run through the different sections.

[Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated]

My Control Panel==>Results Viewer

1: Is generally electronic results in review

2: Investigations can also be in follow up or awaiting, following users creating these.

3: Co-Op messages generally arrive into this section

4: If your local maternity hospital is using Healthlink to send reports they appear here

5 & 6: These both refer to messages about appointments, I don’t know why there are two, most come into referral responses.  If a referral response is received it is saved in the patient notes ( not documents) but the status of the e-referral changes to response received, see below.

7: If Electronic is highlighted only electronic results are displayed.  Note if you open the results via the result viewer in my control panel this is turned off but if you open it from the notifications this is turned on by default.  This has the side effect that if you are using the blood order investigation for tracking bloods you might not see the blood order investigation.  I recommend you get into the habit of turning it off.

Referral Responses:  These generally say appointment arranged. However sometimes they inform you that the referral has been refused and this may require an action.  For this reason, somebody in the practice needs to review these.  You can decide locally how best to do this.  Once reviewed they can be marked read.    There are also assign task or change HCP options.


You can also look at the status of a referral in Documents==>E-Referrals

[Table  Description automatically generated with low confidence]

1: Delivered – this confirms the referral was delivered to the hospital

2: Response received – This means the Hospital sent a response and it will be in referral messages until it is marked as read.

3: This is an example of one where no response was received, and you have marked it as hardcopy received in the referral messages awaiting section (see tip 44)

It’s a confusing system, I hope that helps clarify it all a bit.


Socrates version at time of posting:
Disclaimer: This e-mail and any attachments including voice attachments may contain confidential, personal, sensitive, proprietary or legally privileged information. Anyone who is not the intended recipient should not use or open the document. Any information or voice recording used within this document or e-mail should not be forwarded to any other legal person or organisation or posted on any social media platform as to do so would be in breach of privacy and data protection legislation. If you have erroneously received this email or document, please delete immediately and notify the sender. If you have received this e-mail or documentation where there is a precise reason to forward to a third party, all rules regarding privacy and data protection should be followed. You will be liable for a third party breach.The recipients acknowledge that Centric Health or associated companies are unable to exercise control to ensure or guarantee the integrity of/over the contents of the information contained in e-mail transmission and further acknowledge that any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and no binding nature of the message shall be implied or assumed unless the sender does so expressly with due authority of Centric Health.
Disclaimer: This e-mail and any attachments including voice attachments may contain confidential, personal, sensitive, proprietary or legally privileged information. Anyone who is not the intended recipient should not use or open the document. Any information or voice recording used within this document or e-mail should not be forwarded to any other legal person or organisation or posted on any social media platform as to do so would be in breach of privacy and data protection legislation. If you have erroneously received this email or document, please delete immediately and notify the sender. If you have received this e-mail or documentation where there is a precise reason to forward to a third party, all rules regarding privacy and data protection should be followed. You will be liable for a third party breach.The recipients acknowledge that Centric Health or associated companies are unable to exercise control to ensure or guarantee the integrity of/over the contents of the information contained in e-mail transmission and further acknowledge that any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and no binding nature of the message shall be implied or assumed unless the sender does so expressly with due authority of Centric Health.
Disclaimer: This e-mail and any attachments including voice attachments may contain confidential, personal, sensitive, proprietary or legally privileged information. Anyone who is not the intended recipient should not use or open the document. Any information or voice recording used within this document or e-mail should not be forwarded to any other legal person or organisation or posted on any social media platform as to do so would be in breach of privacy and data protection legislation. If you have erroneously received this email or document, please delete immediately and notify the sender. If you have received this e-mail or documentation where there is a precise reason to forward to a third party, all rules regarding privacy and data protection should be followed. You will be liable for a third party breach.The recipients acknowledge that Centric Health or associated companies are unable to exercise control to ensure or guarantee the integrity of/over the contents of the information contained in e-mail transmission and further acknowledge that any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and no binding nature of the message shall be implied or assumed unless the sender does so expressly with due authority of Centric Health.

