Annual Audit

Michael Joyce
Fri, Nov 17, 2023 9:37 AM

Dear All

We, in the Clinical Leadership Team (CLT), have long hoped that we could make a meaningful contribution to Primary Care and particularly GP research.  We have an immense amount of under-utilized data that could be harnessed to answer all sorts of interesting questions.
We have also wondered could we help our colleagues with the annual burden of doing a practice audit.  It is clear from the regulations around the audit that the GP must be heavily involved and do the work of the Audit.  Having said that there may be ways we could help and in such a way that we could achieve both goals.

As a tentative start this year we have two audits to suggest to you, see attached for the full descriptions.

1: Code Familial Hypercholesteremia (FH) patients.
2: Suspected Cancer Referral Audit in General Practice in conjunction with the RCSI

Timings wise, I'm actually off on 2 weeks leave from tomorrow but to do this we do need to run the first leg before Christmas which is why I'm posting today.  Particularly in the case of the Cancer Referral Audit we will have to assist you with the data extraction.  Please reply to me directly at letting me know if you are interested.  (DON'T USE REPLY, that will go to everybody).

We will contact you in early December to arrange the data extract for you.
Do please also let me know if you plan to run the FH coding audit.


PS: Apologies if you got this message twice.  I sent it to our independent GP Discussion Forum group and to the internal Centric GPs group.  If you only got one copy of this message it probable means that either
1: You are not in the Forum group.  If you would like to be, let me know by email directly to me that you would like to join.
2: You are in the forum group and don't use your centric e-mail address.  I recommend that you should use your centric e-mail address.

Click here for Socrates in Centric World

Dear All We, in the Clinical Leadership Team (CLT), have long hoped that we could make a meaningful contribution to Primary Care and particularly GP research. We have an immense amount of under-utilized data that could be harnessed to answer all sorts of interesting questions. We have also wondered could we help our colleagues with the annual burden of doing a practice audit. It is clear from the regulations around the audit that the GP must be heavily involved and do the work of the Audit. Having said that there may be ways we could help and in such a way that we could achieve both goals. As a tentative start this year we have two audits to suggest to you, see attached for the full descriptions. 1: Code Familial Hypercholesteremia (FH) patients. 2: Suspected Cancer Referral Audit in General Practice in conjunction with the RCSI Timings wise, I'm actually off on 2 weeks leave from tomorrow but to do this we do need to run the first leg before Christmas which is why I'm posting today. Particularly in the case of the Cancer Referral Audit we will have to assist you with the data extraction. Please reply to me directly at<> letting me know if you are interested. (DON'T USE REPLY, that will go to everybody). We will contact you in early December to arrange the data extract for you. Do please also let me know if you plan to run the FH coding audit. Michael PS: Apologies if you got this message twice. I sent it to our independent GP Discussion Forum group and to the internal Centric GPs group. If you only got one copy of this message it probable means that either 1: You are not in the Forum group. If you would like to be, let me know by email directly to me that you would like to join. Or 2: You are in the forum group and don't use your centric e-mail address. I recommend that you should use your centric e-mail address. Click here for Socrates in Centric World<>
Michael Joyce
Mon, Dec 11, 2023 8:20 AM

You might remember this e-mail from last month, see below.  For those of you that had expressed an interest we will be in touch with you before Christmas.  I wanted to give everybody a last opportunity to express an interest before we proceed to next steps.

If you are interested please e-mail me DIRECTLY at DO NOT USE REPLY

Thank you


From: Michael Joyce
Sent: Friday, November 17, 2023 9:38 AM
Subject: Annual Audit

Dear All

We, in the Clinical Leadership Team (CLT), have long hoped that we could make a meaningful contribution to Primary Care and particularly GP research.  We have an immense amount of under-utilized data that could be harnessed to answer all sorts of interesting questions.
We have also wondered could we help our colleagues with the annual burden of doing a practice audit.  It is clear from the regulations around the audit that the GP must be heavily involved and do the work of the Audit.  Having said that there may be ways we could help and in such a way that we could achieve both goals.

As a tentative start this year we have two audits to suggest to you, see attached for the full descriptions.

1: Code Familial Hypercholesteremia (FH) patients.
2: Suspected Cancer Referral Audit in General Practice in conjunction with the RCSI

Timings wise, I'm actually off on 2 weeks leave from tomorrow but to do this we do need to run the first leg before Christmas which is why I'm posting today.  Particularly in the case of the Cancer Referral Audit we will have to assist you with the data extraction.  Please reply to me directly at letting me know if you are interested.  (DON'T USE REPLY, that will go to everybody).

We will contact you in early December to arrange the data extract for you.
Do please also let me know if you plan to run the FH coding audit.


PS: Apologies if you got this message twice.  I sent it to our independent GP Discussion Forum group and to the internal Centric GPs group.  If you only got one copy of this message it probable means that either
1: You are not in the Forum group.  If you would like to be, let me know by email directly to me that you would like to join.
2: You are in the forum group and don't use your centric e-mail address.  I recommend that you should use your centric e-mail address.

Click here for Socrates in Centric World

You might remember this e-mail from last month, see below. For those of you that had expressed an interest we will be in touch with you before Christmas. I wanted to give everybody a last opportunity to express an interest before we proceed to next steps. If you are interested please e-mail me DIRECTLY at<> DO NOT USE REPLY Thank you Michael From: Michael Joyce Sent: Friday, November 17, 2023 9:38 AM To: Subject: Annual Audit Dear All We, in the Clinical Leadership Team (CLT), have long hoped that we could make a meaningful contribution to Primary Care and particularly GP research. We have an immense amount of under-utilized data that could be harnessed to answer all sorts of interesting questions. We have also wondered could we help our colleagues with the annual burden of doing a practice audit. It is clear from the regulations around the audit that the GP must be heavily involved and do the work of the Audit. Having said that there may be ways we could help and in such a way that we could achieve both goals. As a tentative start this year we have two audits to suggest to you, see attached for the full descriptions. 1: Code Familial Hypercholesteremia (FH) patients. 2: Suspected Cancer Referral Audit in General Practice in conjunction with the RCSI Timings wise, I'm actually off on 2 weeks leave from tomorrow but to do this we do need to run the first leg before Christmas which is why I'm posting today. Particularly in the case of the Cancer Referral Audit we will have to assist you with the data extraction. Please reply to me directly at<> letting me know if you are interested. (DON'T USE REPLY, that will go to everybody). We will contact you in early December to arrange the data extract for you. Do please also let me know if you plan to run the FH coding audit. Michael PS: Apologies if you got this message twice. I sent it to our independent GP Discussion Forum group and to the internal Centric GPs group. If you only got one copy of this message it probable means that either 1: You are not in the Forum group. If you would like to be, let me know by email directly to me that you would like to join. Or 2: You are in the forum group and don't use your centric e-mail address. I recommend that you should use your centric e-mail address. Click here for Socrates in Centric World<>