Cohort 4/7 vaccination

Jean Gallagher
Thu, Apr 8, 2021 10:32 AM

Hi All,
Just a quick update from the IMO webinar this week on the cohort 4/7 vaccination. Hopefully most if not all of you have signed up for it. It should be a lot easier than what we have been doing to date (especially the very high risk in cohort 4).
Following are some salient points-

  1. Pfizer and Moderna programme is being closed out in GP. So, there is a decision to made about what we do with leftover vaccines at our VERY LAST pfizer/moderna clinic (the second dose for our 70-74 age group)- further guidance is due to issue on this as we wouldn't be guaranteed a second dose for any extra doses we gave at that clinic.
  2. However, at our Last First Dose clinic for our 70-74 age group any extra vaccine doses can be used for our Cohort 4a patients, preferably trying to do those between the ages of 65-69 first and we will be guaranteed second doses for them.
  3. When identifying patients in cohort 4a/ 7 best efforts are to be used and it's recognised that not all patients will be easy to identify and there are no medicolegal issues in this regard.
  4. AZ vaccine comes in packs of 10 vials so 100 doses per pack (minimum order 1 pack). Can be stored up to expiry date on vial in vaccine fridge. Once vial opened must be used within 6 hours. Does not require dilution. Does require 15 minute observation period afterwards. 12 week interval between 2 doses.
  5. 1st delivery for cohort 4a will be in one of the weeks April 12th/18th/26th/May 3rd and not the same week as your pfizer/moderna delivery. Cohort 7 deliveries will commence week of May 10th.
  6. One idea to identify cohort 7 patients was to look at those aged under 70 who received a flu vaccine last year as this should identify many of them. Michael sent an email on how to do this search yesterday.

More covid vaccines have been administered in general practice than any other setting since the onset of this programme- a brilliant achievement.
This cohort 4a/7 is estimated to be about 450,000 in total. To put this into context, GP is estimated to have delivered close to 1 million flu vaccines last season so we can do this!

Kind regards,

Please note my workday may not match your workday please do not feel obliged to respond to this email outside of your working hours

Hi All, Just a quick update from the IMO webinar this week on the cohort 4/7 vaccination. Hopefully most if not all of you have signed up for it. It should be a lot easier than what we have been doing to date (especially the very high risk in cohort 4). Following are some salient points- 1. Pfizer and Moderna programme is being closed out in GP. So, there is a decision to made about what we do with leftover vaccines at our VERY LAST pfizer/moderna clinic (the second dose for our 70-74 age group)- further guidance is due to issue on this as we wouldn't be guaranteed a second dose for any extra doses we gave at that clinic. 2. However, at our Last First Dose clinic for our 70-74 age group any extra vaccine doses can be used for our Cohort 4a patients, preferably trying to do those between the ages of 65-69 first and we will be guaranteed second doses for them. 3. When identifying patients in cohort 4a/ 7 best efforts are to be used and it's recognised that not all patients will be easy to identify and there are no medicolegal issues in this regard. 4. AZ vaccine comes in packs of 10 vials so 100 doses per pack (minimum order 1 pack). Can be stored up to expiry date on vial in vaccine fridge. Once vial opened must be used within 6 hours. Does not require dilution. Does require 15 minute observation period afterwards. 12 week interval between 2 doses. 5. 1st delivery for cohort 4a will be in one of the weeks April 12th/18th/26th/May 3rd and not the same week as your pfizer/moderna delivery. Cohort 7 deliveries will commence week of May 10th. 6. One idea to identify cohort 7 patients was to look at those aged under 70 who received a flu vaccine last year as this should identify many of them. Michael sent an email on how to do this search yesterday. More covid vaccines have been administered in general practice than any other setting since the onset of this programme- a brilliant achievement. This cohort 4a/7 is estimated to be about 450,000 in total. To put this into context, GP is estimated to have delivered close to 1 million flu vaccines last season so we can do this! Kind regards, Jean Please note my workday may not match your workday please do not feel obliged to respond to this email outside of your working hours