The overdue referrals that are in “red” are the ones that can be addressed by clicking “hard copy received”. What I do, correctly or not, is open the patient file and send a text message to the patient: “Please contact xxx hospital, xx department, to confirm that they have received your referral letter”. We just have too much work to be following up on every referral and message, and to a certain extent, the patients also need to take responsibility for their health needs. The text message at least leaves a audit trail that something was actually done. Thoughts on this approach? From: Michael Joyce <mjoyce@centrichealthblessington.ie> Sent: Sunday, July 9, 2023 11:21 AM To: Centric GP Forum <gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com> Subject: Centric GP Forum Re: ICT Tip 93 – Socrates – Referral Messages in Results Hi Jose ( I wrote this reply some time ago but for some reason, it did not send, its still a good topic to consider so I’ll send it now) All excellent and very appropriate points. This was addressed in this tip here [​docx icon] ICT Tip 44 - Socrates -What are overdue referrals.docx<https://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/CentricConnect/Centric%20Connect%20Library/Innovation/Socrates,%20Tips,%20Guides%20and%20Videos/Socrates%20Tips/ICT%20Tip%2044%20-%20Socrates%20-What%20are%20overdue%20referrals.docx?d=wb1ba269129dc4839a689e8ea6c1a9a29&csf=1&web=1&e=kgi94J> The frustrating bit is that we have no control over this, it’s a simple fact some institutions simple don’t send acknowledgements so we end up with these sitting in limbo. I wonder what do others do? You point about clicking “hardcopy received” is particular erudite, perhaps it would be better if it said something like “no acknowledgement received”. Or perhaps Socrates should change the way it works, I notice Health one does not have this problem, acknowledges are received but no list of those that got no acknowledgement is kept as far as I know. Perhaps that’s a potential solution. Clanwilliam have an e-ail address cr@clanwilliamhealth.com<mailto:cr@clanwilliamhealth.com> The cr stands for Change request Perhaps if we bombarded that address with requests to fix this issue it might get some traction, Michael From: Jose Ribas <jo.lu.ri.al@hotmail.com<mailto:jo.lu.ri.al@hotmail.com>> Sent: Monday, February 13, 2023 2:03 PM To: Centric GP Forum <gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com<mailto:gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com>> Subject: Centric GP Forum Re: ICT Tip 93 – Socrates – Referral Messages in Results Hi Michael, I have > 80 overdue referrals for which I am not sure what to do I've been checking the files, and some may be easy to get rid of, as I noticed they have been sorted (Xrays) but the problem comes when they're for consultants, and may linger in that box for God knows how long until you start to tidy up your desk Got overdue referrals for Dermatology, Orthopaedics, etc > 10 months with no response received !!! Ticking as hardcopy received is pretty much like acknowledging they have it and "the ball is on their pitch" so they may come back whenever they feel like / notice / read them ... or not comeback at all. You tick them as hardcopy received and loose track of them completely until the patient comes back and then you may go: Oops ! is not my fault, I sent it off Texting the patients to chase appointments might be an option but at the stage when an appointment is sleeping somewhere in oblivion land for months, not sure dismissing them might be the best option. We are talking there is no other referral on their way and obviously we have no report from the consultant in that regard for which referral was initially made So, I printed off the list for those overdue referrals and start checking one by one as above, and just like I said... what then ? Do I re refer ? Do I tell the patient to chase them ? Do I check with the patients if been sorted ? awful amount of extra work unsure its profit Thanks a mil Jose Ribas ________________________________ De: Jean Gallagher <jgallagher@ranelaghmedical.ie<mailto:jgallagher@ranelaghmedical.ie>> Enviado: miércoles, 18 de enero de 2023 13:10 Para: gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com<mailto:gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com> <gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com<mailto:gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com>> Asunto: Centric GP Forum Re: ICT Tip 93 – Socrates – Referral Messages in Results Thanks for highlighting this Michael. Its still very confusing I think despite your step by step instructions (and I don't have socrates open which doesn't help). I'd like to add that its an area that has resulted in some clinical risk incidents eg a patients referral was rejected and nobody in the practice realised this so the patients care plan/path was not appropriately adjusted. Is it something that PMs are aware of? I feel it needs to be centrally managed in the practice and as you say many of the response are irrelevant nonsense but nonetheless an onerous task on top of post/bloods/emails/phone calls/repeat scripts etc that docs already doing. Our PM is managing it now as we had some issues already with it not being monitored (as none of us knew of its existence/importance!). Many thanks Jean ________________________________ From: Michael Joyce <mjoyce@centrichealthblessington.ie<mailto:mjoyce@centrichealthblessington.ie>> Sent: Wednesday 18 January 2023 11:55 To: gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com<mailto:gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com> <gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com<mailto:gpdiscussion@centricgpforum.com>> Subject: Centric GP Forum ICT Tip 93 – Socrates – Referral Messages in Results We talked previously about “overdue referrals”, see tip 44 here [​docx icon] ICT Tip 44 - Socrates -What are overdue referrals.docx<https://centrichealthire.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/CentricConnect/Centric%20Connect%20Library/Innovation/Socrates,%20Tips,%20Guides%20and%20Videos/Socrates%20Tips/ICT%20Tip%2044%20-%20Socrates%20-What%20are%20overdue%20referrals.docx?d=wb1ba269129dc4839a689e8ea6c1a9a29&csf=1&web=1&e=IBdGpC> in Centric World. You can get to this overdue referrals section through the notification’s menu. It is also in the result viewer in the awaiting section. [Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated] Today I want to describe referral responses. This sits in the results viewer. Unfortunately Socrates organises different thing into different sections and realistically all have to be checked. Combined with this we get an awful lot of rubbish sent from the hospitals but in among them can be something important. Here is a quick run through the different sections. [Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated] My Control Panel==>Results Viewer 1: Is generally electronic results in review 2: Investigations can also be in follow up or awaiting, following users creating these. 3: Co-Op messages generally arrive into this section 4: If your local maternity hospital is using Healthlink to send reports they appear here 5 & 6: These both refer to messages about appointments, I don’t know why there are two, most come into referral responses. If a referral response is received it is saved in the patient notes ( not documents) but the status of the e-referral changes to response received, see below. 7: If Electronic is highlighted only electronic results are displayed. Note if you open the results via the result viewer in my control panel this is turned off but if you open it from the notifications this is turned on by default. This has the side effect that if you are using the blood order investigation for tracking bloods you might not see the blood order investigation. I recommend you get into the habit of turning it off. Referral Responses: These generally say appointment arranged. However sometimes they inform you that the referral has been refused and this may require an action. For this reason, somebody in the practice needs to review these. You can decide locally how best to do this. Once reviewed they can be marked read. There are also assign task or change HCP options. [cid:image004.png@01D9C5F9.42EC6EE0] You can also look at the status of a referral in Documents==>E-Referrals [Table Description automatically generated with low confidence] 1: Delivered – this confirms the referral was delivered to the hospital 2: Response received – This means the Hospital sent a response and it will be in referral messages until it is marked as read. 3: This is an example of one where no response was received, and you have marked it as hardcopy received in the referral messages awaiting section (see tip 44) It’s a confusing system, I hope that helps clarify it all a bit. Michael Socrates version at time of posting: Disclaimer: This e-mail and any attachments including voice attachments may contain confidential, personal, sensitive, proprietary or legally privileged information. Anyone who is not the intended recipient should not use or open the document. Any information or voice recording used within this document or e-mail should not be forwarded to any other legal person or organisation or posted on any social media platform as to do so would be in breach of privacy and data protection legislation. If you have erroneously received this email or document, please delete immediately and notify the sender. If you have received this e-mail or documentation where there is a precise reason to forward to a third party, all rules regarding privacy and data protection should be followed. You will be liable for a third party breach.The recipients acknowledge that Centric Health or associated companies are unable to exercise control to ensure or guarantee the integrity of/over the contents of the information contained in e-mail transmission and further acknowledge that any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and no binding nature of the message shall be implied or assumed unless the sender does so expressly with due authority of Centric Health. Disclaimer: This e-mail and any attachments including voice attachments may contain confidential, personal, sensitive, proprietary or legally privileged information. Anyone who is not the intended recipient should not use or open the document. Any information or voice recording used within this document or e-mail should not be forwarded to any other legal person or organisation or posted on any social media platform as to do so would be in breach of privacy and data protection legislation. If you have erroneously received this email or document, please delete immediately and notify the sender. If you have received this e-mail or documentation where there is a precise reason to forward to a third party, all rules regarding privacy and data protection should be followed. You will be liable for a third party breach.The recipients acknowledge that Centric Health or associated companies are unable to exercise control to ensure or guarantee the integrity of/over the contents of the information contained in e-mail transmission and further acknowledge that any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and no binding nature of the message shall be implied or assumed unless the sender does so expressly with due authority of Centric Health. Disclaimer: This e-mail and any attachments including voice attachments may contain confidential, personal, sensitive, proprietary or legally privileged information. Anyone who is not the intended recipient should not use or open the document. Any information or voice recording used within this document or e-mail should not be forwarded to any other legal person or organisation or posted on any social media platform as to do so would be in breach of privacy and data protection legislation. If you have erroneously received this email or document, please delete immediately and notify the sender. If you have received this e-mail or documentation where there is a precise reason to forward to a third party, all rules regarding privacy and data protection should be followed. You will be liable for a third party breach.The recipients acknowledge that Centric Health or associated companies are unable to exercise control to ensure or guarantee the integrity of/over the contents of the information contained in e-mail transmission and further acknowledge that any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and no binding nature of the message shall be implied or assumed unless the sender does so expressly with due authority of Centric Health.